Open Flashpoint Coruscant Taking a Stand


Jedi Order
Jedi Warden

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Jun 1, 2023
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Things on the ground were brutal. Vanya had dropped everything to go to Coruscant's aid at the reports of abominations pouring out of... well, everywhere. At Byblos there was an identifiable source, but so far reports had just sprung up across the planet about the appearance of abominations seemingly out of nowhere.

Finding the source would have been great, hunting down the person responsible even more so, but at this point it was a scramble just to hold off the hyper-aggressive monsters and keep the civilians out of harm's way.

Vanya got her first sight of one of them only now. A tall, gangly creature with long, sharp talons tore its way through soldiers and security forces like they were tissue paper. Based on what Vanya had heard, there weren't actually many of these things, but the ones that existed were simply devastating and potent.

Her gut churned as she looked out at the devastation that had been left in this creature's wake so far and the blaster fire that rained down on it and that it seemed to shrug off almost as if it were nothing.

She reached down and grabbed the lightsaber from off her belt, holding it firmly in her hand and taking a deep breath to steady herself before letting it burst to life in her hand. She was no stranger to combat or even to deadly creatures, but this was something else entirely. It reeked of Dark sorcery and techniques that Vanya didn't even want to guess at.

To wait, though, was to allow it to slay more people. She had joined the Jedi to fight evil and there was no more obvious example than this.


Apex Senior Contractor

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May 30, 2021
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Covax had not intended to come to the aid of the Jewel of the Core. Rather, he returned to the core to do some recon on a Apex contract. As the former crime boss emerged from the Starport however, he was struck with the sights and sounds of chaos and death.

The source of the carnage seemed to be tall creature with claws longer than his arm and a face only a Sith could love. Covax had no experience fighting such abominations, but idea was seemingly the all the same. If the first shots don't do the job, find a bigger gun.

With no time to think of a better idea, The newly minted Apex contractor ducked behind a nearby pillar to get some cover while he quickly pulled his weapons from the case he'd been carrying. Now kitted and ready, Covax peered out, using the same pillar as a steady rest to take aim at the creature about to charge what he soon came to realize was a Jedi.

"Fuck." He sighed, rolling his eyes. Then taking aim again.



Jedi Order
Jedi Warden

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Jun 1, 2023
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Vanya hit the ignition switch on her lightsaber and made the charge forward. There were several of the abomination creatures in the area, and she could see two of them tearing through squads of respective soldiers, but at the moment, she could do nothing for them. Her focus was - and had to be - on the creature in front of her.

The cacophony of blasterfire tore through the area around her and slammed into the creatures, which seemed to barely even care. For her part, Vanya swiped at the creature, which moved with a speed she hadn't anticipated, swinging its own taloned claws around and nearly taking her head off in a single strike. It was faster than she'd imagined, and she stumbled back, losing her balance and landing on her butt as she started to scoot back.

As of yet, she hadn't seen the mercenary in the area, but with any luck, he would have a clear shot... not that a single shot seemed to be enough to put these things down, but Vanya certainly would appreciate the helpful distraction.


Apex Senior Contractor

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May 30, 2021
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Seeing the Jedi attempt to challenge the creature on her own. Covax shifted his sights to one of the others in the area. With the pillar as a solid rest, he took a breath and fired. The shots didn't deflect so much as just not seem to penetrate the nature armor of the abominations.

Covax cursed, if he still had his old gear, his droids... but the fucking Hutt took everything. Stripped him of his company, his wealth, and most importantly. Years of his life. That was a problem for another time, here and now there were dark side hell spawn to find a weakness for.

Just then, Covax shifted his sights back to the Jedi who for some reason was flat on her ass and about to be ripped in half. Taking a quick shot, he tried to hit the monster in the face but it went wide.

So instead Covax did something a little Activating his jet boots and his shield, to bull rush the creature in a vane attempt to pull it's attention from the Jedi.



Jedi Order
Jedi Warden

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Jun 1, 2023
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Vanya had absolutely no idea who Mr Bum-Rush was, but she wasn't complaining and she wasn't going to look a gift merc in the mouth. The abomination seemed caught off guard for a moment as well and as Covax slammed into it, it stumbled backwards and Vanya leapt to her feet.

It was all a mix of fear and adrenaline that coursed through her as she pushed back up. Most Jedi might have been graceful in their movements, and Vanya would have liked to say that she was in control of the situation, but that wasn't true. It was a mad scramble to her feet driven by those deepest of fight or flight instincts that governed nearly every living creature. Confronting fear may have been the destiny of a Jedi, but holy kriff if it wasn't still a visceral experience.

