Open Umbara Xi'l mioukue'q ue'l leroe'l, xi'l nouki ue'l m'equxo

Feifi Candorus

Sith Order

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Sep 14, 2023
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"The name is feifi candorus, mark it down, because I not only intend to succeed where my father failed, but go beyond it, thrive in it!"

What was a freindly jab from the echani was sadly considered a insult to a mandalorian, a dangerous insult.. even non traditional mandalorians still prized their helmets, which warranted the following strikes of feifi's to become uncharacteristically brutal, she strikes with a downward punch, hoping to unbalance the echani, if this were to succeed, a torrent of strikes would follow with feifi hoping to force kreia into a bad position.


Trodai Narat-iv-Adas

Sith Order

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Sep 3, 2023
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Trodai considered the words of Azar. The other Pureblood, amused him and had a point, back home had he more interest and political aspirations he might have sought a crown. But that was not him. His interests lay firmly in battle and war. As a hunter.

He spoke chuckling a little at the comments before taking the vial.

"You would think that, but I was never interested in all that and the political schemes of my House. My preference were more inclined to the battlefield. As much as my father and the rest of my family might have wished otherwise. I seek no crown. Although in the same light, I think equally back home they would expect us to stick a dagger into or to poison each other. But I have no desire for that either."

Trodai gave the vial a little sniff, unsure just what he would consume as he nodded respectfully. He so far had no reason to doubt the contents, it could be harmless and then the thought at the back of his mind thought it would be poison. But he had no real choice in the matter. To refuse would not be in his interest. No he would need to consume it.

Just moments before he was to another came into the gardens. A stranger he had never seen before now, he inclined his head as she spoke.

"I am Acolyte, Trodai. You are just in time for a little...experiment. Champion, Kreshh was it? Wishes me to test this potion. I hope I don't embarrass myself too much. Trouble always seems to follow as of late, but here goes nothing."

Potion Effects - D6: 2 Believe he is a cat
Pick first unlucky cat victim/maul leg - D4: 4 Serene

As if he had jinxed it the Force appeared to answer. As he took the vial, swallowing the concoction and strange feeling overcame the massassi. As more and more came into the garden his entire demeanour changed and his eyes narrowed as if he were looking at prey. His ears pricked up and his face contorted as he fell to all fours and began brushing against Serene leg.

First to crave attention and then simply because it looked interesting to play with as his huge arm and hand smacked at it while he meowed loudly in a distinctly Korriban accent. Screeching like a damaged violin and potentially knocking her over as the 200lb 'cat' thought her leg was a toy.

For in his mind he was a cat, the vial having made him believe it and think it. And he was doing what cats did best. Crave attention, annoy, want for food and destroy anything in it's path. Then he leapt off and made straight for his second victim close by who he started hissing at, noticing his ears. He thought him to be another cat interloping into his territory before attempting to jump at his shoulders in a swipe, hands extended like paws.

This was a big cat with a foul temper.

Jump at Caerllion shoulders, D20: 1

He utterly failed, instead spinning head over heels into a nettle bush. It was not pleasant as the itching, stinging sensations made him meow and mew like some kind of deranged demon cat. Trodai was unlikely to ever live it down when he returned to normal.

@Darasuum @Sreeya @LouJoVi @Xorism
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Caerllion of Cyfnos

Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
May 15, 2022
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A small smile appeared on his lips when he saw Cyutadakyr enter the garden. It was good to see a familiar face in the middle of so many strangers. However, the way that she was looking at one of the Purebloods made Caerllion decide that the best that a friendly talk would need to happen at another moment. He leaned at the tree near him, expecting the scene that was going to happen.

While he waited, the Annfyn heard with his keen hearing the other Pureblood talk with another Champion. Caerllion had little interest in what they were discussing, but he could hear that the red-skinned Sith was an Acolyte called Trodai. Soon his attention turned back to the drama that was going to happen.

And how he wanted a bowl full of popcorn. Drama was wonderful when it wasn’t happening with him.

Then the sound of a fake meow made him turn his attention away. He stared with confusion while Trodai started to act as a cat. Did he went mad? Or is he under the effect of some new type of spice? These things could be very strong. The last time that he used this stuff, the Annfyn ended up dancing half naked in a party full of Sith.

