Open Event Vengeance of the Sith: Descent

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The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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In the blackened city of Coranth, only dead things walk.

Such had been the cryptic warnings of a dozen, tortured souls. Over a year had passed since the dual missions to Anoth and Prakith - assaulting the forces that swore loyalty to Darth Occidius. While the decisions of those on Prakith had been questionable, both parties had ultimately succeeded at the end of the day, and those who survived the ordeal were promptly captured by Sith forces. All were tortured ruthlessly within the bowels of Fortress Vader for any information about Occidius. Most did not survive the process.

Those who did, however, spoke only of the Utapau city that housed their brethren. And there was no mistaking the horror that laced their features upon so much as uttering its name. It was a place they’d hoped to forget. A cradle of the worst experiments that Occidius had conducted, nestled where no living thing ought dwell.

And it was the only lead the Sith Order had to pursue their enemy.

Acolytes and Champions alike were selected by Darth Tempest for the expedition to Utapau - punching through the haze-covered atmosphere of the ghost-world. Utapau had perhaps been the worst victim of the AMS virus, with ninety-eight percent of its population killed or turned. Even as the decades passed, reconstruction efforts had seen little success. The capital of Pau City stood forgotten and empty, save for the occasional Infected that still wandered its subterranean streets, caves and grottos.

There were no customs or security forces to greet the Sith as they descended towards the Sinkhole. There were no merchants or tourists that flooded into the spaceport. Only the occasional Dactillion that soured towards the planetary surface, and the wild overgrowth that had come to spread across hangar bays, government buildings and residential cave dwellings. As they delved deeper, however, all those aboard the transport would feel the ripples that echoed through the Force. The sense of dread that crept along their spines. The animalistic, inhumane noises that seemed to echo from within caverns and cave-tunnels that led into nothing but darkness.

In the blackened city of Coranth, only dead things walk.

And it was there - at the very bottom of the Pau Sinkhole - that the Sith would find their landing zone. Pools and grottos bubbled up from the earth, forming rivers of sulfuric water that streamed deeper into the caves. The bodies of dozens were scattered across the ground, their bodies mutilated and dismembered grotesquely. Perhaps the only recognizable feature that remained to them as the tattered, blackened remains of Sith robes. The trappings of unfortunate acolytes and cultists.

What would draw their gaze, however, was the blood-scrawl message left against the walls of the cave itself.

Lords laze upon seats of frost and obsidian,

Content upon their ill-earned thrones,

The faithful shall not be swayed, for the shepard eternal beckons,




Among the Sith who had gathered, a Rattataki female stood up - removing her hood to address them. She had been on Prakith when the Sith attacked Occidius’ forces there, and had betrayed her former master in exchange for her own life. She had earned herself a slave collar that bound tightly to her throat, equipped with shock probes and a lethal injector for the moment she stepped out of line.

Timera had been forced to lead the Sith here, to hunt the remnants of her former master.

“Even I do not know the true extent of this place,” She said, her gaze moving amongst the group of Acolytes and Champions. “Only that Utapau was used by Lord Occidius for the most vile of his experiments and research. That the few followers sent here never returned.” She winced, her gaze flicking towards the durasteel ramp. Watching as it hissed, extended, and beckoned them to exit the safety and comfort of their ship. “That it’s true nature was a closely guarded secret.”

“If there is anything of value to be found here… It will not be unguarded.”

All that remained was to begin their descent.

Welcome to the latest installment of the Vengeance of the Sith storyline
-This thread is open to all members of the Sith faction.
-This thread will run on a 48hr deadline between DM posts. Due to the holiday season, participants will have until December 27th at 7:00EST to join before the first DM post.
-By default, this thread is death disabled.

-Good luck, I guess.

Feifi Candorus

Sith Order

Character Profile
Sep 14, 2023
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This was it, feifi had been called, and now, she would answer, she would put to rest any doubt of her loyalty, she would succeed where her father failed, and she would earn her place in the sith order, she would uphold the tenants of the order, and she would prove herself, or die trying..

