Ask The Teachers of Kro Var

Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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Kro Var | Unknown Regions | 0700 Hours

Grace traveled across the galaxy alone, in her skipray blast boat. Her companions were either dropped off on Ryloth or Tatooine. Realizing that the space around Dathomir was blockaded by the sith, she knew learning the nightsister's secrets would be impossible. Besides, if she learned what they had to teach, she would fall to the dark side permanently. It was something she didn't want, but knew would be inevitable if she ever had to face the jedi or sith again...

As things stood, she may have been a better fighter than nearly any padawan in the jedi order, but what about the knights? A fully trained Jedi Knight like her old friend @Zerath Eblon would probably defeat her if they came to blows. Grace needed training, she knew that, and she was getting desperate for it. An elderly Twi'lek on Ryloth told her a tale recently. A story about a group of force sensitives who lived on a planet called Kro Var. She had never heard of the world before, but it was listed on her ship's navicomputer. Taking a short trip out in that direction couldn't hurt, not if it meant gaining greater strength in the force.

After several hours of waiting, she ship would eventually exit hyperspace, revealing a small world that looked mountainous from a distance. She had never seen a place quite like it, but decided it would be best to land and take a look around... The skipray would make it's way through the world's atmosphere, and then to the planet's surface. It was mountainous, but also seemed to have some degree of flora. The ramp of her ship would hiss open, before allowing the auburn haired woman to step outside.

She would take a look around, before seeing what looked to be a small town made from stone buildings in the distance. Grace didn't know what it was, but she felt called to that little town...


The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
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Dec 24, 2017
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A barren Planet, Kro Var, one with History almost as obscure as the Nightsister's of Dathomir.

A Destination not often seen among those that travel the way of the Force and even moreso those of Jedi, during the later days of Civil unrest Kor Var was mostly populated by Refugees fleeing conflicts and due to the barren state of the Planet it was destined that people come together rather than to live in nomadic splotches along the surface, inevitably such would lead to infighting and those that persevered found themselves with rare gifts... gifts they honed.

Touching down onto the Planets surface the Blast-Boat found its place between two large mountains that created a valley inbetween and inside of the shelter of these two large mountains stood a small Village, one that prospered as much as it could upon this barren wasteland of a Planet yet... a calling drew Grace towards this place as if guided by instinct and purpose it was her destination or so she thought.

The Travel albeit long and arduous was pleasant, the Planet was not imposing harsh weather upon her and the Sun stood high, advantagous and bright, driven by purpose she strode and surely enough she reached her destination eventually.

Passing past a large Sandstone building, bulbous and imposing it was very primitive and infact the whole Village looked relatively primitive, there was little Technology present either for the lack of need or lack of possession of it, though Grace noticed among a few things almost immedietly that whilst this Village seemed predominantly Barren it was not without its people.

Humanoid figures roamed the streets carrying large pottery either on their hands, on their Head or through contraptions from place to place, others engaged in avid barter for food and drink whilst albeit scarcely, kids roamed the streets yet one distinction rang out to Grace, all beings she saw were clothed in heavily obscuring robes, robes that almost fully concealed their faces aswell, were it not for the distinct colour of skin and the distinct sound of language and voice it was hard to differentiate the inhabitants.

<"I would like to buy one more Jug of Water in exchange I will give you my finest silk, I need the Water for my Son.">

<"If it is for your son, you will get it for free.">

Yet the more she observed and the more she strode into the Village she found herself eventually in what could be assumed to be the Village square, round and surrounded by buildings of varying sizes, there was no Cantina nothing public this was very much a secluded society and one she stuck out of like a sore thumb.

Coming to a halt just afore a large round elevated podestal she finally noticed that people were slowly gathering around her in the square, normally this shouldn't bother someone as people go usually about their way but this time... the attention wasn't on work or the likes, it was on her, and her alone as a crowd built to almost enclose her in the Square, it was not before long that she found herself inside of a circle of robed figures all gazing upon her.


Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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As Grace made her way into the small town, she would be in awe. Their society was quite primitive, something like the sand people of tatooine, or maybe even like the inhabitants of gamorr... Their buildings were more advanced than that however, they were made from sandstone rather than the hides of beasts. The people walked as if they all had jobs, and she would even overhear some speaking a language that sounded somewhat like galactic basic.

As she walked deeper and deeper into the small town, she didn't stop to realize the figure trailing her. The instinct to investigate was strong. It was as if the force was speaking to her, telling her that this was her true place in the galaxy. Why did she have this feeling? She had never lived among people like this before, it was all new to her.