She felt a sudden and overwhelming urge of indebtedness to assist the man who had rushed to save her as he was now - no doubt - in a messy tangle with such a gangly and dangerous creature.

Back up! she shouted. In her mind, it made sense: he could shoot from a distance while she dealt with the creature close, but in the end it just came out more rude than anything. Of course, in the heat of the moment, who was really going to care about that?

She conjured an orb of green energy in her spare hand and hurled it at the creature before charging in once again and swiping diagonally at it, this time more prepared for its quick movements and not overextending herself as foolishly as she had before.

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Apex Senior Contractor

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May 30, 2021
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It was difficult to know who was more surprised by Covax's foolish charge. The Jedi, the abominations, or the mercenary himself. In any case, it was to little to late to think about it. The shield on Cova'x wrist managed to under the beast's chin, and the imposing human came crashing in with a follow up shoulder back. Managing to actually knock the creature backward. Allowing the Jedi a breath to make a move.

As the woman got to her feet, the creature seemed to shake off the brief shock of the attack. Then shifted, shoulder back and arms wide. Head forward and looking to Covax. It's jaws splitting to mandibles that resembled something like a Yautkan. Roaring a guttural sound of hate and anger.

"Ahhhhh, yourself!" Covax mocked. Then slung the old blaster rifle up. Firing into the abominations open maw. Mag dumping the power cell as quickly as he could pull the trigger. He was literally looking death in the face and laughing. This was where life made sense, this was were he felt the most purpose. He wasn't a fucking crime boss, he was a mercenary. A legend of Nar Shaddaa.

The young woman's sudden demand brought him back from his little moment. Covax glance over his shoulder toward her and then jump back with the assistance of his boots. Shifting places with the Jedi to allow her to take the creature's attention, while he took the opportunity to do a tactical reload.



Jedi Order
Jedi Warden

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Jun 1, 2023
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Vanya was a little perplexed by the man who seemed to be having the time of his life while fighting. While he was practically cackling with joy as he fired at the creature in front of him. It was a stark contrast to Vanya who was all grim scowls at the moment. Any jesting or amusement was completely melted away by this monstrosity in front of her.

The blasts from Covax slammed into the creature to drive it back, and as he reloaded, Vanya struck again, her blade only narrowly catching the flesh on the creature's leg. It shrieked again in rage and swiped again as Vanya ducked.

It left an opening for Covax to land a shot and then an upward slice from the Jedi. On the bright side, the creature wasn't actually resistant to a lightsaber, and a flash of energy followed up brought the creature down. Combined efforts of the two gave them a few moments of breathing room, and Vanya looked around. The other creatures had been brought down, but more would come.

You! Good work. I am Vanya, she said, taking the moment to finally catch her breath. Military? Civilian? she asked. He didn't look to be in a uniform, but he certainly knew how to throw down with the best of them.



Apex Senior Contractor

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May 30, 2021
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Covax was enjoying the moment, perhaps a bit to much. But he was not cackling. However seeing the scowl on her face seemed to take the fun out of the moment. If there was one thing Jedi did well it was sucking the fun out of life.

"What?" He mused. He could feel her judging him, just before attempting to inflict more damage to the monster. Who's ability to take damage was really starting to irritate the mercenary.

The creature roared and lashed out, Having succeeded in causing some level of pain to the creature before, Covax shot in the maw again. Managing to gain the same results. Finally the abomination gave in and succumb to it's injures. To which the human mercenary gave an audible sigh of relief. He scanned the scene around them just the same. Finding the first wave had fallen.

"Me? Oh....yeah to bad yourself." He said. Continuing to look around for something. "Vanya....hmm. Covax" pausing in his search to give her a hand shake or perhaps a first bump. Then returning to his search of the scattered body parts and gear left in the wake of the first wave.

"Ohh, jackpot!" He said excitedly. Kicking over a torso with the toe of his boot. Covax then knelt down to retrieve the stock of a weathered looking heavy rifle. Rising to his feet with weapon now in hand. He checked the power cell and the worked the action. "Mercenary." He answered suddenly, and un-apologetically. Expecting another scowl. "You know, you should try smiling. You might like it."

Covax then grabbed a few extra power cells and stuffed them into pockets on his gear. As if on queue, the sounds of more carnage seemed to fill the air. There was another wave approaching from a few city blocks over. "Well ready for round two Vee?" He asked cocking the lever action.