She would affix her helmet onto her head, wearing her new white armor
, the respirator activating as well as the voice modulator, hiding the youth behind a snowy facade, Equiped with tech to help with biohazard, the reforged mandalorian armor reborn and repurposed to that of sith, she was well aware of the standard dress code, most of her ilk wore blacks, reds, dark colors, only bothering to show any other during their foolish parties, bah, feifi had chosen white for her armor not only to make a statement, but to make herself recognizable amongst her fellows, besides, white looked good.. it was a win win for her.

her breathing respirator kicked in as the helmet sealed with a cruel hiss,

Arriving with her fellow sith, the girl had left nothing to chance, she kept a blaster on her side, westar - 34 model, just in case.. you never knew what could happen..

tightening her saber gauntlets, shit was going to get real, she could feel it, she was going to be ready, she would not fail, this was her test...

Made small edits, didn't iccly know what ams was about, did some research, just wanted to clarify things.
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Ayomi Jakarta

Sith Order

Character Profile
Sep 19, 2023
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Finally, a mission to distract themselves from the constant assault of intrusive thoughts in their head. Ayomi was sure being selected with Feifi was no mistake; their apprentice had a lot to prove, and as her master the girl's success reflected equally onto them. No more fuck ups. The Tiefling had nearly as much to prove as their gung-ho apprentice even if they didn't show it. Not just to the Dark Lord, but to those who looked down on them, like Karys, and most of all to themselves. To prove they weren't completely worthless. To prove they were still a Sith. What better way than to hunt down an old enemy?

Ayomi descended the transport's ramp dressed in their full armor, black cloak just barely brushing the ground behind them. Their double-bladed lightsaber hung from their belt on the left side, while a single curved hilt hung from the right. They would not be caught unprepared for the fight ahead. The champion adjusted the bracer on their left forearm, pulling it tighter as pain rushed through their arm, the pressure of the armor pushing down on the burned skin beneath the armor's underlay. They might not know how to control lightning yet, but until then their failure would prove to be useful fuel for the Dark Side. Ayomi walked next to Feifi as they reached the bottom of the ramp, glacier down at the shorter girl.
I hope we both achieve our goals here.

Connor Vance

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order

Character Profile
Dec 7, 2023
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The moment Connor had heard about some mission to Utupua, he was in. Not really because he cared about what the Sith were after, instead it was the opportunity for profit. If Utupua was covered in shamblers, there likely was houses, manors, and best yet, bank accounts that had been untouched. It was an opportunity for a heist that no one would even notice. He couldn’t pass it up.

He plucked out his EZPhone and sent, his partner in crime, Thumps (@Sreeya) a text detailing the opportunity. He wanted back up in case things didn’t exactly go as planned and didn’t know anyone better than her.

He’d been quiet on the trip to Utupua, he didn’t see the need in talking to anyone who wasn’t in on his plan. He came dressed for the occasion as well. It was only once they’d landed that Connor began to realize the gravity of the situation he’d put himself in. Sure, the lowest levels of Nar Shadda had feral people, shamblers, and even rumors of Rakghouls but he’d never actually gone there. His ears pinned themselves back as he drew out his blaster pistol, it brought him a faux sense of safety he otherwise wouldn’t have had.

Connor’s green eyes flicked around, taking in the horrors of their landing zone. His ears listened for threats but the only interruption to the silence of a tomb world was the occasional grunt or growl. His nose was overwhelmed by the stench of decades of decay mixed with fresher, more recently spilled blood. He wished he wouldn’t have come but there was no going back now.

Connor stooped over the corpses of slaughtered acolytes and cultists. He gingerly ran his cybernetic fingers across their forms and dipped into their pockets. He hunted for something useful, something that might be able to keep them alive. If he found it or not was entirely up to fate.

The Rattataki women before them pulled back her hood and spoke. She talked of vile experiments and cruel Sith Masters and when she moved, Connor saw the message written in blood behind her.

What the fuck…” He muttered before he realized the other Sith had began to walk away. He quickly moved to catch up, he wasn’t getting left behind.

@Altaris @Hastur @René
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Sith Order

Character Profile
Nov 22, 2023
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Nash thought it was a joke when Connor first texted her about some excursion on Utapau. She had heard enough about its AMS problem on Holonews for years to know to give the place a wide berth. However, soon enough it became clear that this was a Sith mission decreed by the Dark Lord for anyone that dared. Nash was a lot of things, but porgshit was not one of them. Soon enough, she found herself on the planet dressed for the occasion. Nash prioritized survival over looking cute, so she was dressed in layers to protect from any AMS bites and a helmet to prevent toxic gasses.