When he saw Trodai approach him, Caerllion immediately recognized his position. He had a loth cat as a pet, after all. It was an attack. The Annfyn immediately raised an eyebrow, while his hands moved to immobilize the other with his magick. However, the Pureblood ended up rolling away and falling in some bushes.

You are lucky that I’m a cat person, stray cat.” Caerllion said, while laughing at how stupid the other Sith looked. He found the new mudskipper, or in this case a stray cat.



Dark Side Acolyte

Character Profile
Sep 10, 2023
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Scruffy headed, Gemini climbs out of a locker at the foot of someone's bed, memories of what happened moments earlier still dancing in his head. Her skin so soft. The way she could bend her body so, magnificent. Her power, raw. Oh and the frustration. Outside of that, he held no clue as to whom she was. She withheld her identity to him in the Force and left only the tantalizing memories of the moment. He was grinning ear to ear in a crimson haze. Whomever she was, she had left quite the impression upon the young lad. He was a prisoner to her being.

Walking away from the open room, he tightened his robes and brushed his hair to the side, the typical straightening of one's self despite the fact that he was weak in the knees and held a slight bow in his stride. Drawing upon his vapor, the smile never left his face. That was, until his eyes laid upon @Azar Kressh.

There was a gleem in his eyes, and in truth, his legs almost buckled. His mind floated back to the time of the Great Hunt, and a shiver slid up his spine. Walking over, he knelt before the Champion with heart over hand as the grin widened before going completely stone cold. With starry eyes, his gaze rose from the ground deep into the Pureblood's eyes as a single word slipped from his intoxicated lips.




Sith Order

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Sep 5, 2023
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As much as she’d found distraction in the fighting acolytes initially, those two going at it right next to her (@Hastur @Zory) were entirely too much and entirely too close. And not even entertaining. Nefid rose and was just about to leave when she sensed a shift in personality that caught her interest.

The substitution was intriguing and nearly flawless. Nefid recognized now the acolyte from the Vault, only his head was void of elaborate thoughts—well, more than usual. Only base instincts remained, and a domineering obsession with cats. A belief, made reality. The woman knew those well.

Animals were manipulated even easier than sentients. Rudimentary minds without the hint of a defense in sight. Cat-Trodai felt hunger, almost a torture. How convenient, then, that a stone’s throw away, in place of Cyutadakyr advancing towards Azar, was a skittering mouse with the smell to go with it. Nefid smiled.

Delicious morsel, she thought. Look how the tables have turned.

@Akheron @Xorism @Sreeya


Sith Order
Sith Master

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Sep 8, 2023
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Karys heard the music bumping from his dorm room, he immediately knew what it was. Impromptu party. He dashed from his room and headed straight for the kitchens, passing and punching Dalon in the mouth as he did. He raided them for as much alcohol as he could carry. Cheap stuff, expensive stuff, whatever he could carry, he brought. When he arrived, he was still in his white tee, grey sweatpants, and a pair of loth-kitten house slippers.

DRINKS ON UMBARA!” He yelled with a laugh as he came sprinting up to the gathering.

He wasn’t sure if this was the right vibe, but it was the one he brought.

He saw several familiar faces, Param, Cyu, Azar. Fuck, Azar. Karys immediately knew he’d pay for this but it was too late to back out now. Then he watched some dude with a beard approach Azar and call him daddy. Karys saw red.

His jaw clenched and unclenched as he gently set the bottles down. He picked up each bottle, testing their weight before settling on a heavy brandy bottle. He’d take aim and throw, only calling out once the bottle was nearly impacting the guy who called his man daddy.

Hey fuck face!” He screamed right before the bottle collided with the back of his head.

Honestly, fuck that guy.

@Mythos @Sreeya @Xorism @TheDudeMike
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Trodai Narat-iv-Adas

Sith Order

Character Profile
Sep 3, 2023
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As Cat-Trodai was still mewing, trying get bits of bush and nettles off he smelt something. His ears pricked and eyes narrowed...As he heard squeaky sounds. There ahead lay something, something that smelt nice, like it would taste good to a cat like him. Prey. And he would prey upon this mouse.

