Open Planning The Next Moves

Altair Din

Grand Marshal

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Jan 3, 2022
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Altair Din returned from Korda Six only hours prior, having devastated the planet. Every last military facility was erased and the planet was left in tatters. If there was any chance of recovery, it would take decades before they could come back. There was no chance of any kind of retaliation from the planet or any further attacks from the Kordans. It was the first of several offensive blows Altair hoped to deal.

The tiefling was back on Raxus, calling for a meeting with any moderate to high ranking Imperials and ISB. He knew the gist of the Hutt and Empire wars, but he was not entirely privy to all the details of the treaty struck with Nor’baal the Hutt.

The tiefling waited in a circular meeting room at the head of the table. He was adorned in more formal military attire instead of armor, his helmet off his head for now to reveal the four, pronounced and perfectly polished horns. His vibrant, amethyst gaze would pan across the room as he waited for the others to arrive. It had been years since he stepped into this room as part of the Imperial council and it felt strange sitting here now.

Once they started filing in, he would offer them a polite nod before he spoke, “Thank y'all for coming,” He began, uncaring that he still carried his farmer accent. He used to adopt a clipped and polished accent for the Empire, but he wouldn't change for anyone anymore, “I’d like to get up to speed on this here treaty that y'all fixed with the Hutts and the context behind it. Furthermore, I'd 'ppreciate the ISB tellin' me exactly the level of Hutt activity we got goin' on in Imperial borders and what kinds of shenanigans they been runnin' where.”

@Volene @Javier esschoolbus @Darasuum @Alhon @Wit

Kalique Baize


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Mar 21, 2023
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Standing at Altair's right was the Lord Commander of the Imperial Knights, her arms folded in front of her body and her gaze calmly resting on those across from them. She was adorned in her Lord Commander armor, a lightsaber clipped to her belt at each side.

Kalique hadn't been part of the ones that had met with the Hutt envoys and cut the deal, but she had been the one suffering the consequences and doing her best to control the damage ever since. She had been fuming back then, and she was everything but amused still, but it didn't surprise her the ones that were to blame for this chaos weren't even present today. Having convened with Guin multiple times, several measures had been taken, but the Hutts and their goons on Imperial planets were still a thorn in her side.

As the Lord Commander, she was still in the position to serve and follow and even without the absence of an Emperor, she did the exact same thing. During Altair's absence, there had been plenty of voices that had tried urging her to step her, but Imperial Knights were not meant to be in such a position of power and she'd never want to lead like this anyway - she had served her whole life and she had followed Altair ever since she had started working with him, so even if he had been gone, nothing had changed amongst those loyalties.

The Tiefling knew what the Empire needed and she believed in him still, so here she was, still right by his side, ready to lead the Knights in this necessary next phase. Her gaze quickly drifted to Guin, a faint smile tugging at her lips. They had what was needed and with someone taking the military reigns again, they were ready.

@Sreeya @Xorism


Merian Sere

Lord Commander

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May 8, 2023
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Not so long ago, even the dream that Merian would once take part in meetings like this had been unthinkable. Trust broken like glass, ripped from her post and upended, only for being Sith. And the man responsible was none other than the one she stood before now. Because like glass, trust could be glued back together. Only the cracks would never disappear.

She almost smiled. He likely wouldn’t remember her from Dubrillion.

The new Knight-Captain felt uniquely positioned to answer the initial questions. A cursory glance told her few if any of those present had seen the brunt of the fighting. She raised a hand halfway, met Kalique’s eyes, then took a step forward.

“Grand Marshal,” she bowed. Was it even the proper appellation anymore? “The Cantonica Concordat was ratified following a series of incursions by Hutt lackeys on Imperial worlds. The Cartel declared war when word spread of the Emperor’s... absence. Almost immediately, Kordan mercenaries stormed Murkhana and nearly a thousand Gamorrean warriors were sent to the Intergalactic Banking Clan’s headquarters on Mygeeto. All were dispatched. And the Kordans...”

Her eyes like burned dark red. “I think today was the long-awaited resolution of that chapter.”

“We took losses, too,” Merian continued. “The Sith raided Ossus and raised an insurrection against the Imperial garrison there. Knight Venau and myself confirmed several artifacts stolen after the fact. Hard to confirm whether the Sith were in league with the Hutts or merely took advantage of the chaos, but the result is the same,” she said. “The treaty was signed under those conditions. Unfavorable, by any account. A ceasefire in exchange for giving Hutt agents and contractors unfettered access to all Imperial planets and territories, protection from usual security checkpoints, and immunity from prosecution. Any Hutt agent caught breaking Imperial law ought to be surrendered to the local Hutt lord for judgement. It’s been hard on the troops’ morale, Sir. A direct affront to Imperial sovereignty.”