Nash walked over to join the others, moving to stand next to Connor. Likely he wouldn’t recognize her at first so she took a moment to do some creepy Vader style mechanized breathing right next to him for a few seconds to sketch him out and add to the already eerie vibes. After a moment, she playfully nudged him with an elbow, “Sup, Gears?” She quipped before turning her attention to the Rattataki woman.

“It’ll be lame if we die here,” Nash mused quietly to Connor as they started walking, “I don’t even have a saber of my own yet,” She sighed.

@Altaris @Apollyon

Arak Ragnos

Sith Order

Character Profile
Javier Esschoolbus
Nov 21, 2023
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Arak had once again made what he would quickly realize was a stupid decision. One of his teachers had mentioned a mission of some sort that the Dark Lord herself was organizing as extra credit. So he signed up for it wanting to get as much extra training and learning he could. Though once he was getting the debrief he made a mental not to get back at this particular teacher.

He took some of his excess fund and bought himself an outfit suitable for the biohazard threat. His breathing constantly sounded like an eerie breathing apparatus due to his suits gas mask. Unlike normal his lightsaber was visibly hanging off his hip for easy access but his dagger was still hidden on his back. When he arrived he saw a collection of others and was happy to not being alone.

As he walked out to the landing zone he could see the numerous corpses strewn about and simply passed them. He looked at the Rattataki woman and quickly noticed the slave collar. It was even more painful and torturous than the ones he's seen utilized before. He stopped for a moment to regard the writing on the wall reading it.

He eventually caught up with the rest and simply walked beside them. He took up position on the other side of Connor unsure who was next to him. "Nice arm." He quipped playfully mimicking their first encounter. His hand casually rested next to his lightsaber prepared to pull it out even if he wasn't the most skilled with one.

@Altaris @Apollyon @Sreeya

Connor Vance

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order

Character Profile
Dec 7, 2023
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Connor had taken up the rear of the group, he wanted to be as far back from the action if it happened. Then he heard some heavy metallic breathing coming from right beside him. He slowly glanced over to see a pair of green eyes looking up at him. Every hair on his body stood up. Fear and anxiety gripped his chest. His ears dipped and his eyes grew wide.

Those dead acolytes had come to kill him for fucking with their shit!

And then Nash’s voice came through the speaker and Connor went from scared, to relieved, to annoyed. His heavy breathing slowed and his ears pinned to the side of his head. “Har har. Really fucking funny Thumps!” Connor replied, the annoyance dropped into his voice for a moment. He rolled his eyes and took a second to just be annoyed before getting over it.

The pair walked at the rear and Connor listened as Nash talked about how lame it would be to die here. How she didn’t have a lightsaber yet. “I haven’t even finished spending our whole ass haul yet.” Connor nodded. “I watch your back, you watch mine. Just like at the Casino.” He muttered. “We get whatever they need, then we can try and drain some bank accounts.” He smirked.

Typical Connor always chasing the bag.

Then another mouth breather showed up on Connor’s other side. It almost caught him off guard but it’s less scary the second time a trick is pulled. But he recognized the voice and the quip almost immediately, Arak. Sick, they had a whole ass squad for this job!

The next person that tried to sneak up on him was getting shot though

Suh, dude?” Connor asked, “The galactic tourist seen any new cool places lately?

@Sreeya @Javier esschoolbus
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Xohhar K'liir

Sith Order

Character Profile
Dec 24, 2023
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Xohhar stood on the ramp of the transport looking out over the surface of a dead world, the fingers of his right hand twitching toward the grips of his blaster as he took in the gruesome display of dismembered bodies splayed out before them. While not one to shy away from dealing out death and violence, he could admit to finding the butchery somewhat unnerving - he was used to killing from a distance, and if it must be in person it was either a quick and fatal blaster bolt to the head, a slit throat, or watching a person disappear into the blackness as they fell to the Undercity. Taking a breath to steady himself, lip curling at the reek of sulfur and bloodnin the stale air, Xohhar followed the group of other Acolytes down off the ship and took his first steps onto Utapau.

Even someone like him, who had only just begun truly refining his control of the Force, could feel the rot and death surrounding them in this sinkhole and in the darkness that beckoned below. He didn't need the ominous warning writ in blood to set the tone for the journey; it was obvious to the Falleen acolyte that the only thing they were guaranteed to find on this assignment was death.