The closer the woman drew to the town center, the more apparent it became she was being watched. Before she could even turn around to confront her stalkers, they would already have fully surrounded her. They were hooded figures, but something in the air told her they would do no harm... Regardless, she was nervous.

Unsure what else to ask, Grace would simply state "I-I've come to find the Shapers of Kro Var... I don't mean anyone here harm." She was unsure that they understood her, but crossed her fingers someone around here spoke basic.


The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
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Dec 24, 2017
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The Circle around her tightened as it seemed like almost the entire village had surrounded her at this point, each and every one of them defiantly and deftly staring at her in absolute silence, it was only when she spoke that murmurations began to slowly travel through the lines of People, some turned to one another in consultations others faded from the lines.

<"Who is she?">

<"Another dogged contender, emissarys havent come through here for ages...">

<"Perhaps it is fate?">

It was clear she was not welcome here, but at the same time curiousity sparked many of those onlookers, it was not oft that they heard what she spoke and moreso it was almost legend at this point in time though a quiet gasp erupted from many of the onlookers directly behind Grace as the circle parted to make way for two individuals striding almost directly into her direction.

<"We know why you are here.">

They spoke simultanous, a Male and Female voice resounding in tandem creating a curious yet fascinating echo, standing next to one another were two colourfully robed individuals each of them holding a Staff larger than themselves in either opposing hand fashioned from Phrik and kept very simple, their robes each differed in colour one was strewn through with streaks of fiery red, the other with soothing blue lines of harmony.

Studying from bottom to top, Grace would finally notice that both of them were bald and their hood was thrown back their eyes peering piercingly at her one pair as yellow as the blazing sun, the other as blue as the deepest ocean, both held their hands palm up just above chest height in a almost ceremonious, spiritual way.

<"Tradition demands you be tested.">

As they spoke in Tandem once more both of them reached to position both hands on their Staff, they then turned to one another presenting the Staff ceremoniously as they held it aloft them bringing it back down to strike the barren ground beneath with one end of it, both then intensely shifted their posture towards Grace as they in absolute synchronity leveled their Staff diagonally to her height.

It seemed Fate was intent on testing those that wish to brave deeper waters, it was now upon Grace to prove that what she searched for was within her reach or be forced to abandon it forevermore.​


Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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The robes became louder, but those who wore them became easier to understand. The locals would make several comments, all seeming to point to her having a different origin. As the two main figures stated they knew her intentions however, Grace would give a nod. She felt that they were correct, and would probably know her goals if they paid close enough attention. She wore robes and wielded a lightsaber at her hip, that screamed former jedi, or perhaps even sith to the suspicious.

As the pair of staff-wielders drew their weapons, so too did Grace. She would draw her double-bladed yellow lightsaber with a bit of florish, before presenting it forward with her left hand. Each side would activate in tandem, to the bewilderment and surprise of the others that were there. She had no doubts the two in front of her had expected this however.

"If I must be tested, then I must be tested. I will respect your ways." The woman wasn't the most confident, but did feel like she could put up a fight in a traditional duel. Her weapon resembled the staves these two wielded to an extent, simply a bit more light weight.

Her breathing would become intensified as she started to focus, eventually evening out as she began to analyze the stances each foe took.


The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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As a lightsaber was introduced to the equation the entire crowd let out a almost synchronized gasp, more murmurations began to surface from those surrounding her, they had seen one before, infact more than one but nevertheless it threw scrutiny upon Grace, yet almost all murmurations stopped as the mysterious twins slowly began advancing towards Grace.

<"Focus and you shall overcome.">

It was the females voice that rung out as she slowly advanced towards Grace and as she did she let the Staff she held shoot back in her hand as she then brought it up over her head as it spun like a Rotor transitioning from her left hand into the right, rowing forwards perpuatiating the spin.

The blue robes of what looked almost like a Monk to Grace flowed effortlessly with her movements and the blinding speed of the spins of her Staff created a almost direct illusion of a solid shield mesmerizing... yet graceful however she did not seem to aim to strike her.

<"Falter, and you will fall.">

It was the males voice that resounded afterwards as he went paralel of his Partner approaching Grace from the direct frontal right whilst the female stood at a defensive attention to her frontal left, spinning his Staff behind his he made a direct leap forwards and just as the Staff reached its peak above his sternum where he stopped it dead in its tracks, reaching his free hand up resting it on the length of the Staff and just before continueing he shouted:

<"Defend yourself!">

And as that rang true, the fiery bright robes of the male flushed out as he brought his staff up high and with blinding ravaging speed brought it down horizontally above Grace seeking to strike her flatly on the head, the tribulations had begun and they were not going to be easy on her.