Jedi Order
Jedi Warden

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Jun 1, 2023
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Vanya didn't seem to flinch as he mentioned he was a mercenary. She was used to other Clans selling off as mercenaries and assassins, so the idea wasn't foreign to her. Even Singing Mountain had sent Sisters off world before.

Understood, she said with a nod, moving over so that she could get a better view of the rifle he was pulling out.

Looks heavy. You know how to use it? she asked.

I smile plenty when there aren't monstrosities murdering people, she said. Not that she was the most torn up person when it came to death, but now wasn't the time for partying, joking, or joy.

She could hear more explosions and blasters in the distance, knowing that violence was tearing across the entire planet.

We should coordinate with the other locals first, she said. They could certainly scatter across the planet to fight wherever things unfolded, but if they wanted to turn back this invasion, they needed to be organized. Or at least, that was what she guessed the other Jedi would say.



Apex Senior Contractor

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May 30, 2021
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Covax watched as the blank look of cold indifference washed over the young woman. Having some experience with Nighsisters, he was aware of their fondness for selling their clan mates to work as assassins and such. Hell, he was sure Arla had a few on the payroll though he'd yet to confirm the theory.

"What about you, how does a Nightsister find her way to the Jedi? How does your queen feel about that?" Covax had a few run ins with the former Empress of the Empire, he respected her a grate deal. Also that she didn't kill him when he tried to pull a fast one after Callo faked his death. He was however completely unaware of the most events of the past several years. Because he was a block of carbonite for most of them.

He looked at her then with a jaw set glare that said, did you really just ask me that. "I don't know sis, can you lift heavy things with your mind ?" He fired and then worked the lever action of the weapon. "I'm like a Mando, weapons are my religion." Reaffirming his confidence.

"Take some advice from a guy that's seen worse. Take that glow stick out of your ass and smile when you can. Live in the moment." He said as he started moving in the direction of the sounds of violence and continued with, "You never know when someone with more power is going to snatch it all away from you, leave you hanging on his trophy wall wile the loves of your life fade away."

Catching movement from the next block over. Two dog like creatures, the size of speeder bikes, ripped a woman his half. Covax took aim at the one to the right of the now torn torso. Aiming for the hing of the jaw, the mercenary fired. Bunching a hole in the abomination's skull, dropping the beat where it stood.

"Solid plan, best bet is local security office," He said. Local enforcement had a reasonable level of security, more weapons and ammo. But perhaps most importantly, long range communications.

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Jedi Order
Jedi Warden

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Jun 1, 2023
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Vanya's eyebrows furrowed down slightly as he identified her as as Nightsister. Few in the galaxy understood the difference between the Jedi and anything let alone being able to pick out the particular sect that Vanya belonged to. It was strange and unexpected.

I am surprised you recognize my heritage, she said directly. We have no Queen, she said. And Vanya would know: she had cut the Queen's arm off herself to open her up to a killing Imperial blow. It was the efforts of the Singing Mountain Clan that had once again freed the Nightsisters from a single, dark yoke.

He seemed quite confident in his ability to use the weapon, though, and that was good enough for her. She could sense his pain in the Shadow - not that she needed to given the words he said - as he talked about his life, and she felt a seriousness and melancholy wash over her. If there was any reason to be smiling, it had been sucked away from the moment by the sensation.

He blasted several more creatures that looked to be different than whatever they had been fighting so far. Less human and more... something else.

Let's go, she said, moving through the ramps of the upper building. Everything seemed quiet here, and she sensed no... evil nearby. A darkness seemed to cling to this whole planet now, but nothing as direct and near as when they had faced down the monstrosities moments ago.

Are you being paid by the Coruscant government? Or is this charity? It seems rare to find someone willing to fight against evil, she said, seemingly constantly in need of new allies in her (so far relatively unsuccessful) fight.



Apex Senior Contractor

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May 30, 2021
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Covax did not need the force to see he had struck a nerve with his question. Not knowing the woman personally, at first he he thought he somehow offended the woman, who seemed to look every bit what the human rightfully assumed. As it turned out, it seemed to be a look of amused curiosity.

Returning the look of curiosity when V mentioned she no longer had a Queen, Covax explained his reasoning. "I've met your..... Ren, and others, some years back. I can see now your not a fan. But Renfry opened the eyes of the galaxy to the Nightsisters in a way not seen since perhaps the Clone Wars. The tattoos are a good clue, but it's the way in which you use the force. It's not normal Jedi training. It's her style, a sister's style."

He could feel the awkwardness rise between them. The human mercenary was still dealing with the PTS of returning to the galaxy that had left him behind while he was encased in carbontie. The sense of Renfry's passing was only the latest chapter in a mystery novel of things he had missed. It was a daily mind fuck, the gift of which he hoped to one day return to the Hutt crime lord who bestowed him with it.

