Open Social Serenno Snowfall

Malou D'Amaris

Sith Order

Character Profile
Jun 23, 2021
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Darth Andruil? That's one of the women on the council. Malou would immediately give her another bow, deeper this time. She felt that familiar fluttery feeling in her stomach, a sense of nervousness she experienced in the presence of the other lords she had met. It disappeared quickly, as Malou did not wish to display such emotions in front of someone so powerful. The topic of conversation soon changed when the woman asked Artorgias how the two had come to meet. Malou did not answer. She wasn't sure if the question was directed for her or her master, but she was curious as to how he would describe it.

Malou was happy to hear praise in the description from her master. She had been learning under him for only a short period of time thus far. Was it sad to admit a man who was a stranger to her a month or so ago had given her more praise than anyone in her family? Yeah, yeah it is. A tiny, proud smile would curl the corners of her lips ever so slightly. "A pleasure," she would respond of Andruil, still feeling good about the compliments she'd received.

And then she was alone again. At least the music is good now. She would bob her head along to it and continue to sip from her glass. She kept an "eye" out on the armor beside her while she watched everyone dance, conveniently avoiding the more sexual pairing of Raze and Jaikus while she did so. Malou would be interrupted by Bir soon enough, inquiring about his itchy friend.

"I have not," she would respond. "I- " A trap? Oh my- Malou put a hand to her mouth to hide a stifled laugh. Okay, maybe Bir was a bit much, but at the very least he was funny. Was he being serious? "Just... don't touch it, please. And if you see a guilty looking servant, please wave him over." She was still mad at that guy. Did he not recognize her as one of the residents of this place?

@Phoenix @Tulos @Braden Drake

Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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Raze didn’t miss the red against Jaikus’ skin highlighted when the strobes pulsed their way. The Sith Lord remained silent while he spoke, the smirk returning to the Marauder’s face as the yellows glinted with life. Raze felt a finger trace along his chest, the man having no qualms with touching the half Sephi despite the danger the taller man posed.

The Sith Lord kept Jaikus pinned for a few more agonizing moments before sliding his hands along his legs to peel them off his hips. The Marauder was lowered back to the ground, barely finding his footing before he was once again spun around, now facing the wall. His arms were pinned above his head by the taller Sith Lord.

The helmet leaned in and pressed against the nape of the man’s neck, brushing against skin and sending jolts down his spine. His hands traced along Jaikus’ arms, coming down along his back as his thumbs traced the lace and continued down. His hands then moved to find the lithe man’s hips.

“Perhaps our paths will cross again,” The deep baritone spoke against the man’s neck, the metal vibrating and humming against skin as he spoke.

As the music around them continued, the Sith Lord moved to his words by grinding his hips powerfully in a wave against the man from behind. It was the exact counter mirror to what Jaikus had done to him on the dance floor when he rose from the squat.

Without another word, Raze stepped back from the man, spun on his heel and strode off in the opposite direction.

He walked with purposeful steps, slowing down only briefly as he took in sight of Stolas and his changed state of attire. Raze was privately thankful for the very low lighting and low visibility as his skin tight bodysuit was not doing him any favors right now. The Sith Lord tempered his mind and continued towards a balcony.

Raze could sense the woman from earlier was there, but she kept to herself. The Sith Lord walked around a large statue that would obstruct him from view but let her know he was there. The half Sephi took off his helmet, drawing in the frigid air and feeling the crisp chill against his sweat stained hair and skin. He exhaled a fog of breath before drawing out a cigarra to place between his lips. The Sith Lord leaned against the railing, igniting the cigarra with the Force and inhaling deeply. A free hand idly rubbed against the new scratches along his neck as silver eyes stared out into the distance.


Darth Caelestis

Sith Order
Imperial Council

Character Profile
Braden Drake
May 6, 2021
Reaction score
This was far from the women he had met before, gone was the serious nature, the bloodthirst instead replaced with a coy, teasing wit. It was refreshing to see that the serious Sith Order he had initially walked in had this side to them. "You are from hideous Mi' Queen, perhaps I just need the confidence to dance with some one as skilled as yourself." He said as she spun in his arms.