He advanced, keeping low still and hiding behind several of the others before he was within distance. Only when was closer did he commit to it. Full force and with hands extended, nails like razor claws ready to rip the white dress to shreds that Cyutadakr was wearing. On all fours he bounded out, tripping some and trampling others in the way as he leapt at her.

His eyes wild and bereft of anything resembling what he was supposed to be. This was a look of the wild, of the untamed, and yet something within was trying fight his way out.

He growled as he leapt, it was clear he was not himself. As if he were possessed.



Dark Side Acolyte

Character Profile
Sep 10, 2023
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Words brought his attention to the rear as someone let loose a curse just before a bottle collided with his face. Gemini saw red, likely the brandy at first, before a brief sliver of pain slithered through his face and scalp. Anger erupted in his form as wiped away the liquid that remain, and in tandem, the glass that managed to break and pierce skin, even one of his silvered eyes although if it mattered little to his actual sight.

With his anger and the Force backing his steps, Gemini cleared the space between them in barely a bat of an eye as he reached up and grabbed the man's @Karys collar, his voice erupting in almost cannibalistic manner as he attempted to figuratively bite the man's head off.

Why I oughta... you little...what did you do that for? Can't you see I was paying homage to an old friend?" If words could cut, Karys would likely have been a new loin cloth by now, but, alas, it was impossible even in the Force. Letting go of the man's shirt, he sighed in tantrum. "Now he won't choke me again. You ruined it."

For that, and the bottle of brandy; a good time wasted; Gemini reared his fist back and planted a solid blow directly to the nose.


Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Sep 8, 2023
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The bottle hit and shattered, glass pierced the fuckhead’s skin, it looked like his eye was bleeding. Karys made to laugh but instead ended up grimacing at this and sucked in sharply. Alcohol in those cuts, that probably burned. Then the dude was on him, the collar of Karys’ shirt was snatched up. The guy blathered on about something, then said he’d ruined something and he’d never choke him again.

Karys wasn’t really listening, instead he was looking at the shard of glass in this weirdo’s eye. There was a clear expression of horror on his face. Then Karys was shoved away by this pain immune freak.

Dude, you should go to the infirma-


Karys’ nose broke the blow for the rest of his face. Unfortunately it also just straight up broke too. Karys stumbled back for a second, blinking away away tears from the blow. It was ON.

Karys launched forward onto the other man, he threw his fist toward the eye with the shard of glass in it. The other grasped at the front of his shirt to hold him in place for a pummeling.

Good! Fuck you!” He spat.



Dark Side Acolyte

Character Profile
Sep 10, 2023
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Gemini smiled as the man cleared his own charge. Good. He had Spirit. This would be fun. As Gemini fell back onto the ground, the numbness of the spice half made the hits feel like hard pillows and eye jarring moments of memory. Then came his words, even as his face swelled up and the eye that gouged with glass and inflammation produced oozing blood, Gemini smiled overtly large.

Quickly shifting his weight into his form, Gemini brought up a knee to the groin of Karys in attempt to distraught and distract the man for just a moment as he slid out and slammed the man to ground face first. Gemini would quickly climb atop Karys and nearly straddle his rear as he would grab a handful of hair and raise his face up, echoing a bizarre whisper resembling a moan.


Param Vour

Wandering Force-User

Character Profile
Aug 24, 2023
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Param watched the absolute chaos unfold before she could even take a couple of steps. She stopped, eyes going wide. The hell was going on? The potion master had turned a giant red dude into a cat, Karys AND her inherited apprentice Gemini had shown up and were now apparently having a lover's quarrel, and there was a Mandalorian kid screeching about wanting to be the best that ever was just as Vossari's boombox hit them with an all time classic from one of those holo-cartoon series he had shown her.

Well, it was good a time as any. Param walked over to one of the surrounding roots that resembled a bit of a lounge chair and laid back on it. She pulled out a small paper rolled around spice laced marcan. She pulled out a book of matches and lit the tip of the paper, taking drags. If she was going to sell the stuff in her tea, she might as well try it right? Besides, everyone seemed to be on a level that she was going to have to climb to get to.

Caerllion of Cyfnos

Sith Order
Sith Master

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May 15, 2022
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Caerllion continued laughing even after Trodai went away to torment his next victim. Whatever was affecting the Pureblood was something really strong to make him act this way without any control. The Annfyn wondered if such a situation was common in the Academy.