The Fight had begun.

Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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Grace would watch on with an impressed gaze as the woman maneuvered her staff. It was unclear for a moment whether this would be an offensive action or now, but it was soon realized to be a defensive flourish of sorts. Grace would hold her ground in the process, deciding to listen rather than be especially tactical. Something told her that may be the key to proving herself, showing that she could be taught.

She would remain silent as the woman spoke, but would then change her attention to the male voice in the red robe. The way he spun his staff was slightly different, it was somewhat faster, aggressive. It was clear that if one of them would strike, it would be the man first.

This thought process would become realized as the figure instructed Grace to defend herself. Thankfully, she had expected a strike like that to the head, and manage to bring her lightsaber above her head with both hands. The yellow blade just managed to parry the blow, warding off the first attack with some difficulty.

Grace would move to the right side of the man's weapon, attempting to bat it away with what momentum she had. Of course, the woman had still yet to act, and taking attacks from two different individuals would be quite dangerous. Either way, their battle would be heating up soon.

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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Phrik met Light and as it did a squeeling screech resounded as the material was intercepted and the more weapon met weapon, eventually Grace managed to divert the strike to her side and as she did the full force of it struck past her impacting the ground where it left a very sizeable chunk being removed.

She felt... as if a gust of wind had struck past her and if she concentrated enough she could feel... there was more behind this singular strike than someone simply trying to hit her with a Staff, this was curious and whilst it was subtle it was distinct.


The female called out as it focused completely on Grace stepping fluidly through her Partner's strike veering off to the right, it was textbook defense but even then it showed that she was willing to act when called upon, though they were far from done testing her.

<"If you are to learn you must show that your aptitude of the Saber is as cunning as that of your concentration. If you cannot defend yourself on two fronts at once you will find yourself at a impasse.">

And just as she finished that sentence the spinning of her Staff came to a abrupt stop abusing the factor that Grace stood inbetween them to reach up to place both hands along her Staff before then bringing it low tapping the ground just to the left of Grace before then whipping up to send it sailing for Grace's lower left side.

Momentum was starting to pick up and if Grace was to keep up the defense she must go on the offense aswell or eventually be overwhelmed as the one she parried now veered backwards out of reach to strike aswell as being struck.


Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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As Grace managed to avoid the man's strike, she would feel a gust of wind as his weapon impacted the ground. It felt strange, yet familiar. As the woman implored her to focus, the young crime boss would quickly realize that something was different about these people. The way the used the force maybe? She would have to pay close attention to keep up with the subtle differences in style. For then at least.

Though her move may have avoided damage on one front, the defensive maneuver left her vulnerable to an attack from the right. For a moment she though she may have avoided the strike as the robed woman tapped the ground. Unfortunately, this was not the case, as the phirk staff struck true against her left side. "Grahh..." She would grip her lightsaber in pain, but knew she had to carry on.

The woman was apprehensive about going on the offensive, she had a lightsaber, and didn't want to accidently kill a potential mentor. That may have been her only option however.

Grace would begin spinning her blade around in a defensive motion briefly, but then quickly switch to the offensive. Bringing the hilt above her head with both arms, she would slash down toward the male first, and would then follow her downward attack with an upward slash directed at the sister next to him.


The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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Finally, or so they both thought, she was thinking on her heels, she was using what she was wielding to its full potential, instead of striking with just one side she was using the leverage of the downwards strike to cause the other side of her Lightsaber to rise and in turn strike simultanously from two sides at once.

<"Good. You must use a Weapon to its fullest potential if you are to succeed.">

The Male intercepted the strike with his Staff albeit just barely and once more that screeching of light meeting phrik could be heard but this time... from two sides at once, just as the Male intercepted her strike so did the Female in synchronity but one thing Grace slowly noticed, whilst she had been unfocused in the beginning that Focus slowly came back and unlike the quiver before when she redirected the strike of the Male she now held both of them at bay without breaking under the pressure.

<"You must clear your mind, abandon all thoughts on potential loss or what could be, focus on the moment.">

It was the females voice that resounded now rather than the males which had referenced her way of using her saber, now effectively in a bind staff to saber on both sides they walked with Grace sizing one another up and just as the holding point of the staffs began glowing a red hot transitioning into a burning golden both of them broke the bind imposed on Grace.