As her fingers ran along the base of his skull a shiver of excitement, joy ran down his spine. If the alcohol had doused any of his senses that singular movement woke his entire body up to the feeling of the Darth up against him. "If you wish to keep it from me, then I guess I must keep calling you Mi' Queen. Or is that what you intend?" He replied with a cheeky smile as he looked down at the women before him. His hands ran slowly up her body from her hips to her waist his fingers gliding along the curves of her body.


Mr Ekko


Character Profile
Jul 25, 2021
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Jackson had gotten to the point where he had programmed the transitions, the songs, everything. So he would turn to his trusty companion: Rupert. "Alright, Rupert. You ready for the big time? You gotta do literally, nothing. Just stand up here, do a little bop to the beat, and people will love it."

"Indeed sir. I am ready to help you young lords and ladies move to the groove." The elderly serviceman would say.

"Rupert, I mean it. You don't touch nothing." Jackson, trying to use as intimidating a tone as he could muster. It wouldn't be. He had no desire to hurt or kill the old man so it was a hard part to sell.

"I would not dream of letting you down, sir." Rupert would say with a noble nod.

"Okay, DJ Ruppie. Real.. recognizes real. Now don't kark it." With that, Jackson would drain his replacement whiskey and set the glass on the tray of a passing servant. He would hurdle some drunk acolyte retching on the outskirts of the dance floor, before cutting back in and weaving through. Oh no, a servant! Didn't matter. Jackson would pull a little spin juke around the servant, whilst nabbing two flutes of wine from the tray, and carrying on.



Passing a final servant, both flutes were transferred to one hand and he nabbed a glass of whiskey from the their tray and continued onto where Malou was still perched. He had a few beads of sweat, mainly from the lights and his little maneuvering to get to her but nothing that couldn't be dealt with. Offering a flute to both Malou and Bir, with a grin, he would snag one of the swans not covering a saber and use the napkin to wipe the sweat from his brow. "How's it going you two? Rupert's crushing it up there right now, isn't he?" he'd say with a laugh. Realizing he didn't know the Kel Dor, he would extend a hand to him. "Jackson, by the way."

@Tulos @lizziie

Deva Gendrel

Sith Order

Character Profile
Killa Ree
Mar 14, 2021
Reaction score
The first hit was always the sweetest.

She could still feel the woman's warmth against her gloves, almost close enough to be skin, still smell that mild perfume against the front of her shirt, and she seethed. The spice-laced cigarra dangled from her fingertips for a moment, unlit, as she stared out into the snowy darkness. The cold bit into the rail-thin Sith, but she didn't notice. Gloves were peeled off and laid on the balustrade, the jacket still on her shoulders but not slipped into.

Once again, that Presence touched the base of her spine, and she placed the cigarra to her lips, lit it with a flick of the Force, and took a deep drag in. Normally, the drug would mingle and sift through her mind, easing the tension that crawled on her limbs, the tightness and pain that still thrummed along her spine. She didn't talk when he came in, but she could smell his cologne, hear when the helmet was shed and placed down.

She knew she ought to offer a hit to him. Yet she didn't want to be sociable now, or alluring, or whatever the hell the rest of the galaxy scrambled to be. She knew most would have taken a peek; a chance to look at the face of Darth Raze. But she didn't see the appeal of it.

The man had been hounded enough, even by herself. She knew she couldn't escape being alone, but she still couldn't help feeling the cool fury that built up, tempered, and blown away with each inhale of spice and cigarra. She would go in, eventually. But right now, she just wanted to look at the landscape and fume in silence.


Jaikus Thorne

First Gentleman

Character Profile
Jun 16, 2021
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Jaikus let a low chuckle escape from his lips as the Sith Lord spun him around and pinned his arms high, a shiver running down his spine as Raze grinded his hips powerfully against the Marauder – a maneuver that prompted Jaikus to arch his lower back significantly more, not-so-subtly pressing into the half-Sephi. “Such promises..” He whispered with a purr, his voice reverberating against the metallic surface. “I look forward to it.” And then the Sith Lord drew away without another word, leaving the Axxilan instinctively pressing himself against the wall for a few more precious moments.

