Ask Starting The Force

Drow Venn

Jedi Order
First Shadow

Character Profile
Fantasy Liver
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score
Drow had returned to Yavin after quite a few adventures, journeys and mishaps. It felt good to be back. It wasn't his homeworld but it was starting to feel like it and the moist air and temperate climate felt good on his amphibian skin. While he'd been able to get unpacked and eat some dinner, he couldn't dilly-dally for very long - he had a meeting to attend.

After the brutal and devastating attack on Ajan Kloss, the Jedi had suffered much and Drow had seen the need for a security force to be stationed at the Temple so that even when the most combat-ready Knights and Masters were off on missions, Yavin IV was not left undefended. So far, it had gone well - he'd recruited an old mercenary buddy named Tric Clintegala as security captain. He'd battled a noble Gammorrean clan on their homeworld and he, along with some others, had earned their respect enough for them to pledge their clan to the Temple. And while plenty of troops and a solid captain to lead them were what made up any security team, they could use some heavy artillery if things got really hairy and he'd managed to get just that in the form of an AT-DT walker that had been scavenged on Raxus Prime.

However, the walker wasn't the only thing scavenged on Raxus Prime - they'd picked up a marauding band of Junkers on that world who wanted lodging and work in exchange for giving them the walker. Drow had promised he'd plead their case to the Council, which is why he was about to meet with Master Lena Goordayr. That and to discuss some of the more practical aspects of the Security Force. He waited in an unoccupied chamber for her to arrive.


The Gatekeeper

Dungeon Master
Staff DM

Dec 24, 2017
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The day to day running of the Jedi Order had never fallen to Lena before – she was the chief healer of the Order and that was where her passions lay. She was the person you saw if you were going to go into shock, she had never been the person you went to if you wanted to discuss supply lines and ongoing political issues the Order had with the senate.

That had never been her role in the Council and she had never sought to change that but, well, The Force changed things with a will of it’s own and all she could do was roll with the changes. One of the changes was that she was one of three members of the Jedi Council and without a Grandmaster? That meant that she was one of the only ones who could be considered a leader of her people so they brought their issues to her.

Drow hadn’t brought many issues to the Council before this so she remained hopeful that it wasn’t going to be anything too drastic. But he was a Knight in good standing and he had been entrusted with forming a Temple Guard after he had put his case for one forward. Stepping into the chamber she nodded respectfully to the Knight.

“Knight Venn.” She smiled slightly, a small and tired looking one but a smile never the less, “Drow. You wished to speak to me?”

The corner of her mouth quirked up slightly.

“Can I safely assume it has something to do with the order for more food I’ve received?” she teased slightly, “Something about enough to feed several hogs…”

@Fantasy Liver

Drow Venn

Jedi Order
First Shadow

Character Profile
Fantasy Liver
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score
Drow laughed at Lena's comment - partly because he found it funny and partly because he was pretty sure as a Knight, you were c contractually obliged to laugh at all the Council member's jokes.

"Well, sort of yes. The last of the Grojuk Clan arrived yesterday but they brought enough food to feed themselves for another week. But once that runs out, they were hoping to hunt in the jungles of Yavin. I was hoping to get your permission to allow them to do that. They're conscientious hunters so they won't disrupt the local ecosystem and it will help keep their skills sharp." Drow said, glad that the first order of business was out in the open already. Now, came the next (and trickier) part.

"But there's another matter too. I led a strike team to Raxus Prime to recover an old walker that we were hoping could be used by the Temple Security Force. But along the way, we were waylaid by some marauders. Junkers, if you've met their kind. They're crafty and grouchy but they do have some skills. They agreed to back off their claim of the walker in exchange for my promise to plead their case before you. They want to escape Raxus Prime and live here under the employ of the Jedi." Drow said.

"I understand it could be a dangerous undertaking but I promise to take full responsibility for their conduct while I'm here. They're capable engineers and we could always use more of those around here. Or I'm sure they could be persuaded to join the Security Force. There were some Jedi who raised concerns about safety due to their presence so I was hoping to talk to you about that." Drow said, trusting that Lena's wisdom would find the right solution, no matter what the Order's budget was currently looking like and whether it could accomodate paying a few Junkers salaries.

"But I can understand them wanting to escape to a better life. After all, that's what led me here."


The Gatekeeper

Dungeon Master
Staff DM

Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score

Well a clan of protectors was something that Lena hadn't really been expecting. Certainly she had expected the clan to provide some warriors but to find out that the whole clan was basically coming along? Well it did make some of the reports she had been seeing about food consumption make a lot more sense it had to be said. She wasn't going to say that it was something that the Jedi could accommodate indefinitely because it wasn't.

Hunting was an option yes.

"So long as they are as conscientious as they claim, I grant my approval." she confirmed before adding, "Make sure they keep the slaughter to a minimum and use as much of the animals as possible."

She had no great aversion to hunting to eat but she abhorred life being lost for only the choicest cuts of meat for example. The word about the walker was good - she had fought against a pirate-led walker before and it had been a daunting battle. Having one of their side for once was a rather nice change.

Of course there was something else because the Force loved to test them. Junkers... she frowned ever so slightly before nodding a little bit. She could see it - offering them gainful employment was better than being forced to violence. Lena crossed her arms over her chest.

"How many?"

It wasn't a yes... but it wasn't a no either.

@Fantasy Liver

Drow Venn

Jedi Order
First Shadow

Character Profile
Fantasy Liver
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score
"Five." Drow answered , not sure if that was a good answer or not. In regards to the hunting restrictions, he nodded, confident that the Grojuk Clan would have already done that anyways. But he promised he'd pass the message along.