Both of them flipped backwards yet it was the male that was closest to Grace and just as he disengaged, the force that had previously keeping Grace from striking a telling blow was let loose causing her saber to leave a notable singe mark on those red hued robes, if he hadn't been trained as well as he was it was evident that she wouldve struck a lethal blow that one would not easily recover from.

<"Adapting is key in Combat. You must learn to master all your tools equally instead of placing one over the other. Not all can be intercepted, not all can be hit, not all can be evaded. Choose your battles wisely.">

And just as they said that Grace could feel the air around her contract as if it was pressing in on her, with her training she knew more than enough to deduce what was happening and reaffirmed she was shortly after looking over her shoulder, the female had gestured a flowing motion with her right hand from right to left whilst her eyes were deeply shut in absolute concentration and sure enough... that was what Grace felt, unlike that of a crush she felt the Air around her bend and move forcing itself up against her like a gust of wind that grew ever stronger.


The male called from the other side yet moved not to intercept nor to gain advantage from the Situation, it was then that it dawned upon Grace, this must be a lesser school of Force Manipulation!​

Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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Grace would begin to understand, the man mentioned using her weaopn to the fullest against her opponents. As the ex-jedi clashed with each hooded figure at once. Try as she might, the woman didn't have enough strength to push them both back, but at least she was holding her own.

Then the hooded lady would continue their evaluation of Grace, stating that her mind should be clear in combat. Think of nothing but the moment. "Nothing but the moment," she would repeat softly. That was it, exactly what she needed to hear. The way of the jedi taught calm and defensive fighting. The sith taught combat from anger and rage. These individuals, they taught fighting with one's instincts. This was how she wanted to be trained.

The woman wound continue to enlighten her, before eventually hopping back woth the man next to her. It looked like the pair was preparing for another attack, and Grace would reasy her weapon yet again.

Instead of a forward charge however, she would feel a strange power in the air... It wasn't force telekinesis, it couldn't have been. As she ran the possibilities through her mind, a powerful gust of wind would suddenly begin pressing itself against her. The woman would stand her ground, and stomp her foot into the dusty ground below.

She had used the force to create the small hole, pushing the sediment downward in order to root herself there. As the winds began to let up, she would do the same with her right foot. "That power... what was that?" She would ask with a confused look.

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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As Force met Force ripples within the ground beneath Grace created itself as the pressure grew greater and greater yet she endured, and to the Pairs surprise, she endured surprisingly well, her hunch was warranted and very much leading into the right direction, it was a manipulation of the Force but one she was not privy to.

<"You learn quick. What you have endured and its name you must yet earn to hear, but if you so choose you will learn to utilize it as much as speak it.">

The Female slowly opened her eyes to regard Grace, they had seen what they needed to see, they saw an aptitude of her ability to defend herself aswell as her ability to endure the onslaught of Force fueled attacks, any evaluation further would not be done by them so both of them assumed a resting posture pulling their Staff close to the body.

<"We have gleamed your aptitude, Combat serves no longer a purpose.">

They explained in Tandem before the female then slowly shuffled forth what seemed to be blindfolds holding them firmly in one hand whilst slowly approaching Grace, this felt odd, a hunch told Grace that in some way she did not believe that those blindfolds were for either of the Pair.

<"We would like to deliver you to the Elder. Your Ship will be safe here, but the Journey you must make without eyes.">

She held out the Blindfold to Grace, it was upon her to make a choice, persue the training she was searching and meet the Elder of these people or decide against it and seek for a Mentor to teach her in the Arts of the Force in other ways, nevertheless it was not a easy commitment and whilst she knew this it still gnawed at the back of the mind.​

Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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Grace would give a sigh of relief as the tests stopped. In truth, she didn't know how much longer she could have lasted. The yellow blades of her lightsaber would retract into her hilt as the robed woman spoke. It was some sort of riddle maybe? What did she mean by "utilize it as much as speak it?" There would be many unanswered questions there.

Despite this, the young woman would remain silent, allowing the robed figures to continue speaking. The villagers of the town were all watching on with both speechless and impressed looks.

"Deliver me to the elder?" She would take a moment to think. This was what she had been waiting for, someone who could teach her. Force powers beyond the knowledge of jedi and sith. She would not be confined to their codes. Instead, she would follow her own creed, along with that of Kor Var's.

If this was her best shot at becoming a master of the force, then she would certainly take it.