Unless there were questions, Merian stepped back, leaving room for the ISB to report on Hutt activity within the borders.
@Sreeya @LadyRen

Annileen Fel

Imperial Knight

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Jan 6, 2024
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There was a time when the uniform she was dressed in would have made her more uncomfortable than anything in the world, yet today all it gave her was a sense of comfort, of belonging. And that would have been the least of her worries, the man seated before them, and his actions Korda Six would have worried her even more.

But she wasn't that child anymore, sometimes you had to get your hands dirty, and she rather if be her doing that than someone else. If you wanted something done, you had to do it yourself. She had trusted others once, the Jedi, the Republic, the Rangers, they had all failed to save what had mattered most to her. Left her with nothing. So life had brought her to a simple decision. Do what needed to be done, and make sure no one else had to endure what had happened to her.

"They're opportunists," she said as the Knight-Captain finished, "and cowards. They saw weakness and tried to take advantage, which we let them. Korda Six will make them question that assumption, but reassurance is always welcome. If you so command the Knights are ready to strike against the Hutts and support any maneuver to repel them from the Empire."

The Jedi frowned upon emotion, anger, hate, revenge, ambition. But she wasn't a Jedi, and there were things she wanted to accomplish that she could not where she was at present. She was not going to miss an opportunity to stand out from the sea of Knights running around the Empire, she wanted more. She briefly eyed Kalique, seated besides the Grand Marshall. She wanted that.

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Guinevere Delevigne

ISB Director

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Apr 3, 2023
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Entering the hall impeccably dressed in her work whites, Guinevere glanced over each attendee with a differing auctoritas as she arrived. The Grand Marshal and Lord Commander were both people she was acquainted with, but the others less so from whom had come already. With a pair of attendees at her beck and call, the Overseer took her place with a small data pad before her.

As luck would have it the Director himself was unavailable to attend the meeting. Having been an instrumental piece on the board that saw the Tiefling off in the first place, the latter's return was a poor omen for his own life. Having likewise been the main instigator in removing the Emperor in the first place, his hold on the Empire had been tenuous at best, although fortunately, the Moff council seemed to catch most of the blame for the Empire's failings in the conflict.

"Grand Marshal, Lord Commander." She started, nodding respectfully to both. "And all else who could join us today." It was a difficult path to trek but Guin had been on this one for some time and had picked up a thing or two.

"The Lord Commander and I located and destroyed a cartel operation during the war, which in of itself did not have an impact per se, but the information gleaned proved fruitful." Utilizing the informant and capture of the subsequent operation, Guin was able to establish key players around Raxus for the cartel before the war.

Additionally, while her colleague tracked down stolen tech the Overseer was hard at work implementing a system that would take the best part of the treaty for their enemy, and turn it around upon them. In their grandiose designs, the cartel members openly flaunted their allegiance to avoid Imperial scrutiny, but in effect, all they did was mark themselves and their compatriots as members.

Guin's system quietly allowed ISB officers across the Empire to track and submit data on persons, goods, and vessels transitioning the Empire and provide extremely valuable data on both the cartel's movements and assets. Once the Empire was ready to reassert its sovereignty, all Guin would need to do was activate the lockdown protocol, and everything that had been flagged down would be systematically hunted down and destroyed.

"We are aware of operations existing on all major Imperial worlds, they're not exactly hiding as it were." She paused to glance over to the Grand Marshal. "Any avenue where a credit changes hand and you will find a member of the cartel attempting to squeeze themselves in between, often to the detriment of the Empire."

"Crime rates have risen, both petty and capital offenses. Under the terms of the treaty, cartel members are to be punished by their authorities rather than Imperial which rather ties our hands officially." That wasn't to say they couldn't achieve success unofficially, although such actions could have consequences if they came to light.

The only real positive news Guin had to bring to the table was that the armed forces had proven capable when they deployed. Although therein lay the problem it seemed.

"Loyalties in the armed forces appeared to remain high, although our initial investigations suggest that the change in leadership caused a significant hesitation for additional deployments. Absent someone above directing forces, the fleets and armies remained on station for the most part."