After he stopped laughing, the Champion turned back to where Cyutadakyr had been approaching the other Pureblood. He still wanted to see this situation unfold. However, the chaos now was different. Two men had started an argument because of the Pureblood from early and it soon became a fist fight.

The Annfyn sat below the tree, using its trunk as support for his back. From his position, Caerllion could see all the chaos. Trodai was still running around like an oversized cat, an acolyte acting as DJ, two men fighting for another and other two Acolytes fighting for... something. If everyday was this way in the Academy, he would sign up as a teacher. This was good entertainment.

He would only remember to bring snacks next time. Watching chaos with food was always better.

A low meow next to him made the Annfyn turn his attention away from the chaos. A real loth-cat jumped on his crossed legs, making herself comfortable. His loth-cat, by now he always traveled with her. "Did you finish your walk, Teekl?" he asked, scratching the feline's head. He took her yawn as a positive answer. Then he turned his attention back to the chaotic scene around him. "Then people says that cats are the incarnation of chaos." he turned to look at what Trodai was doing now.

"Maybe the fake ones really are." Teekl meowed, as if agreeing with him.

Darth Arcanos

Sith Order
Sith Lord

Character Profile
May 22, 2023
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Azar calmly observed as Trodai suddenly began to act like a cat, attempting to bite or scratch at the others present.

“Hmm,” He mused as he took out a little notebook and scribbled down his observation, “Not quite right,” Azar said as if he were remarking on the weather as his experiment unleashed complete chaos. He looked up in time to catch Cyu (@Xorism )walking his way. His lips thinned, and he knew what was coming. He had been giving the lamest possible excuses to avoid actually going to Korriban. Azar knew he was backed into a corner and decided he finally needed to face the truth. He gave her a nod to acknowledge her, waiting for her to close the distance.

Azar was distracted from his thoughts when the acolyte (@Mythos ) from their hunting mission materialized in front of him. He stared at him quizzically, watching the man kneel down immediately. From the almost lusty gaze Gemini displayed, Azar was curious about the ultimate intent of his knelt position directly in front of him. The Pureblood was further perplexed at what he said. As a recent immigrant to the greater galaxy, he wasn’t up to speed on all nuances and lingos.

“I assure you I am not, in fact, your father-”

He barely got out before the man had a bottle hurled at him. Azar blinked, looking over to see Karys (@Apollyon ) leaping to action and starting a fight over…what, exactly? And why was he wearing house slippers? The Pureblood exhaled, taking a full step back as the fight broke out. He had to admit - watching two athletic men duke it out in a show of pure, primal, aggression was certainly something that got Azar’s engines going. He marveled at the sight for a moment, floating over one of the bottles of liquor to pop it open and take a sip to enjoy the show. At the end of the day, these were proving and training grounds, so technically no one was breaking rules with fighting.

It took a few seconds for Azar to remember his potion disaster. He turned, but not soon enough to prevent Param (@TheDudeMike ) from getting completely trucked by Trodai on his rampaging path towards Cyu. Right as Trodai leapt into the air, Azar used the Force to yank him to the side. He landed on all fours, of course, like a good cat.

“Pspspsps,” Azar said, clapping his hands to lure Trodai to himself. Once he scampered over, Azar would offer some herbs that would be like catnip. If Trodai ingested it, he would then vomit profusely and slowly return to normal.

Azar floated over another bottle, coming to stand next to Cyu as he gazed back at the men fighting and handing her the extra bottle, “To the future of the Sith,” He said breezily as he clinked his bottle against hers before taking a sip.

Ayomi Jakarta

Sith Order

Character Profile
Sep 19, 2023
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Ayomi was perfectly content to stay lounging against the courtyard wall, disappointedly watching the training acolytes before all hells broke loose. An acolyte in baggy clothes (@Fine Dining Set) suddenly entered the area, setting up a boombox that immediately began blasting music. What the...? He approached them, using the Force to play with something between his hands as he proudly declared himself the DJ and asked for a song request. Ayomi had a stunned look on their face, trying to figure out if this kid was serious.

"I don't know any... DJ? Who... do you know what's going on here? This isn't some party, this is supposed to be training!"