The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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<"The Elder will decide what shall become of you.">

She spoke as she fastened the Blindfold for Grace and whilst she did it became more and more evident that this was a decision she made consciously and liberally, a step towards the goal she wished to attain yet it would come only with great patience and great effort.

<"We will guide you, and then we shall see what you are truely made off.">

The Crowd around them began in quiet murmurations once more, this has been the first time in decades that Emmisarys appeared in their Village and even more time since they took someone with them into their Fold, it was both a frightening and fascinating thing to onlook and whilst some bowed their head in reverence some completely zoned out to return to their business.

<"Now come. The Journey is long.">

And just as they said that either one of them flanked her on her left and right the staffs crossed behind her back in a solemn X as they guided her, and before long they made their Way out of the Village in a solemn Pilgrimage across Kro Var.

An Hour had passed since they departed and slowly but surely exertion would set in even in her determined legs, however her travelling companions seemed to not be phased by travelling through the Sun, they were used to these distances and made very sure that she would reach her destination however even during this Pilgrimage things were kept cryptic, there was slim to no conversation and Grace had no Idea where she would end up by the end of this.

<"If you wish to learn, you must accept that we know what we do, and if you cannot shake that misstrust, you will reject our Teachings subconsciously.">

Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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Grace would allow the blindfold to be fashioned to her without any resistance. The woman would give a simple nod as the woman stated they would guide her. This was interesting, something unfamiliar to someone with such a modern training regimen. She liked the message behind the various teachings, and even seemed to be getting a lot of attention from the locals.

Without much resistance, she would begin to walk the path... And walk the path... And walk the path for an entire hour as the heat beamed against her body. Was this another trial maybe? No. Not quite. This was simply how these people lived. They were use to these abnormal conditions, and she was not yet there.

The woman did warn her about rejecting the teachings, but as a large drop of sweat left her brow, Grace would shake her head. "I will not. I trust your guidance... This is just unusual for me. I want to learn what you all have to teach. If this is the path to mastery, then I will follow that path."

She would continue marching forward, unsure of what may await her in the near future. Who was this elder anyhow, was he too one of these shapers?


The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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There was no response, or rather mayhaps she didn't see the response for the Twins had looked at one another unbeknown to her and nodded, they then kept guiding her along the Sands of Kro Var, the Journey seemed to become endless as more time passed but eventually and only very subtly Grace felt solid rock beneath her feet.

<"Rejoice, your Destination is soon at hand.">

The Male patted her on the left shoulder and sure enough his words were telling the truth, what was at first rock turned into carpet upon rock, she could hear the sound of a door sliding open and as it did a refreshing swath of cool air impacted her directly, she could not see why or where it came from but it was soothing given that she walked through the Sun for over 2 Hours now.

Dryness began forming in the throat and mouth but curiousity amplified aswell, she swore she could hear voices reciting drills in the distance, intangible and too faint to understand however, the beeping of a console as she passed one it was then that they guided her down a corridor by pulling her down the left adjusting her movement.

<"Different is it not? The feeling?">

The female twin asked as Grace was led down that corridor, the sound her boots made on the floor beneath her having turned from stone to metal, and the immediete surrounding noise had been compressed as a door closed behind them, one which they had briefly stepped through, it was then that the entire group halted abruptly and after a very short moment of silence both stepped 2 steps back before then saying:

<"The Elders Chamber lies ahead, you may now remove your Blindfold, the remaining steps you must take alone.">

Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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The journey continued for some time, and the sun was hot as ever, but eventually she would feel the solid ground beneath. The stones of Kor Var gave her some degree of comfort. She would nod as the woman remarked they would be there soon. Thankfully, they would be there soon.

What was once stone turned to the feeling of carpet and what felt like maybe air conditioning. That was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. It was apparent she was standing in some kind of building, maybe the elder's home? It was then that the pair guiding her instructed she take off her blindfold... The rest of the way she would travel alone.

The woman would follow these instructions, and would be able to see the area around. This was no home, but a temple. The sounds of training could be heard some distance away. If there was people training, then there were no doubt instructors. The temple itself appeared to be something new, neither sith nor jedi in appearance. It was constructed of stone, but featured many modern objects in it's design such as doors.

Before her would be a large red curtain which appeared to lead to another room. This must have been the elder's personal office. She would take a step inside, and give a bow to the first individual she saw.

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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As she strode forwards it dawned more and more upon her that she was to come face to face with Authority and for once Authority she had to show respect to, it was different from what she was used to as normally it was easier to solve problems the was she wanted to yet this time she couldn't simply do that very same procedure as whilst it may be successful it wouldn't yield her anything in return.