It was an absolute joke that the Empire was brought to sign a treaty such as it did with all the magnificent firepower at its disposal. But in all things, it was the failure of certain individuals who were unable to lead the Empire they stole and the mismanagement set them back a decade. Naturally, the ISB held a list of individuals whose loyalties were either in question or their competencies.

A list that seemed to grow by the day, as the Overseer kept watch on the off chance another was required to be added.


Calvin Viett


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Jan 1, 2024
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Calvin remained standing, leaving the seating for more senior officers. He clasped his hands behind his back, braced in his sleek white interface suit as he listened to the points being made. The peace treaty was entirely unsatisfactory, but it was a past event. They must work within its parameters until they had the strength to break them without unnecessary risk.

"I suggest we use the present circumstances to our advantage" he volunteered "as Overseer Delevigne has done by finding an opportunity in the Cartel brazenness". Calvin could already see the massive tactical advantage now secured through open identification of Cartel members.

"We could address other potential weaknesses while the galaxy considers us of less concern. Korda Six demonstrated the value of naval power. We could move to expand our fleet, so any enemy must first contend to enter our space before setting foot on our soil".

Calvin made himself say could, rather than must. It was not for him to dictate their course of action. He nearly did though, noticing it seemed a little harder everyday to respect others' sensibilities.
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Altair Din

Grand Marshal

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Jan 3, 2022
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Days where Altair recognized everyone were long gone. However, he didn’t feel like an outsider here and perhaps he never would. He was familiar with this room, he was familiar with being surrounded by ISB, IAF, diplomats and all manners of officers and military personnel. The tiefling’s gaze first turned to regard Kalique (@LadyRen ), a warm and welcoming presence he had known for a long time now. She had been unwavering through all the highs and lows of the Empire. He admired her for sticking to her duties when even he chose retirement and, from the looks of it, so had her husband. Guin (@Xorism )was another familiar face as was the Imperial Knight (@Volene )that addressed the room. Altair gave them all a smile to acknowledge them specifically.

After everyone had said their piece, there was a look of distaste clear on his face. Unlike perhaps most, he wouldn’t punish the diplomats that cut the deal. With the Hutt fleet looming above, it may have been a deal struck out of compulsion.

The tiefling considered the variables before he addressed them, “I trust we know the identities of the Hutt Lords,” He said sternly, “I want teams deployed to surround and capture these lords,” Altair said, “And I wanna stage a public execution for them,” He said, “We won’t need to do much beyond that to send a message loud ‘n clear that their underlings ain’t gonna get away with conducting their operations no more,” Altair was not concerned with rooting out every single Hutt criminal. Chop off the heads of the top bosses and the rest would get the message.

He turned to Merian, something about her report concerning him in particular, “Do we have evidence of a Hutt and Sith alliance? Or was this a standalone?” If there was a formal Sith and Hutt alliance, that could pose a problem.

Cipher Eight


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Apr 8, 2023
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Eight had been invited to attend the security briefing, coordinated almost immediate after the return of the Grand Marshal. For months, Cipher Agents had operated behind the scenes of the Empire, waiting for an opportunity to strike back against the Hutts entrenched within their territory. For the first time in months, they actually decisive leadership capable of organizing the effort.

“None to date, sir.” Eight stepped forward - both hands knitted against the small of his back. The Cipher Agent was dressed in his finest uniform, crisp as the day it had been tailored. The face that he wore, however, wasn’t his own. The epidermal mask that the agent wore gave him the appearance of a Chiss Officer, accompanied with a voice modulator to match. While the badge on his chest would indicate his work in ISB, no one within the room save for Altair were at liberty to know the true identity of the Cipher.

“It is the opinion of ISB that the Hutt Cartel has not - to date - achieved an alliance with the Sith exiles.”

He kept his gaze on Altair. “Organizing the arrest of Cartel Bosses will begin at once. That said,” Eight continued. “Respectfully, I would recommend additional, destabilization strikes within Hutt territory itself.” The Agent turned his attention to others within the room for the first time. “Direct naval engagement with the Cartel isn’t - as it wasn’t months ago - within our best interest. If the Cartel seeks retaliation, it will be unnecessarily costly to repel them again.”

“It is within the Empire’s best interest to ensure they don’t have an opportunity to retaliate. Coordinated hit-and-run strikes against naval yards, fueling depots and spice lanes.”
The Agent turned his attention back to Altair. “Wealth will be confiscated from arrested Crime Lords. Use these funds to pay mercenaries, or lend support to rival cartels suppressed by the Hutts. Crimson Dawn and Zaa Fenn both present potential allies.”