Covax quickly then, dealt with the creatures on the street. Then followed the Jedi up the ramps into the building. The carnage outside seemed to give way to odd silence. An odd feeling to those not baptized to the ebb and flow of battle. Seeing as much as feeling the pause in the chaos. Covax slung the old gun and took a much needed drink while searching the area for, anything really.

"Truth? I came back to the core to recon a possible contract in the lower levels. Didn't even realize the Sith were invading the core until I walked out of the space port." Covax continued to dig around looking for clues to where people might be. "Apex pays the bills, but not everything is about credits. Sometimes it's about paying the ferryman."



Jedi Order
Jedi Warden

Character Profile
Jun 1, 2023
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Vanya's teeth gritted together as he talked about her and Queen Renfry. She was no friend or sister to the Queen. Yes, she did. And her legacy is one of the Sisters aiding oppressors and offering home to monsters like Raze, she said, motioning to the world around them. The planet was being ravaged by Raze and his dark monsters. The same man who had come in to subjugate her world with the help of their "Queen."

It was only then that she realized what he had said. You met her? she asked, frowning in skepticism. Who are you really? she asked. It was clear that he was more than just a simple boots-to-the-ground mercenary. People rarely "just met" Queens and Empresses.

She looked over at him as he talked about his contract, and it made sense, didn't it? No one wanted to be eaten. It wasn't about the kindness of his heart so much as it was about not getting killed here.

Are you trying to leave the planet, then? she asked. Her mind already started churning. If he wanted to leave, and she wanted to get civilians off-world, maybe he could at least escort some as he went. It felt hilariously pointless in its own way: she was going to save a few dozen civilians out of billions?

Stop, Vanya. That is toxic thinking, she reminded herself. She could only do what she could do, and it may not be a billion people saved, but it would mean all the difference to those few dozens and their families. And who knew what that would effect? Ripples could carry across the galaxy.

Maybe instead of looking for local security, we should secure spaceports. Safe exit points for civilians to get off world, she proposed, deciding immediately that she liked the idea much better. These creatures didn't seem to have ships, and if they could get out of atmosphere, they had a chance.

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Apex Senior Contractor

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May 30, 2021
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Before he had simply found the nerve in mentioning Renfry. Now he realized he was playing it like an out of tune guitar by trying to explain himself and how he took note of the young woman's lineage. While he literally couldn't remember the last time he was on Dathomir. He knew full well that Ren was hardly the first, and likely not the last, to aid a Sith in such a way. She was only the latest in a long line.

Covax wasn't willing to make an enemy of this woman by debating the semantics of her people or her home world. Especially when being surrounded by creatures trying to eat them or turn them into one of their own. "Look, that's not what I..." He was going to apologizes but Vanya was suddenly more interested in him.

He raised an eyebrow at the first question, was that not what they were just discussing? "For theee...third time? Yes I met her. Not to long after her assumed the thrown of Empress, I think. It's been a while." He said off the cuff. But also clearing making him far older then he looked to be. To her next question he made a show of pulling out his EZPhone, "Spalexa, who is the human known as Covax."

"One moment! .... According to the Holonet, Shane Covax was the CEO of Tenloss Interstellar, a private security company formally based in CorpSec before being liquidated for it's assets after his disappearance. Before Tenloss, Covax was a known mercenary. Operating primarily in the Mid and Outer Rim. He is believed but not confirmed to have worked jobs for The New Republic, Blackwell Tech, the former Sith Empire, the Jedi Order, and more recently Apex Consulting. Records also indicate, he is one of the last known members of the "Legions of Nar Shaddaa." A team of criminals and mercenaries who assassinated Durr the Hutt."

The digital voice stopped suddenly and Covax put the phone away. "Yeah that's more than I thought was out there." He said looking back at her with another questioning glare, "Trying to get rid of me so soon. I thought we were having a moment." The human was of course being his usual self. He knew what she really wanted. What every Jedi thought was the right thing. Risking a life to save a life. He tried that once, she died anyway.

The human nearly reached up to slap the woman when she mentioned her new idea. The frustration clearly set on his face, he sighed and rolled his eyes. "This is what I get for following a teenager around. We were literally just there." He sighed again, "Never mind, doesn't matter. Nothing big enough in there to save more than ten people."

Just then Covax remembered something about the reason he was here, his would be target. She had a yacht likely still in a private hanger. He gave Vanya a coy grin and asked, "How do you feel about strategically transferring equipment to an alternate location.......if said equipment could carry say forty people, or maybe a couple hundred if we pack'em in the cargo hold ?"