Raze almost certainly hadn’t seen it unless he glanced back, but Jaikus did well to pry himself from the stones and spin on his heels, bending low at the waist and sweeping one arm out in front of him in a bow, eyes cast upwards to watch the Sith Lord with a smirk. Challenging the Half-Sephi in their intimate moment had been one thing, but the Axxilan knew better than to become flippant by default. Besides, watching the man stride away in that bodysuit was almost as salacious as what came before.

Alone once again, Jaikus straightened his back - running a hand through his disheveled dark locks to set them back into place. Running a hand down the surface of his torso, he gave the hem of his corset-like vest a firm yank, smoothing down the fabric which had begun to ride up before making his way off the dancefloor. Passing by Stolas and Lady Kersin, Jaikus gave the Firrerreo a dip of his head, eyes lingering for a moment longer than usual – long enough for the Sith Lord to notice. The fact that his antics with Raze had frustrated Stolas either went over his head or were boldly ignored, the playful look on the Marauder’s face indicating that he only considered the offer that had been maybe previously.

When Jaikus finally reached the bar, his citrine eyes settled upon a positively bountiful selection of wine, whiskey, champagne and other hard liquors that he couldn’t identify by appearance. Given his penchant for drink and no lack in variety, it was almost as surprising to Jaikus as it was everyone else when the Marauder reached for a glass of water. How drool.

Jaikus had been uncharacteristically candid when he warned about making a fool of himself with any additional alcohol in his system, the Marauder already having downed two glasses of wine while keeping company with Deva. Any more, and he truly risked doing something that might actually leave him damaged.

Speak of the devil.

Dangerously, Jaikus’ eyes moved across the room to eventually settle upon Tiamat, regarding the redheaded woman from a distance. The little voice in his head – the one he so frequently ignored - warned of pushing any limits with the clearly grumpy woman. Given how she had treated her fellow Sith Lord, Jaikus had no doubts about what she might be willing to do to the lowly Marauder who irritated her any more than she already was. Jaikus valued a bit of thrill in his life, but he frankly valued keeping his head attached to his shoulders more.

Rather than poking the proverbial bear, Jaikus instead simply tipped his glass in her direction, nodding his head to her respectfully. How she would react to the admittedly polite gesture was unknown to him.

@Sreeya @Mr. Teatime @GABA


Nightsister Queen

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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She smiled as he let his hands slide along her hips, excitement tugging at her as she moved. There was something about it that was intoxicating in its own unique way. An alluring power all its own.

She spun around toward him and put her arms around his neck as she moved.

Maybe I just like the way it slides off your tongue, she said, letting a single finger run along his cheek and down to his jaw and chin before lifting free.

She released him and stepped back, continuing to dance in front of him for a moment before spotting the commotion with Raze and the unknown man. Pinned to the wall and being choked. Oh yes, she knew about that...

She didn't let it draw her attention for long before stepping back in toward Artorigas again until the song came to and end. She smiled widely and reached out, letting her hand come up to rest momentarily against Artorigas's cheek and then run down his neck before finding his chest and falling away.

Thank you for the dance, she said. I believe it's now time for another drink, she said, heading in the direction of the servants. She made no attempt to escape him if he chose to head that direction with her, though should he remain behind she would not have faulted him.

@Braden Drake

Darth Tiamat

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order
Sith Lord

Character Profile
Nov 15, 2020
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There was certainly no crowding at the bar once Tiamat reached it, those who saw her coming promptly removed themselves from her path. A cold chill and a lingering smell of her perfume outlined her path from the dance floor to the edge of the counter; there were those certainly hungry for what she had and when she turned to face the dance floor after detailing her desire to just have the bottle of wine, they turned their heads and carried on with their evening of networking and other pleasures. She turned back around to scoop up her wine glass and took a sip when she felt someone watching her.

It was too focused compared to the heaviness of stares she had earned herself several times earlier and she slowly turned her head in the direction of Jaikus (@Altaris). Any sort of anchoring she had quickly fluttered away as he tipped his glass and gave a sensible nod. The redheaded Sith was in no mood for pleasantries, and although she said nothing, her blue eyes gave him a warning look to keep his distance.

The Sith tilted back her glass to finish off the first serving of wine, a Syrah, it was certainly delightful, peppery, yet sweet. The bar tender offered her another glass, but they seemed to read the look on her face and just placed the open bottle on the counter. She grabbed it and started her way back to the balcony where she was earlier with Malou and Xeno.