They stammered in protest, the booming melody of the song getting on their nerves. The Tiefling's muscles tensed, their fist clenching in annoyance as unseen pressure would begin to build around the acolyte's neck. Everywhere else, the music seemed to coincide with absolute chaos: a fight broke out across the courtyard under a tree between a pair of acolytes, some commotion began in the neighboring gardens, and before long Karys ran in... was he wearing slippers? At least he wasn't bothering Ayomi this time with his flirtatious remarks, and yet there was a tug deep down in their mind almost wishing he was. It made the Tiefling feel a certain... way. They quickly snapped back to reality as that very same red man immediately assaulted another Sith. Such was the way of things they supposed, but the fight across the courtyard had Ayomi's attention.

"I'll deal with you later."

They growled, releasing their Force grip on the self-proclaimed DJ's neck as they marched across the courtyard. Many of the acolytes who had been practicing their lightsaber forms had gathered in a small semicircle around the tree where a minute Mandalorian (@Hastur) and an Echani girl (@Zory) were in the midst of a bare-knuckled brawl. The Tiefling shoved several acolytes aside as they reached out with the Force, pulling both girls' legs out from under them as the Mandalorian went in for another strike.

"What exactly is this supposed to be? You two are Sith, not common lowlifes at a bar on Nar Shaddaa! Despite what this place has suddenly turned into, this is still the Sith Academy and you two are in the sparring courtyard. You want to best each other? Good, but let's do this properly. With lightsabers."

Ayomi declared, their red eyes flashing as they looked over the pair of acolytes before them. Hopefully one of the two would impress them, and if not they were fully prepared to take matters into their own hands and show them the importance of bladework themselves. Things were helped by the fact that despite their general distaste for loud music, the boombox was now playing an absolute banger.

Param Vour

Wandering Force-User

Character Profile
Aug 24, 2023
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Param did not having getting bulldozed by a 200lbs angry man acting like a cat on her How-This-Night-Would-End bingo card but there she was. Being barely 130lbs herself, the moment the cat man slammed into her she was flying. Her plan to lounge out on a tree root turned into flying into the tree itself. Not just at ground level, oh no, the 200lbs behemoth sent her flying into the top of the tree.

A series of yelps, cries, and whimpers would be heard by all as Param hit EVERY. BRANCH. on the way down. Her poor, I-just-want-to-smoke-spice luck wouldn't stop failing her there though, oh no. The tree was hollowed out, and Param fell face first into the hollow trunk, her face just barely popping out of a hole near ground level. Now she was in a whole lot of pain, couldn't move, AND couldn't even get high to offset anything.

Param could only whimper quietly as she accepted the fate that the galaxy had given her. She had become one with the Umbara trees.



Sith Order
Sith Master

Character Profile
Sep 8, 2023
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The pair fell back as Karys straddled the guy and just pummeled him. His eyeball squelched beneath Karys' fist, his face swelled. But the dude didn't scream, he didn't do the normal person thing when your face is getting annihilated. He smiled instead. That freaked Karys out.

"What the fuck? Why are you smi-" Karys began but was interrupted when a knee slammed into his groin.

Karys yelped at the hit.

Then Karys felt the dude slip out from beneath him and then Karys felt his face slammed into the concrete. The guy straddled Karys as he was recovering, grabbed a handful of his hair and whisper-moaned, step-bro into his ear.

This guy wasn't just a weirdo, he was a freak.

Karys threw his head back to crack into the guy's face, hopefully stunning him long enough for Karys to throw him from his back. Karys quickly walked away from that freak, he'd snatch up a couple of bottles before making his way towards the lounge area. He pinched his nose with one hand and snapped it back relatively straight. A fresh gout of black blood leaked from it and onto his white shirt.

Fuck that stung.

Karys' eyes would watch as Param was launched into the air. She smashed through every branch on her way up and then disappeared into the hollow with a thwump on the way down. After a moment her face appeared, upside down, near the base of the tree. He jogged up alongside her unfortunate position and sat down, putting the bottles out in front of him.

"Damn Param, you look like you could use a drink."