He was dressed in his Infiltrator armor, counting on the fact that he was more than likely going to need protection from environmental hazards on a world that had been ravaged by AMS, with his coat unclasped to show the rancor leather armored vest beneath and his helmet held loosely in his left hand by his side. Looking around the assembled Sith, Xohhar quirked his brow at the sight of a familiar face and moved the join the human and the two unknowns wrapped in thick environmental suits.

"Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence - and I don't believe in those; so why is it that every time I find myself at the bottom of a hole in search of something valuable I find you waiting, Vance?"

Xohhar's voice was low and smooth but pitched to carry, not wanting to surprise the man or his Companions as he sidled up beside them with a slight grin tugging at the corner of his mouth before dipping his head in a nod to the others. "Acolyte Xo, at your service." It never hurt to be polite to someone before venturing into near-certain death at their side, after all.

@Apollyon @Sreeya @Javier esschoolbus
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Trodai Narat-iv-Adas

Sith Order

Character Profile
Sep 3, 2023
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Trodai listened to the traitor, one who had betrayed her former master. Now a Grotthu, explained the situation about where they were going. After Murzana, after his momentous failure there and Karys taking everything he held important that day...after his being drained and left near death, and through a Dark will and Rage and Wrath alone come back, he had contemplated much on what to do in his new situation.

He was sallow and yet found a newfound, unknown strength he had never known before.

Near death he had found what he searching for. A closer connection to the Darkside, yet little did he know the personal or physical cost such a connection would take. As the hands of fate were dealt. For this new strength, a stronger strength he had paid a high price, higher than perhaps some might pay. In a way he perhaps owed Karys for allowing him to seek the clarity he needed. But at the same time he felt a intense Rage at all he had done to him. A paradoxical situation.

This mission for the Dark Lord Tempest was a means to regaining favour, a way to repair a damaged reputation. To recoup something after losing a part of his powerbase. He had much riding on success. And so he listened, as he adjusted his Armour And Full Mask that would protect against any potential viral infection. AMS he recalled. Even despite his current state he wouldn't take a unnecessary risk. He had learnt lessons.

He noted those with him. He had read their files, seen them in a social setting. But this was different, professionally he had not worked with most except the Mandalorian, Feifi. And Champion Ayomi. Which brought some relief he wouldn't be alone looking after the bunch of misfits and troublemakers, who he could tell immediately. Some reminded him of himself as an Acolyte.

He stepped to Ayomi, offering a respectful not "Good to see I am not alone in looking after this rabble." he said "Looks like we are the ones looking after them. I know we have had our differences in the past, but let's work together again for this. Or these troublemakers are going to get themselves all killed before dawn."

He then faced the group, and the collared woman. Speaking, someone needed to give some direction afterall.

"Then we must be extra vigil. We don't know what awaits us out there, so we need at least two to go ahead of the rest of us in a scouting party. If the area is guarded we must be cautious and silent. Stealth is our ally until we know what is ahead and if the threat is worth pursuing."

He looked among them, thinking two particular looked kind of stealthy and wouldn't be noticed so easily, so picked them. Arak, he recalled was one ( @Javier esschoolbus ) and another he had not seen before but heard was a tech expert (@Apollyon ) of some sort. It was time to see what they could do personally beyond the social. Who knows he might consider training one of them depending how the mission went and what they did. Any Acolyte present other than Feifi, had the same chance. to train with him and alongside his other apprentice Kyssiria Who was currently working on a assignment for him elsewhere.

First he spoke to and looked to the collared woman again "Do you have anything to tell us about what lies ahead which may prove beneficial to us right now? Which way is it to the labs. Lead these two and scout us a path." said to her, not giving much choice about it as he spoke to the two Acolytes he had noted, facing them.

This was all business and not that guy they had seen before "You two can scout ahead, you look less likely to be seen and I trust your capable. From what I hear anyways. She is going with you." he said motioning to the collared one "Find out what's in front. Report any hostile forces encountered but do not engage, not unless absolutely necessary. Just map a route for us, observe and report any movements ahead."

He hoped Ayomi (@René ) agreed with the assessment of the situation and the course of action.