Bir Vuul

Mad Man

Character Profile
Mar 6, 2021
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Bir simply smiled broadly behind his mask towards the young Acolyte as she suppressed a chuckle at his comment, though it was only half a joke. The Zabrak had already proven himself to be a victim of his own poor judgement and Bir wasn’t convinced that would be the last they saw of him. As Malou continued on to plead that Bir not lay a finger on the suit of armour that lay before them both, the Kel Dor moved to have his hand hover over top of the chest plate. He was careful to not lay a finger on it but instead basked in the twisted energies that spilled outwards. This particular suit as well as the sabers that lay tucked within spoke of tragedy and darkness through the Force, causing Bir’s heart to flutter as he allowed it all to dominate him before pulling his hand back and facing the young Malou fully once again.

”Oh, oh, oh, how correct you are, my dear! Touching such things is openly inviting death, indeed it is! Perhaps we should let dear Xeno play with this, hmm?” Bir responded as he leaned forward slightly, chuckling behind his mask. ”A servant, you say?” Bir added, quickly scanning the room before turning back to the Acolyte. ”Dear Arty has a great many servants, I’m afraid! Yes! Yes! A great many, indeed!” Pausing for a moment to continue to scour the crowd, Bir would once again lean forward towards Malou at a range that would sit directly between safe and uncomfortable. ”Why would he be guilty? Is there a need to dispense punishment, dear Malou?!” Bir was excited at the thought. He needed an outlet for his frustrations and a few friendly jokes on an unsuspecting servant of his dearest friend sounded utterly delightful.

As Jackson arrived with the gift of a flute of champagne, Bir looked at the glass with adoration. It had been ages since his last beverage but as he searched for the special straw he required to enjoy the contents, he soon realised he had misplaced it since arriving. His heart sinking as he accepted he was not going to be able to enjoy the champagne, the Kel Dor simply set the flute aside before taking Jackson’s offered hand.

”It is most dreadful, I’m afraid! Most dreadful!” Bir responded to the new arrival on his adoration of the music being played. Bir’s preference was the classics with a full orchestra, something few of his age could agree with. Only another thing that set him apart from his peers, it seemed. ”I am known as Bir Vuul, my friend!”


Malou D'Amaris

Sith Order

Character Profile
Jun 23, 2021
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"I do not think that-" Malou paused to study the acolyte. His unfamiliar face made his expressions hard to read, but the tone of his voice was unmistakable. It wasn't malice, nor was it anger. He spoke of dark things but the intonation of his voice was of delight. It was in that moment that Malou remembered that the Sith were not just an organization that could teach her how to use the Force. They did not only contain the ambitions of those like her master, but the many cruel thoughts and desires of creatures like Bir. She really couldn't speak of who he was when all she knew of his was a short conversation. But when he closed the distance between them, she could see the excitement in his eyes, even through the colorless lens of the Force. Excitement she did not share. "I think he is deserving of a stern, verbal warning," she would finally reply. She did not wish to make a scene, even if she was miffed that she had been chained to Raze's armor because of his poor decisions.

Then Jackson appeared with a glass held out to her. One drink after another. More alcohol, left and right. But Malou did not decline, as an empty glass had been set aside by her just before Jackson arrived to greet her and Bir. As to his question, "Things are going just as they were before." The adults had returned to the dance floor, and that damn servant had still not returned. It was really starting to irritate her. The alcohol in system was certainly not helping, nor was Bir's uncomfortable suggestions.

"Bir," Malou would speak the Kel Dor's name as an idea popped into her mind. "Would you mind taking over armor watch for a few minutes? Just in case your friend returns?" Malou would then turn her body to face Jackson, reaching her hand out for him to take while she simultaneously set down her drink. "Now that the music is suitable; care to dance?" She fully intended to keep a watch of the armor even while she was away, but she was a bit jealous of all the dancing. Minus the touchy-feely thing many of the adults had going on, it looked fun.