@Mythos @TheDudeMike

Feifi Candorus

Sith Order

Character Profile
Sep 14, 2023
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"we were having fun tho!..and.. uhm.. I.. maybe.. don't know how to use sabers properly just yet? I mean I can! Just not.. the. Typical saber?...."

She returned to her more ditzy self, completely disregarding the fact she was brutally pummeling the echani woman just seconds before without reservation. She twiddles her thumbs, dispite them likely covered in the echani woman's blood from hard she was striking her.

"It's hard for a girl to get a master when they're all incompetent, old, weak, or taken..or just unwilling.."
She mumbled to herself.

She then shot up, remembering just what she was doing! She knelt down and started picking up all the books she had dropped, most of them were on the topic of saber dueling, and a book penned in her fathers own hand featuring atra-manu, which belonged to her personally rather than the library.

@peeps @René @Zory
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Kreia Sera'Wyn

Sith Order

Character Profile
Oct 4, 2023
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Kreia was absolutely delighted that the other girl seemed to match her every move and even came at her harder when neither seemed to be winning. Kreia did have to go more on the defensive but she knew she had struck a nerve somehow. The moves from Feifa became agressive, uncontrolled. "Intriguing," she says.

As her feet were yanked out from under her however, she couldn't help but feel the anger and rage well up in her. Standing up, she turned to the tiefling (@Ayomi Jakarta ) and glared. "And what would you know?" She said, standing and dusting off her clothes. Who cared if this person was a Sith, far better trained than she was in the way of lightsabers? She took the insult for what it was: A slap in the face.

"Mandalorians and Echani pride themselves on their combat prowess. I was simply using this opportunity be get to know my opponent. It's what we do. I was having fun and what you consider barbaric was merely goofing off like the one Pureblood did to the other and turned him into a cat," she shrugged. She barely understood the stature here and didn't know anyone. At least Feifi knew how to fight.

@Ayomi Jakarta (much love <3 I think its funny) @Hastur


Sith Order

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May 31, 2023
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Serene watched with a borderline apathetic interest. The strangeness of the company around her seemed to magnify. At least it was mildly entertaining to watch the chaos unfold around her.

She managed to remain standing despite the two hundred pound pureblood acting like a cat. The prospect of having another pet was appealing especially if it was a capable acolyte. Her hand came down to gently touch the top of the red-skinned 'cat' like a house cat. Her C4T droid cocked its head curiously at the odd display.

It would seem that Serene would not have a new pet. Trodai went off to harass the other Sith in the area before eventually being recalled by his teacher. The woman's nose wrinkled at the smell of bile.

The duel between the echani and the mandalorian drew Serene's attention. They each seemed equally matched but the brief exchange seemed to end too quickly. Hearing Kreia's answer to Ayomi the woman could not help but speak up. "Are you volunteering yourself for experimentation?" Her steps began to bring her towards the acolyte, careful to not step on any delecate plants in the garden. Serene's corrupted eyes flicked to Feifi. "How about you?"

@Hastur @Zory @René


Sith Order
Disgraced Sith

Character Profile
Dec 19, 2022
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Cyutadakyr walked, glaring at the children as she made her way to Azar. Though not quite seeing his final pounce, the appearance of Trodai himself, a proud and 'noble' being, now prancing about like a trained house cat brought a confused look to her face.

The last time they had met, the other pureblood had simply refused to debase himself when asked, a decision that had cost him her mentorship.

And yet here he was debasing himself for free.

Arriving beside the potion master, she gracefully accepted the bottle in hand and clinking it against his with a poised stare, the surrounding scene hardly made an encouraging boon to his toast.

Since they had last met, Cyu had turned the small vial he had given her into a cute necklace that dangled atop her chest. Touching it while staring at Azar she spoke. "When you said this potion would kill me..." She turned to face the kitty. "Did you mean of embarrassment?" Hopefully, she thought, the proud man would remember every detail vividly.

Remembering why she was there in the first place, she started spitting venom. "A dog ate your students' homework? Really Azar?" She pulled out her Nalphone, an older but reliable model, to read another.

"A student set the lab on fire, and you had to stay behind to file insurance paperwork? Please." She wasn't buying his lame excuses, and he'd see that.

Was it because of what happened in the classroom? Had that moment changed his mind? Or was it something that happened to him, something worse.

Was Azar of the Kressh, a coward?