“Nor’baal capitalized upon our weakness, but he cannot overextend himself to fight a war in opposite sides of the Galaxy. If we destabilize the Cartel at home, they will have no choice but to withdraw assets from Imperial territory.”
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Calvin Viett


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Jan 1, 2024
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Calvin found it surprisingly difficult to hold his tongue. Both the Grand Marshal and the ISB Agent were suggesting open attacks on the Cartel. The Lieutenant profoundly disagreed.

Not so long ago, he would have found it hard to even entertain the thought of dissension from his superiors. But his increasing ability to comprehend numerous variables, to process a greater amount of data, gave him enhanced confidence in his own judgement.

Was this treaty not forced on us precisely because we faced the prospect of military defeat?“ he asked, confused at their apparent belief a second confrontation would turn out differently. “Is it not illogical to provoke the Cartel that presented such a threat, when the Empire is no more prepared than before?”. Calvin knew he was stretching the bounds of his role here, but his outspokenness was driven as much by a desire to understand as by self confidence.

The Lieutenant titled his head, acknowledging his seniors. “Experienced leadership will undoubtedly improve our odds, but what is the imperative in striking at the Cartel when the treaty places no constraint on our ability to expand and rearm first? Our true enemies will surely take advantage of renewed hostilities as they did before?”. He referred of course to the Sith, and the pernicious Jedi. Unlike the Cartel, who cleaved only to profit, both of them were truly committed to the destruction the Empire.

@Sreeya @Altaris

Cipher Eight


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Apr 8, 2023
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“No,” Eight continued, eyes drifting to settle upon Calvin. “The treaty does not place legal constraints upon the Empire. But the Hutt Cartel will nevertheless work tirelessly to stymy our efforts to recuperate strength - either directly or through the many, criminal intermediaries that now operate with impunity within our territory.” The Agent never raised his voice or broke his composure, every word spoken smooth and articulate.

“They will never allow us to rearm more than we already are, to the point of challenging the treaty directly. And the Empire will never prosper with a parasite siphoning our resources.”

“There are two courses of action, Lieutenant. Complacency as an unofficial tributary of the Hutt Cartel,”
He said, “Or a coordinated effort to liberate ourselves, conscious of the risks.”

Altair Din

Grand Marshal

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Jan 3, 2022
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Altair calmly listened to the answers presented, weighing each one. When the naval lieutenant (@Alhon ) spoke up, the tiefling had an almost amused look on his face. He waited till the ISB agent presented a rebuttal before speaking, “It is curious..that I’ve been away on a farm for years and still understand that there is, in fact, tremendous unrest and instability within our borders. I still understand that the Hutt bribes offered to our officers have been taking more and more of our people each day. I still understand that it’s laughable you believe the galaxy considers us to be of less concern when even recent reports suggest that everyone is taking advantage of that very fact.”

He sat up straight as he stared directly at the Lieutenant, “Next time I suggest you educate yourself with the facts before taking the first opportunity to swing your cock around in a room with your betters,” Altair said before he turned to regard the others.

“I am convinced their fleet is disorganized and more or less a bluff,” Altair stated flatly, “Hutt Lords being within our borders that we execute mean less that can support Nor’baal’s war machine. Now, to consider the politics of my proposed move - I recommend giving the Hutt Lords we capture an offer to turn on Nor’baal or join in the public execution,” Altair said. He said calmly.

“Rushing out to Hutt space is something I don’t care about just yet,” He said, likely much to the surprise of others, “ISB can be planted there to destabilize the clans. In the meantime, we make it as obnoxiously difficult to even get to us as possible. Blockades, choking tradepoints, swarming refueling stations, hyperspace markers.”

He looked at them all, “Any offensive move we make against the Hutts will be meaningless if they can bleed us from the inside,” Altair said firmly, “We need to win back our people. We need to give our officers incentives to stay. We need to make it abundantly clear we stand as one and then we strike.”

Kalique Baize


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Mar 21, 2023
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Kalique's gaze shifted onto the ones that spoke, considering their words throughly. With Guin, she was up to date, but it seemed that Merian had indeed gained some important insights as well. Generally, the Knight-Captain was momentarily gaining herself a reputation and the Lord Commander gave her a curt, appreciative nod as the brunette stepped back. (@Volene)

She didn't know much about the Knight that spoke up, but she seemed at least determined enough. Determination was indeed the right word as what Kalique saw exactly that on a daily base and after the Hutts generous offers, she had even taken a closer look at each and every one of them.