Shuffling through those large ceiling height Curtains she noticed that the entire archway made of cloth was atleast four times her height combined tall and thrice as wide as her yet the velvety fabric that she pushed through felt... soft and comforting and as curiousity could keep her no longer at bay she stepped inside.

Finding herself in a very spacious room as she strode forwards, carpet once more returning beneath her boots that was leading forwards yet the Room itself drew more attention, looking up she immedietly noticed that the light was so dim that she could not see the ceiling though she could see Four Pillars coming down in the middle of the Room forming a large Square within a square, these Pillars were inscribed with engravings of foreign origin and faded to time yet seemed to hold great significance.

Both to her left and right the large barren Walls had Murals on them, some depicting the very similiar looking monks like the Twins that had brought her here then depictions of what seemed to be Users of the Force displaying feats of bending the Elements to their will, it was fascinating to just look upon all of it yet eventually she noticed that she came upon a large set of Stairs that led up to a elevated Pedestal upon which a singular figure stood.

Its back turned to Grace yet imposing as it was it knew she was here, it knew from the very moment she laid boots on the Planet that she had been here and now that she stood closer than ever she gazed upon what she would only assume to be the Shaper Elder.

Clad in similiar Robes to the Twins the only difference being that his were a stark and bright cream colour verging on the transition to white, hood up to obscure its face, the sheer size of the Elder alone however inspired respect, she estimated him to stand at the very least at 7 feet tall and now she stood at the foot of the stairs also noticed that he must be atleast twice as wide as her.

A deep thrumming Voice radiated as she came to a halt, it carried a sound similiar to that of a roaring forge drawing in fresh Air to fuel Embers deep and imposing yet radiating entirely throughout the large Chamber it was almost as if the the Room itself was a mouthpiece that enhanced the quality of the voice to another level.

<Whose footfalls approach in innocence. No. Not innocence. Guilt. I can feel it radiating from you.">


Grace Zann

Crime Lord

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
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The building was far more awe inspiring and lavish than she had initially expected. The depictions on the wall were unlike anything she had ever seen before. Uncommon force abilities, used by these monks. Was this why they were called the Shapers? That would remain to be seen, even still, she still had to meet with this elder.

Grace would press on, eventually reaching the massive staircase that lead to an elevated portion of the room. Before her was a massive figure cloaked in white. She recognized the robes as they were of similar design to the others she had seen on Kro Var. The man would be quick to note her approach, and seemed to feel her intentions.

It was true, Grace was guilty. She was forced to leave the jedi many years ago for something petty she did. Now, she was a criminal, looking to become a powerful warrior. There was very little honor in those motives, and she knew that.

"I-I am. Guilty. Of many things. The Jedi sent me away when I was young, for doing something foolish... But, I still desire to learn the ways of the force. I don't want to learn from the Jedi however, nor the Sith... This is why I came. I was told the people here may be able to help me, possibly train me in their ways..."

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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As she spoke the figure finally turned to her, looking upon her beneath the cloak out of which she only saw a grey beard potrude, it was almost completely impossible to make out any distinguishing facial features save for radiantly blue hued eyes regarding her somberly.

The Elder took two steps forwards standing at the very edge of the top of the Stairs before then reaching out with his left hand he gestured towards the pillars, Grace could feel the Force respond to his gesture, a singular one began lighting up from the top to the bottom in a solemn spiral pattern snaking around the Pillar in a solemn luminescent blue hue, it was meant to symbolize his following words.

<"You have taken a step into a world that is foreign to you, those Jedi and Sith teachings they matter not when you look upon the purity and serenity of the Force, it can lead to clarity, understanding... Clairvoyance.">

He then balled a fist and those lights were snuffed out as fast as they appeared, slowly taking a single step down the Stairs he gestured around himself his robes flowing vividly as he did so, it was now that she noticed that both his hands were gloved in black leather and hard to distinguish.

<"Your Guilt, it is only part of your many troubles, Anger was once yours aswell perhaps... out of Jealousy?">

He asked as if his eyes peered deep into her soul, whilst this should make most people uneasy she would be used to similiar things from back when she was at the Jedi Academy therefore it would not be too jarring yet still... it was not often someone spoke so directly about things regarding her.

<"If you are to be one with the Force you must learn to accept what dwells within you. And that includes confronting your feelings, your desires, your thoughts.">