@Rhogar @Tulos

Mr Ekko


Character Profile
Jul 25, 2021
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Jackson wasn't one to seek conflict and despite his love for music, that also came with the understanding that many wouldn't share his tastes. So, he would just offer Bir a warm smile. "Well met, Bir. Ya know.. you remind me of someone.. but I can't recall who.." he was somewhat surprised by the suddenness of Malou's downing her glass and she might even sense some worry for her through the Force. He may have not been the most astute at sensing through the Force, but he could pick up on a slightly uncomfortable position.

But then she asked something he was hoping to do, but didn't expect her to beat him to: she asked him to dance. And that wide grin would return as he took her hand. "It's like you read my mind." he would laugh lightly before draining his glass and setting it down beside hers. Jackson the let her lead him to the dancefloor.

As they entered the dancefloor he would lean close to whisper, so she could hear over the music. "Don't worry, I actually can dance. We don't need to do what they're doing." He would add with a smirk. He would let her choose the spot in the dance floor. "After you, set the tone and pace. I can keep up." Instead of just standing there waiting, however, he would step from side to side, noncommittally, as he bobbed his head.

@Tulos @lizziie

Jaikus Thorne

First Gentleman

Character Profile
Jun 16, 2021
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Oh dear.

Clearly the voice in his head was correct, watching with subtle bemusement as Tiamet sent him a look that could melt glaciers. Was it something he did? Oh, that. Thinking back, his dance with the half-Sephi was the most logical conclusion he could come up with, given how she had reacted to the sight of Deva on Raze’s arm – though for the life of him, Jaikus could not figure out why it frustrated her so. Did he want to know? Probably not. Pondering the concept that he was a contributing factor to her foul mood a moment longer, he settled that it was probably the sight of him pinned to the wall that put her over the edge. Oh well, sometimes terrible moods were best dispersed by isolation and an abundance of alcohol – the stronger the better. Jaikus could relate, in that sense.

With his friendly gesture towards one Sith Lord rebuffed, Jaikus let his eyes wander across the room once more – watching those who filtered in and off the dancefloor and conversed along its perimeter. Not escaping his notice, the prospect of the acolytes officially joining the party was one that Jaikus found amusing to no end, giving a pair a toast of his glass that no doubt would've made them nothing short of uncomfortable, as if distantly egging them on. His eyes then briefly flicked to the Kel Dorian where they'd just been standing, recalling the drink that had had allegedly been sent by him earlier in the night If the man ever made his way to the bar, Jaikus would have to thank him for it.

After a while, he admittedly started to grow a bit bored. The Marauder had no qualms about keeping to himself, that was for certain, but doing so was usually only enjoyable when he was sipping something a bit stronger. Desperate for something to occupy his psyche, his citrine eyes finally settled upon yet another Sith Lord, regarding the Dathomirian Queen as she returned from her equally scandalous dance with the host and took a place near the bar.

That’ll do.

Jaikus put on his best smile as he crossed the distance between them, stopping a few feet away from where Renfry was standing. He greeted the Sith Lord with a polite bow of his head, extending the same gesture to Artorigas if he had decided to follow her back. “Your Majesty,” He wasn’t particularly versed on the customs of Dathomir, but the ubiquitous styling of a reigning monarch would have to do for now. “I don’t believe I have had the pleasure. I am Jaikus.”

@GABA @Phoenix @lizziie @Rhogar @Tulos

Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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Raze stood in silence as he blew out clouds of smoke, watching the wisps disperse through the air. His own foggy breath followed suit before he took another drag. The woman from earlier stayed where she was, though her rage pulsed tangibly through the Force for the powerful Sith Lord to sense.

Within moments he picked up an unmistakable scent coming from the woman. Having decided that he had his fill of cooling off, he placed the helmet back on but opened the flap for the lower half of his face. Raze continued to smoke for a few beats before he spoke.

“Neutron pixie?” He remarked as he exhaled another cloud of smoke, “Bold.”

While normally ingested, it could also be rolled up and smoked. He could tell by smell alone that her variant wouldn’t completely floor her, but it would be quite potent if she smoked the entire thing herself.

@Killa Ree

Deva Gendrel

Sith Order

Character Profile
Killa Ree
Mar 14, 2021
Reaction score
She was just beginning to feel the tense knots of her shoulders ease; with each exhalation, the stars burned brighter, the cold felt brighter, and she could feel the strength of the Force coiling through her bones, her blood rushing through her ears and her heart thudding dully in her chest.