To be an Imperial Knight meant extreme commitment to the Imperial course, purposely acting against certain natural impulses the use of the dark side entailed and that was all based on loyalty. Their branch hadn't been hit as hard, but there had been defections she had throughly investigated and pursued with the help of the ISB, but she agreed with Altair. They had to switch to the proactive side as this whole treaty threatened their stability and peace on a daily base still.

When the Lieutenant (@Alhon) spoke up again, she quirked a brow at his assessment of the situation, immediately raising her voice right after Altair. "I agree with the destabilization of their clans as propsed. We can wear them down slowly and on the down low, but going for direct strikes right now would be unwise". ISB was specialized in exactly that, and they had the resources to comment e operations.

"Lieutenant Viett, the Hutts do neither outmatch our fleet, nor our military resources. They sent guerilla troops and mercenaries to our worlds for a reason. Korda Six was a reminder for each and every one of them. No amounts of credits the Hutts may offer will be worth that", perhaps a little reminder was necessary for him, too.

While the Hutt Lords were a force to be reckoned with on individual, less defended planets, they wouldn't stand against the Empire, not even now. Why a Lieutenant wasn't aware of the remaining strength of the Imperial resources, she couldn't quite grasp though, but sensing such doubts was somewhat alarming.

"We have to decrease their influence here though, quickly, just like the Grand Marshall proposed. Make It unattractive for their scum to stay here, control black market goods, ensure they're not infiltrating what's vital, and we have to ensure they're not capitalizing on the outskirts of our sphere of influence. With your permission, Grand Marshall, I'd increase Knight presence on our systems in general". Targets they had chosen had been rather far off for a reason. They were seeking for a way to get closer to Raxus, but this wouldn't happen.

The times when Knights had been critically eyed from the public were also long past and with them supporting the troops or even the peacekeepers, many sparks could possibly be contained and they had trained for exactly that for years by now.

@Alhon @Xorism @Sreeya @Volene @Altaris @Wit

Guinevere Delevigne

ISB Director

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Apr 3, 2023
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The quick and snappy discussion amused Guin as she sat silently taking it all in. Dealing with the cartel and its influence was a sickening task on a good day, but as the Grand Marshal added, scores of Imperial citizens had fallen prey to its claws. The Empire had signed the accords at a most vulnerable moment before any of the actual fighting had been completed. Once the smoke cleared, it was apparent that the Empire had won most of the battles, with only a token fleet loss in the end.

With proper leadership and direction, the Imperial war machine could outmatch anything the Hutts could throw at it with leagues to spare. When an opportunity to speak arose, Guin took it.

"We don't believe the Cartel possess any warship comparable to our star destroyers, let alone superior." A few destroyers would probably run circles around them while an Onager set to work.

But there would be a time and place for that, in the meantime they had some work to do. "Might I suggest also scooping up any collaborators we have identified additionally? They, alongside any cartel members taken that are not worth dealing with, can be awarded a lengthy harsh labour sentence to repair any damages caused." A strong reminder that the Empire did not forget traitors.

Plus, the Overseer loved her lists.

"Further, it may be more profitable to make a showing of those who have betrayed their leader, whether they did or not. Releasing a handful back into Hutt Space with their heads marked would certainly stir internal unrest." Like rats, these members would be forced to use their resources to fight against the Mogul, rather than for him and further tie down their ability to project influence.

"I can also ensure that the ISB will have the assets available to complete economic strikes as required, in fact, I have several in mind."

@Alhon @Sreeya @Volene @Altaris @Wit @LadyRen

Calvin Viett


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Jan 1, 2024
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None of Calvin's implants stopped his cheeks burning red. Being called out by the ISB, the Grand Marshal and the Lord Commander in unison hit him like a hammer blow. His newfound confidence was stripped away until he was back to a simple squaddie in the parade square, the drill instructor screaming in his face.

He gritted his teeth so hard he thought they would shatter, having nothing quick to say as embarrassment turned to anger. For the briefest moment, he wished he could inform the Tiefling that he had no cock to swing, but he had retained that particular part of himself. Fortunate, back then, but almost a shame today. If he had a cocky streak left, it would have loved to tell the Grand Marshal to educate himself.