"I won't lie to you - they're a rough sort and they've had a hard life. They're capable fighters and engineer but they're not like the Grojuk clan. They won't serve the Jedi out of any desire to do good or to better themselves. They want to escape Raxus Prime and they see the Jedi as a means to do that." Drow said, figuring it was better to tell the whole story and not skirt around the situation. It was something he'd picked up from his limited experience at negotiations - people tended to respect honesty even if they didn't like it.

"That being said, if you give them that means, I don't doubt their loyalty. And I think, over time, them being exposed to the teachings of the Order would do them so good." Drow stated, standing up straight and waiting for an answer, whether that was good or bad.


The Gatekeeper

Dungeon Master
Staff DM

Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score

Five? Well that wasn’t a lot, call things considered, but it was more than had been expected and more than risk assessments had allowed for. However, Lena was already so weary of those same threat assessments at this point. She understood why they were necessary, of course, but it was still a chore that took her away from both Council duties and her duties as Head Healer.

She made a mental note to pass it along to a Jedi Master to do for her – delegation was a skill after all.

“You’re trying to see the best in people – a commendable effort, Drow.” She assured him with a small smile, “But the Jedi operate on a policy when it comes to outside help and that is Trust But Verify. We shall do some investigation before we hire them on, check their previous allegiances and connections.”

It was very doubtful that they would have any other than themselves but it was something they needed to check on. All it took for a great wall to fall down into a heap of useless stones and bricks was one weak link and Lena would not have it said that she let that weak link exist if she could help it.

“Very well Drow, they are tentatively accepted as well. Do you have any concerns or comments on the Jedi who accompanied you on your missions?” she asked with a raised eyebrow, “I would appreciate as full a report as you can spare so the Council is kept up to date.”

@Fantasy Liver

Drow Venn

Jedi Order
First Shadow

Character Profile
Fantasy Liver
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score
"Just one minor request. A favor, really. See, I've been doing some reading..." Drow said, looking down at the ground, a little uncomfortable at having to ask someone for something for himself, having grown unaccustomed to it over the years of him being a Jedi.

"In olden times, the Jedi had a Chief of Security in their Temple at Coruscant to oversee the civillian force. The last one was a Master by the name of Drallig, I believe..." Drow said, kicking the ground awkwardly. "I believe that with my former mercenary experience, I could do a good job in the role. I could have this Temple more than a match for any Sith. Plus, I've worked with Tric before."

"As for the reports..." Drow said after Master Lena's response to his request.

"Jago Haaldin the Matukai fought with me against the Gammorreans. I wouldn't have won the loyalty of Clan Grojuk without him. In fact, I'd highly recommend reaching to the Matukai more in the future. They could be capable allies."

"Padawan Drastus was of great assistance to me during all of this but I worry about his bloodlust. Those Junkers I was referring to were almost killed by him, despite our attempts at deescalation. It might be worth looking in on the boy. He's a capable fighter and a good friend otherwise. I'd hate to lose him."


The Gatekeeper

Dungeon Master
Staff DM

Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score

Oh? A title?

Lena hummed as she thought about it for a moment, rubbing at her chin as she did so. Drow had a point that the Jedi Order of old had had a Chief of Security, even if it had never really been called as such. It had been a title the Master had worn secondary to the title of Master itself. Which, in turn, gave Lena the answer she would pass on to Drow.

"You have done much and the Order truly does appreciate the work you have put into securing our home." she assured him with a small smile, "And I would gladly see you named as head of the Temple Guard... when you have achieved the rank of Master."

It wasn't so much a denial as it was a 'not yet' though she had enough of a bedside manner to reach out to Drow and give his shoulder a soft squeeze with her hand.

"It shall not be long now until you number among those who call themselves Master and when you join them? You shall call yourself the Head of the Temple Guard as well." she assured him, "On this you have my word and my blessing... along with some information. The holocron of Master Cin Drallig is known to have been sold at auction in the early years of the Empire to a family on the planet of Kaikielius."

She smiled knowingly.

"Perhaps it may assist you?"

The reports were something else, something that she knew she needed to know. Learning more about how members of the Order operated on missions was important. The Matukai had been something of a sticking point in some past Council meetings about how to approach them...

"I shall relay Drastus' conduct and your concerns to his Master... and others besides." she agreed, rubbing her chin again, "Tell me, do you believe Jago would be willing to discuss options for a joining of our two Orders?"

@Fantasy Liver

Drow Venn

Jedi Order
First Shadow

Character Profile
Fantasy Liver
Jan 7, 2020
Reaction score
"Very well, Master. I shall help with their training exercises in the meantime. And I'll find that holocron and bring it back to the Temple." Drow promised, bowing his head. While the news wasn't horrible, it certainly wasn't the result that the Ishi Tib Jedi had been hoping for. He tried to stay positive. It hadn't been too long ago that he'd been nursing his eighth drink of the day in a cantina, lost and torn apart by the guilt of his previous life. Now, a member of the Jedi Council not only knew his name but was commending his actions? And even saying that he was well on the way to Master? Things definitely could be worse.

"As for Drastus, it's not place but I'd urge you to go easy on him. I was an angry young man once myself. A patient friend and a listening ear would have benefitted me back then more than anything else. But I'll keep an eye on him in the meantime. Perhaps, he can even help me find Master Drallig's holocron." Drow said, before dropping the matter. As he said, it wasn't his place.

"I can certainly ask him and set up a meeting. Although I wouldn't go as far to make any promises." Drow said in regards to the Matukai. Assuming that all had been said that needed to have been said in this meeting, Drow bowed and headed out of the room.