@Sreeya @René @Javier esschoolbus @Rom @Apollyon @Hastur
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Sith Order

Character Profile
Nov 22, 2023
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Nash couldn’t help but snicker at Connor's (@Apollyon )terrified response, which also came across as mechanized creepy noise which only made her laugh more. This was the getup she usually wore when posing as a dude and she loved how ambiguous it made her look. When the other figure showed up near Connor, it took her a moment to realize who it was. Nash cheerfully nudged Arak (@Javier esschoolbus )with an elbow, “Sup Prof?” She said before giving a nod to the other guy (@Rom )that showed.

They were following the Rattataki just fine when some random guy showed up and started talking a lot. Nash lost interest half way, turned up the volume of her song on her single EZPod, and actually started doing what Connor did earlier - scavenging dead bodies for any clues or anything interesting. The blathering new arrival (@Akheron )clearly felt the need to assert himself as some kind of authority for no particular reason. However, when he randomly told Connor and Arak to scout ahead, Nash gritted her teeth.

“Look, Discount Grim Reaper, we already have an expedition leader,” Nash said, pointing a thumb back towards the Rattataki, “So how about we all listen to the person that has the most context out of us all here, eh?”

Nash crossed her arms over her chest. She had no idea the dude was a Champion and could probably attack her for mouthing off. She wasn’t about to let her buddies get told to separate and go ‘scouting’ for no reason when they could all stick together instead. She had seen enough horror Holomovies to know better.

@Altaris @Hastur @René

Connor Vance

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order

Character Profile
Dec 7, 2023
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Connor had been paying attention to all the people he knew from previous jobs coming up to say hi. It made him feel kinda special. His ears perked up a little even as Nash chortled and kept being a damn troll.

That was when talk dark and weird showed up. As he spoke Connor listened, not because he cared about what the guy said. No, Connor quickly realized he spoke in monologues and he wanted to try and find when the dude would breathe.

Connor barely recognized that the dude had been talking to him. Something about scouting with Ar-


N-“ Connor didn’t even get to finish the word when Nash spoke up for them. She’s stopped scavenging through the bodies and called him out.

The tips of Connor’s ears pinkened. Why was that so hot? Connor’s hand fell towards the hilt of his blaster. Whoever this bastard was, if he wanted to fuck with Nash, he’d fuck with all of them too. It’d be an Aco-jumping to remember.

Aye G.T and Lizard boy, you both ready to fuck this guy up?” He whispered.

@Sreeya @Akheron @Javier esschoolbus @Rom

Arak Ragnos

Sith Order

Character Profile
Javier Esschoolbus
Nov 21, 2023
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Arak was pleasantly surprised when Connor practically instantly recognized him. “That why I here. See new world.” He lied, he could never admit he signed up thinking it was extra credit. His helmet turned to regard the unknown individual who turned out to be Nash. The only reason he knew it was her was the nickname only she regarded him by. “Didn’t know was you. Would’ve say hi.” His voice betrayed the smile on his face under the helmet.

Abruptly some weirdo began trying to take over the expedition. He talked more trying to press his authority than Arak did as an acolyte. Arak just let home drone on paying him little attention. Most of it was just monologuing for no reason. The only reason he didn’t fully ignore him was that he could sense that he was a step ahead of him in power.

Arak gave the man all the attention he could ever want when he heard the task he was given. Did he just delegate Arak to scouting duty? He looked down at the suit he was wearing with an incredulous expression. How was anyone supposed to be stealthy in this? “Ar..” Was all he could get out before he was interrupted.

Nash stepped forward and began defending him and Connor. His eyes widened as the realization that this individual was likely a champion. Arak instinctively unclipped his lightsaber and ignited it. His eyes glared at this ‘grim reaper’ through the helmet. The red glow of the saber traced his and Connor’s outline as both stood ready to fuck up this dude.

@Apollyon @Sreeya @Akheron @Rom

Xohhar K'liir

Sith Order

Character Profile
Dec 24, 2023
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The Falleen acolyte left his helmet attached to a magnetic plate in his coat and crossed his arms over his chest, eyes roving up and down the speaker with a neutral expression on his face, one sharp eyebrow slowly lifting with incredulity as he turned to look at the puffy environ suit one of the designated scouts was wearing. He reminded Xohhar of some of the board members his Father used to decry working with, talking long and loud without substance and taking charge of a situation that was already in hand. A pair of sharp metal prongs lifted over his shoulders as Oracle let out a string of unflattering insults in droidspeak from it's perch on his back questioning the sallow-skinned Sith's intelligence and parentage; the Seeker droid was extremely unimpressed with the apparent assignments, and he couldn't find it in himself to chide the willful droid or disagree.