She fought the urge to glance over, instead giving an unseen nod.
"Gets the edge off, sometimes," her voice rasped around the cigarra, then she paused to exhale. He knew his spice, huh? Interesting. The polite thing to do would be to offer some; she tipped out another cigarra, then grasped it with the Force, floating it over.

"If you want some."

She took another drag, the emotions beginning to ebb away once again to the clarifying darkness they always did, sinking beneath her skin and into the back room of her mind. She kept quiet for a few more beats, watching the lit end of the cigarra glow, before speaking up again.

"You know, you have an ass like beskar. Admit admiring the dedication to health." The entire time, she didn't look in his direction, but continued smoking, admiring the view for just a bit longer. A few more hits, and she could walk back in and feel nothing again. Maybe even give someone else another dance or dance by herself.


Prissca Kersin

Sith Order

Character Profile
Jul 11, 2021
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While she wasn't about to earn the ire of a Darth by making baseless assumptions, she would offer him a coy smile and a witty remark instead. If the little debacle with the other Darth was any indication, she wasn't his type in several ways. “Oh no, I don't believe I am. I'm not quite tall enough for you, am I, my Lord?”

Prissca waited patiently for the Firrerreo to make himself more comfortable, holding her offered hand aloft and delighting in the fact that his attire now better matched her own. She did enjoy a good matching ensemble, and when he took her hand her slender brows rose in surprise at the unanticipated strength of a man of his build, following him to the dance floor like a lamb being led to the slaughter. It was a Sith party, after all.

“Indeed I am not.” She replied in agreement with his assumption that she'd never danced to music of this kind before, a little surprised that one of his rank and breeding would himself be in any way knowledgeable of such things – but even more surprised when he jerked her forward, accidentally bumping into him before she took a half-step back to put some space between them. As he held her right hand, her left would rise to rest on his shoulder, an uninspired but traditional placement as she tried to follow his lead, the quickening speed of his movements not seeming to phase her at first. Not at first. The hip movements were another story. This was definitely a more sensual style of dancing than the Noblewoman was used to, and to be doing it with someone of a higher rank than herself gave her silent pause. Color touched her cheeks. This was a dirty dance.

She would try her best to follow Darth Stolas' instructions, but she kept a respectful sliver of distance between the two even as she was suddenly spun and found herself facing the room instead of him. With her gaze finally escaping those captivating golden hues, she'd find herself staring at Darth Raze just as he forced his own partner to bend so far forward he nearly folded in half. And what was he doing with his hips like that? Stars above. Was that what people called dancing these days?

A brief jolt of anxiety shot through her in that moment, thinking she might end up in a similar position, but she didn't let it scare her away. Not yet anyway. Still she moved with her dance partner, her hips as well as the rest of her growing more fluid and confident in their movements thanks to his expert guidance. She did have a few minor restrictions due to her choice of gown that made it difficult to be anywhere near as graceful as he was, but this wasn't exactly the tango so she just kept her feet moving in time with his and let her hands rest gently over his own on her waist. She had no clue what to do with them otherwise.

She didn't have to look over her shoulder to know exactly what he was focused on, and it certainly wasn't her.

And then Darth Raze took his dance partner by the neck and dragged him off of the dance floor, an aggressive and abrupt action that brought color back to the blonde's cheeks, at least until Darth Stolas shifted the both of them to face away from the juicy reckoning that was sure to come. A shame. She might've wanted to watch - just a little bit.

“I do indeed.” She replied, trying to keep the enthusiasm out of her voice as she tried to steer the conversation in a new direction. “Do you find enjoyment in this style of dance, my Lord? You are quite adept at it.”

@Mr. Teatime @Altaris @Sreeya

Emryc Thorne

Faction Leader
ISC President

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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“If you insist,” Raze said flatly as he took the cigarra. As ISC President, he usually avoided spice nowadays. However, he didn’t have any appearances to make for a few weeks. The Sith Lord took the cigarra from the air and inhaled deeply, holding it in briefly before exhaling at last. He immediately felt the effects, the spice rushing right to his head. He floated the the spice back to the woman, visor still trained ahead.