But he had to be rational. If his course of action was considered complacency, then fine. Very recent events showed no real pattern, but fine. His seniors direct criticism was enough to make him doubt. Directing all their efforts at the aftereffects of the Hutts' flash in the pan incursion still seemed a roll of the dice, but perhaps Calvin was too cautious. The General would have struck back. He knew that for sure.

"I was in error, Sirs" he said finally, swallowing and staying rooted to the spot. He exchanged a glance with Knight-Captain Sere, who he recalled had been prominent in the previous conflict. But her thoughts on the matter changed little. Calvin desired to fight their enemies, not the Imperial hierarchy. It did not need to be said that he would ultimately follow whatever orders came down.

@Altaris @Sreeya @LadyRen @Xorism @Volene

Merian Sere

Lord Commander

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May 8, 2023
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Merian acknowledged the Grand Marshal’s personalized greeting. Still stubbornly doubting he remembered her from one campaign she’d mostly spent behind enemy lines, but she returned a smile all the same. An ISB representative answered the question she’d been asked, which was probably for the best. She didn’t wholly agree, but she wouldn’t push her luck.

Still looking for a window to weigh in, she waited for the awkward exchange sparked by Lieutenant Viett’s intervention to blow over before she stepped up. She caught the cyborg’s eye as she did, seeking hers. He hadn’t deserved the beatdown, Merian thought. She agreed with his points, mostly, though she couldn’t admit to it now. His only mistake was the naïve belief the war had ever truly ended.

“The lieutenant has a point, and that is timing,” the knight-captain spoke up. “Alliance or no, if the Sith timed their strike when we were distracted elsewhere, there is no reason to think they won’t do it again, should we face the Hutts and turn our backs to them. Not to mention the Jedi. The Bastion resistance is surging with activity. We dealt them a solid blow, and since then at least two prisoners independently confirmed rumors of an impending invasion backed by Jedi.”

Merian paused, letting her words set in. That would be news to most of them. But she only looked to Altair. Bastion was another planet he’d conquered personally, with none of the other big talkers around the table present.

A common pattern here, it seemed.

“Make no mistake, none of these individually worry me,” she resumed. “Up to and including the Cartel. But should we spread too thin against all three at once...”

She didn’t need to say it. The results could be catastrophic.

“Any action that could revive hostilities deserves heightened scrutiny. But I must side with the majority. We have no choice. We would be fools to think the Hutts aren’t having the exact same discussions behind closed doors, planning the best way to strike at our military capability before bringing in their fleet to finish what they started. Have we already forgotten Imperial Czerka? Are we so blind as to believe the terms of the Concordat weren’t carefully chosen to prepare the groundwork for more of the same?”

“Truth is, I don’t believe this peace was ever one at all.”

@Sreeya @Altaris @Alhon

Altair Din

Grand Marshal

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Jan 3, 2022
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Altair regarded Knight Sere (@Volene ) when she spoke, letting her finish before he responded, “I trust our efforts to ramp up intelligence monitoring will hopefully curb any blind spots,” He reassured her, his tone calmer than when he addressed the lieutenant, “We have resources out in Hutt space that have been there for years. Just based on the politics of how Hutts operate, no invasion will be needed to destabilize them. The focus needs to be on building suspicion and paranoia between members of the Hutt council,” As a former spice addict himself, he knew how they operated, “I believe Nor’baal intended to establish his primary powerbase within Imperial borders and it was a gamble on his part that no one within the Empire would catch onto the logistical bluff.”

That gamble paid off thus far, but it was time to stop the bleeding. Altair glanced over at Overseer Guin, “How did the Czerka explosion happen?” He asked, genuinely curious, “Even on the backfoot, Hutts shouldn’t have been able to pull that off so easily..” However, he was getting distracted. He turned to regard the room again.

“Expect mission directives from me within the coming days,” Altair said, “IAF and Knights will be responsible for detaining and capturing the Hutt Lords operating within our borders. They will all have the chance to turn on Nor’baal and sabotage the Hutts for immunity. Otherwise they face execution,” Altair turned to regard Guin (@Xorism ), “I ask that you draft up ISB operations within Hutt territory to cause political unrest and sabotage among the Hutt clans and council.”

It was a two pronged approach and the ISB angle could still deal a devastating blow without deploying massive amounts of resources for an invasion in Hutt space. Timing was everything, so they would have to coordinate and execute before Nor’baal could retaliate.

“Dismissed,” He said curtly, releasing everyone from the room so he could get to work drafting up the missions.
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