While Xohhar was not familiar with the other two acolytes or the speaker, he took his cue from Connor and dropped into a loose Teras Kasi stance, his fingers sliding into the knuckleguards of his Kyuzo petars and lifting them defensively as the scintillating edge burned bright, angry red.

"Sure," he murmured under his breath, eyes narrowed on the Sith Champion. "What's one more body in this mess?"

@Apollyon @Sreeya @Javier esschoolbus @Akheron
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Trodai Narat-iv-Adas

Sith Order

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Sep 3, 2023
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Trodai looked upon the twi'lek. From what he had read this was Nash, by all accounts something of a bruiser and a bully. With a penchant for sticking other Acolytes in lockers and being a troublemaker. Which somewhat amused him. As did the endearing nickname she had decided to give him. He considered what she said, and found the suggestion was perhaps true.

He had gotten ahead of himself again. The warrior trying to prove himself.

He could feel the tension in the air, the rage and hate and yet he did not flinch. Instead he chuckled at her comment about his appearance, at least what she could see which was the mask he wore. Ignoring the others but aware they had intentions against him. At least should he attack Nash. A protective instinct that was familiar. At least it had been. He admired her attitude. How she stood her ground and protected the others. Even if it could cost her had he chosen otherwise. "You make a good point, one I concede and will listen to the Rattataki. I have a tendency to think ahead of least sometimes."

He considered more "I am Champion Trodai. You are Acolyte Nash right? I hear you are quite the troublemaker, like I was in my time. You stand your ground, say your piece, even against this who might surpass you, act for those you cherish without need. I can respect that, these are qualities to be admired. You can tell your friends to back down, I will not harm you."

He said looking at Arak, holding his lightsaber next to Connor, and some green alien, ignoring them but aware. His senses on high alert.

@Sreeya @Rom @Apollyon @Javier esschoolbus

Connor Vance

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order

Character Profile
Dec 7, 2023
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Connor wasn’t sure how this weirdo knew Nash’s name and he didn’t really care. Connor put the tutoring lessons with Arak to good use as True-Die or whatever started talking. Connor called on the Dark Side, using his own outrage and spite to fuel the sheet of ice that rapidly formed on the Champion’s helmet grill.

I am Champion Trodai. You are Acolyte Nash right? I hear you are qui-

The rest of his monologue was cut into a muffled mess. Connor had used Cyrokinesis to freeze over Trodai’s helmet grill. Ensuring the Sith Champion couldn’t talk anymore. Sweat formed on Connor’s forehead, his eyes had taken on a golden hue which faded as the task was finished.

Shut the fuck up, creep.” Connor spat between ragged pants.

It had taken a lot out of the Half-Sephi to do that, but he’d done it all the same. He knew Nash could handle herself, she didn’t need his help, but she had it anyways. He had her back, just like he’d promised.

@Sreeya @Akheron @Rom @Javier esschoolbus
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Feifi Candorus

Sith Order

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Sep 14, 2023
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"this ain't the execution of the royal family, trodai, how about you take a step back and let the person who knows what their doing, do their job, you'd think you of all people would understand the value of practicality."

Feifis helmeted face looked to trodai as her distorted voice followed after Nash spoke, tilting her head as trodai backed down, bah.. seems someone lost their balls.. then again.. was that surprising for someone like trodai?.. nah.. but to make an idle threat?... one she KNEW trodai likely wouldnt have the nerve to follow, especially on a mission for the dark lord herself?... Absolutely idiotic.

"I dont think your in a position to harm one another even if you wanted to, let alone make threats and claims that you have the ability to, were here to follow our lords will, let us not make the same mistakes as cremek, my father, no? So shall we at least save the infighting and aggression for when were not carrying out her will?"

the Mandalorian only gave her fellow acolyte a glare as he froze the champions helmet.. huh.. thats one way to cuase problems, kriffing fools... while these fools had their problems fefi stuck close to her master and continued on, she had said her piece, their actions would not reflect on her performance as an artist of the blade, she just shook her head.

@Sreeya @Rom @Apollyon @Javier esschoolbus @René @Akheron @whoeverelseimissed
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Arak Ragnos

Sith Order

Character Profile
Javier Esschoolbus
Nov 21, 2023
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Arak had been prepared to dice up the ‘Champion’ up into Sashimi. He tensed up and oriented his blade into an attack stance when he turned his attention towards Nash. If the champion thought that acolytes were scared of him he would find himself wrong.