“That’s good,” He muttered quietly, feeling all his muscles relax almost at once. Raze was deep in his thoughts when the woman spoke. Her words genuinely caught him off guard, the faintest grin tugging at his lips. He said nothing for a moment, drawing in from his cigarra and exhaling quietly.

“Most of me is like beskar,” Raze stated, though his thoughts ventured to his mind and personality which most found to be the equivalent of a wall. That usually suited him just fine. Smoke blew through his nose, flowing beneath the flap of his helmet. He could still sense the tension from the woman. Silence ticked by for a few seconds as they both smoked until Raze spoke again.

“They like it when you own who you are,” Raze drew from the cigarra again before pausing to ash it over the balcony, “All of them. When you are unapologetically yourself for all the ways you are broken. For all the ways you are not. As long as you stand by it and never waver. Then they have no choice but to take you for what you are. And with that comes respect.”

He did another drag and exhale, “Same goes for a certain redhead,” Raze put out the cigarra then, “Do not think so poorly of her. Or yourself.”

With that, the Sith Lord turned and left the balcony, deciding to make his way towards the bar.

@Killa Ree

Darth Stolas

Sith Order
Imperial Council

Character Profile
Mr. Teatime
Dec 19, 2020
Reaction score

Morgan grin widened at the lady's return quip and he shook his head slightly. She wasn't wrong. Her attractive and well put together appearance aside, she was a she and that was that.

During their dance the Firrerreo caught clearly the tone of her voice and chuckled a little behind Prissca's ears. It didn't surprise him that it wasn't the kind of thing she was used to but that made this little game that much more fun. Prissca seemed to pick up on things well enough and Morgan's fingers intentionally put a little more pressure against her waist. The heat of his drinks were beginning to take proper effect and he pulled her smoothly backward for proper grinding as they wriggled and rocked beneath the flash of flickering, multicolored lights.

"It, and others," replied the Councilor's voice from just behind one of Prissca's ears, that inhuman growl that existed in the undertones immediately apparent as he pressed in close. "There are many ways to dance, no?" Goldens flicked upward to find Jaikus looking at him and his eyes narrowed, grin widening to flash his razor fangs that a passing ray of light made readily apparent. Morgan took a little step back to put distance between them once more, his right hand finding Prissca's same side shoulder to spin her back around to face him.

Those bright and intense eyes of Morgan's stared her down and shined with mischief. While the music was still far from classic the beat would work for a change in step.
"Perhaps you prefer it like this?" He stepped quick with a shift and twist of hips in a tango in mimicry of the earlier grinding motions, guiding the lady back and then forward again with his left hand on her hip and the other her shoulder. On a backstep he'd pull her in once more, the hand on her shoulder pushing, the one behind her hip pulling, leaning forward down along with her.

"Face to face, that is." Then back up to leave them, as he said, very close and face-to-face. A finger hooked beneath Lady Kersin's chin. It was at that point the current song ended and a moment later Stolas lifted his hands from his partner and took a step back. "Alas, not tall enough," Morgan quipped with good humour, "But I thank you for the dance, Lady Kersin." He slightly inclined his head to invite her to follow if sh eliked and turned on his heels to leave dance floor, for now, and find some drinks more to his taste by the bar.

Raze would find himself briefly intercepted on his way from the balcony by Morgan's attendant bearing the glass of old Alderaanian wine and deeply bowing her head. "Stolas would like to share this with you," she explained briefly and offered it forward, the rim marked by where the prince's lips had previously touched it.

@Tess @Sreeya

Deva Gendrel

Sith Order

Character Profile
Killa Ree
Mar 14, 2021
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When Raze spoke, Deva merely listened. Her head cocked slightly when he floated the remainder of his spice back and nodded once. It wasn't so much she resented Tiamat... she resented being used. She resented being reminded that, in the grand scheme of things, she was just another foot soldier in a long line of them, a pawn. That her existence could be wiped and the only one that would genuinely miss her was her loth-cat, Mr. Snugs.

I wonder if I left out enough food and water...?

She fought the urge to look at him when he mentioned Tiamat, and to not think poorly. Even after he left, she stood in silence, watching the stars burn and flicker with unusual clarity, and she hummed once. Did anyone else see the striata of their rays piercing the night sky? The thin burning ultraviolet glow of it all? Taking one last deep drag, she flicked the remainder off the balcony, and picked up his own unfinished one, slipping it back into the container.