Jedi Order
Jedi Warden

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Jun 1, 2023
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Vanya listened to the message laid out by Spalexa about the man's resume, and there was no doubt that it was extensive. It also told her that there was, indeed, far more to the man than met the eye.

I guess "I'm a mercenary" was understating things a bit, she said with a hint of sarcasm in her tone. It was probably a good lesson in its own way never to underestimate people. You never knew what lurked beneath the surface, good or bad.

When she mentioned the spaceport, he nearly had a freak out, and her fingers curled up in preparation to draw on the Essence, half expecting to have him reach out and slap her as one of her feet fell back. Again, she hadn't expected such a reaction from him, but it seemed to pass quickly by. Still, Vanya remained wary if now somewhat defensive.

No one is forcing you to come with me, she retorted defensively. Although, she recognized it would have been not in her best interest if he left her, she had to assume it went the same the other way as well.

Besides, as you said, there's nothing in that hangar that can shift the number of people we need anyway, she added, as if it had all been planned and that was the reason why. Yup.

Vanya was frowning again as he asked about... was he proposing stealing? She wasn't sure, but she was pretty sure there was a hidden subtext here that was going over her head.

If we must commandeer property to save people, then so be it. The owners are likely dead anyway, she added. It was life over limb so to speak, and the greater good would be served by flying others out of here and saving dozens of lives.

You seem to have a plan? she asked.



Apex Senior Contractor

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May 30, 2021
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"She makes it sound more impressive then it really is, trust me." He said, truthfully. Then sighed. It was difficult to have an ego about one's skill or experience, when you were imprisoned by a slug the size of a speeder with the mobility of a gonk droid.

He was still irritated by the sudden idea of escape. The idea to slap some sense into had not left him just yet. Rather, he realized she was about ready to draw on her abilities and connection to the force, least he assumed by her body language. His muscles tightened then. The question suddenly came to him, if he had enough skill to put a bolt through her before the summoned one of those glow balls.

The human merc set his jaw then at the comment, biting his lip to not fire several expletives. She was right though, no one was forcing him here. He wasn't a hero and he wasn't getting paid. So why did he bother. He couldn't answer that at the moment. However, he knew if he left her now she was likely as good as dead. Theses monsters would overwhelm her sooner rather than later.

As much as Covax regretted the loss of his daughter and the stolen time with Dante. He was also now rather thankful he had missed the teenage years. As the young woman used his words against him to justify her half assed plan. "That's...but....I....ahh fuck it." He stammered, waving her off in frustration.

"She might be dead, sure." He agreed. "In any case, without a full crew for a Corvette I'm out of ideas. We steal that ship and take who we can. Or we see how many waves we can take on before we meet the force. I like plan A." With that, he heading for the door and a the parking lot on the other side of it.

Covax made it to the door, just before it was taken off the hinge. A massive creature, forcing its way threw the double doors as it sniffed the air. Then let out a deafening roar. The human dove for cover. Both from the sudden entrance of the monster, and the sound it made. The vibration of which felt like it was going to bring to building down on them.



Jedi Order
Jedi Warden

Character Profile
Jun 1, 2023
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Vanya sensed conflict within the man, but couldn't tell much else. Perhaps he was afraid, but that didn't seem quite right. He didn't seem like the kind of man to be afraid of much of anything. Perhaps there was a piece of good in him that wanted to do the right thing or maybe he was just one of those people who enjoyed the thrill of the hunt.

It seemed he ultimately decided he was going to stay as well. Or maybe it was his only way to get off planet as well.

Sounds like we don't have other options, then, she agreed. Their course had been decided for them. She wondered how many people they could actually save on this planet of countless people.

They headed back in the direction of the spaceport, and all was going well until it wasn't. The creature that smashed down the door and filled the room - or maybe the whole building - with shaking, ear-splitting echoes.

Vanya ducked down behind transport crates and shoved her fingers in her ears even as the sounds seemed to shake her innards. It was painful, and even after it stopped, it left her ears ringing. It was hard to regain her composure, and made her stumble as the creature started to creep forward. Fortunately, the creature didn't seem capable of unleashing its blasts of sonic energy while also moving with any kind of speed.

She motioned wide around the other side of the hangar, trying to catch Covax's eye to get a flanking shot on the creature while she would attempt to draw it out with her saber in hand. It was a classic maneuver with varying success, normally, but typically Jedi. Put yourself in danger and draw fire while someone else lined up for the killing blow.

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