He then felt the Force pool in Connor and the anger behind it. Why was he so angry? Sure Trodai was being creepy but it was odd to him. His thought process was interrupted when he saw the ice forming on the masks vents. He wore a proud smile as watched Connor do his thing.

He switched the hand the lightsaber was in and patted Connor on the back. “I warned it draining.” He kept his watch on Trodai as he stepped to the side and switched back to his main hand.

@Apollyon @Akheron @Rom @Sreeya


Sith Order

Character Profile
May 31, 2023
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Unbeknownst to many, there was one more Sith in attendance. Serene Graves stepped out of shadows that seemed to cling to her like a thin mist. She ceased her focus on secrecy for the time being and allowed the darkness to stretch back towards the corners of their surroundings..

The sorceress was dressed in her armor though it was black since her visit to Coruscant with Virious. She came equipped with her normal lightsabers but hoped to only need the Force and her wits today. Serene had nothing against blasters but she considered them a distraction from honing her natural talents.

The Champion of the Dark Side had taken a moment to try and feel what Utapau had in store for the lot of them or what the others had in store for Utapau. Intentions, resolve, they bubbled to the surface and gave the woman a taste of what each acolyte and champion was feeling. But she also felt the intense sense of dread but knew it was external and prevented it from affecting her true feelings. They were in the right place and it was dangerous. But she was not afraid.

Many of the acolytes were new faces, or wore new mask. Serene herself had not made many accomplishments in the Sith Order, yet. That was perhaps why she found herself joining so many young acolytes. After Kashyyyk the sorceress needed to further prove her worth to the Dark Lord. More than that she needed to make sacrifices for the Sith Order and lead by example. If she was to cultivate a Coven then she had to start somewhere.

Serene did not know a great deal about Darth Occidius but before the day was over that would hopefully change. While she may have preferred to be doing other things at the moment she was going to make the most of her time on the Force forsaken planet. She stood by and watched just in time to witness one of the looters begin to attack Trodai. All that would be heard was a slightly vocabulated sigh as she watched at a distance, ever aware of their surroundings. While everyone else took care of personal business Serene remained on task. Serene kept all bodies at a distance, well aware that even if they appeared still there could be some unlife left within them. Perhaps she should say or do something. No, she would wait a bit and see before she did anything, if she did anything.


Sith Order

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Nov 22, 2023
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Nash was ready to throw hands with this dude (@Akheron )champion or not. However, he did something that was somehow worse than attacking her. He started to go off on another monologue now complete with an introduction and knowing her name. Connor stepped in first, applying cryo and actually making the first move. A pang of concern shot through her, especially when she noticed Arak also ignited his saber. Fuck. It was whatever when it was just her, but the guys also getting riled made her fear for them.

As if the situation wasn’t tense enough, the Mandalorian? Sith? Both? Neither? (@Hastur ) dressed in Mando armor piped up as if she had any part in this whatsoever. Nash cast her a glare, “Girl, you can shut up too,” Her mechanized voice resounded, “You got a bigger identity crisis going on than the Empire. Sit down,” She stated curtly.

Nash looked towards Connor (@Apollyon ) and Arak (@Javier esschoolbus), “Fuck this guy, he’s just gonna keep monologing us to death. Let’s go,” She said gruffly, turning to follow behind the Rattataki again regardless of whether they came or not. She was barely containing her rage and a single other fucking soliloquy from the cryptkeeper was going to send her into a blind berserker rage.

@René @Rom

Connor Vance

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order

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Dec 7, 2023
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Connor’s pinned ears flicked, he felt Arak’s hand pat him on the back. He glanced over and gave the Pureblood a nod. He’d forgotten about the warning of how draining these powers could be.

Thanks man.” He replied.

Thankfully, the Champion didn’t attack. He figured he would but Connor was glad to be wrong. Aside from a tin can girl giving her own speech, which Nash handled, no one else said anything important. Connor glanced back to Xo.

Come on Lizard Boy. You’re rocking with us now.” He stated before moving to follow Nash.

This was their little posse now, they’d just have to look out for each other. That was likely the only way they’d get out of this alive.

@Sreeya @Rom @Javier esschoolbus
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