"...Fuck it."

Pulling her gloves back on, she turned away, the spice burning through her mind as she came looking for someone in particular. Embrace who and what she was, hmm? She could do that.

She could do that, and achieve her ambitions.

When she stepped in, the strobe lights flickered and flared against her senses like starlight did, and she could feel the Force pulse in tandem with her heart. Violet eyes swept the dance floor, until they landed on her quarry.


The corset vest was a nice touch; part of her was tempted to stride over and pull on the laces more tautly. There were two people she touched tonight; with the spice burning in her brain, she felt like taking them all with her. But with Tiamat getting another drink, and the Dathomiri queen thus engaged, she could stand to step in for a moment, grab a drink herself.

For a moment, violet eyes swept over Tiamat again, and she offered a single nod with a faint smile before glancing to Jaikus and swiping a glass of wine.

If she caught his eye, she would tilt her head towards the dance floor in wordless invitation, her expression watchful. She could wait, after all he was talking to the lovely Andruil.

@Sreeya @Altaris @GABA

Darth Caelestis

Sith Order
Imperial Council

Character Profile
Braden Drake
May 6, 2021
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As her finger ran along his jawline the same sensation from before ran down his spine. Andruil stepped away and continued dancing allowing Artorigas to probably for the first time have a full and proper look over the Dark Councillor's body. The dress clung to her body allowing his imagination to run wild the smirk on his face was permanent as he watched her. Although her eyes darted off behind him to the commotion between Raze and the unknown individual his did not leave her.

The song was coming to an end as was there dance, his heart was beating faster than before, though if it was from the dancing or something else he could not be confident. She gave Artorigas one last tease before drifting away across the dance floor. Most of him wanted it to continue but the comment about another drink peeled him from the dancefloor, perhaps there was a little problem there.

He followed off the dancefloor, though they did not have to travel far as the servants followed both there master and the Sith Lord with refreshments aplenty, the choice was as great as ever. Artorigas himself was torn, he was hot and thirsty, wine would not do, but he was not one for just boring old hard alcohol, it needed flavour. Turning to one of the higher up servants nearby, "Alessios, Some Amethyst." The women smiled and nodded before heading towards Baccus, the man seemed surprised by the request but quickly went about organsing the drink for his master.

As Artorigas waited he turned to the Sith Lord, "Thank you for the Honour of the Dance Mi' Queen, I hope I do not have to wait to long before getting that close again." It was his turn to be bold in words, what was the worst that could happen, probably the hair pin?

As the drink returned it was also accompanied by a new individual the one who had taken a liking to Darth Raze. The man gave both himself and Andruil a bow and Artorigas dipped his head in return. "I hope you have been enjoying yourself Jaikus?" He asked with a smile before taking the brilliant purple drink.

It was a rare form of liquor made from the Makador Sweet Cane found on Ithor, it was served plain with just a quartet of chilling stones to keep it cold away from the fridge. "Mi' Queen." He said raising his glass before taking a sip of the sweet liquor.

@Phoenix @Altaris


Nightsister Queen

Character Profile
Sep 20, 2020
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Renfry gave a coy smile at Artorigas's comment, indicating she was not at all offended by his bold statement. A quick look at the bar's current occupants revealed one redheaded Sith Lord who didn't appear to be overly happy. Before Renfry could make her way in that direction, however, another man intercepted her.

She didn't know him, but had certainly seen him this evening. Quite the interesting one, and someone who captured her attention.

Andruil, and the pleasure is mine, she said. She turned and quickly ordered a drink from the barman before looking back at the two men in front of her.

And what do you make of your first Sith party, Jaikus? Not too wild for you? she asked with a smile that was difficult to gauge whether it was warm or chilling. So far as she was aware, he had not been at the previous events, and it seemed he had certainly made quite an entrance into his first. Thus far, she was likely the most boring of the Lords he had encountered, but he seemed to be determined to make an impression on them all before the night was out.

The barman slid the Sith Lord's drink across the bar to her. It was a pink drink that looked quite frilly in comparison to what she had been drinking earlier. She took a sip of the fruity beverage and hummed slightly in pleasure.

@Braden Drake @Altaris
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