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  1. K

    A Light for all to Share - (Ask)

    Thread Theme "Have you ever lied to yourself?" "....sure." "Have you ever believed it?" He felt the structure of the hull behind him wane against his back before the long drawn out sound echoed throughout the chamber, like they were in the bowels of a deep sea creature as it made subtle...
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    John Ronin

    ◘ NAME: John Ronin OCCUPATION: Smuggler FACTION: N/A HOMEWORLD: N/A FORCE-SENSITIVE: N/A SPECIES: Human GENDER: Male ORIENTATION: Heterosexual HEIGHT: 6'0" WEIGHT: 155 lbs AGE: N/A EYES: Light Grey HAIR: Dark, Messy FACE: Gaunt, Statuesque VOICE: Mads Mikkelsen APPEARANCE: A walking...
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    What did I miss?
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    James __________________________________________________ FACTION: N/A RANK: N/A SPECIES: Human AGE: In his 20's. GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 6ft EYES: Grey HAIR: Auburn SKIN: Pale Scars: Old burns and deep scars on his back, torso, arms and legs. FORCE SENSITIVE: Vaguely. ___________________________...
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    Reimagine Star Wars.

    I booted up my old laptop to get a file a couple months back, and this forum was in a tab in Firefox, which made me shudder, because firefox. Anyway, that's when I posted once or twice about the recent movie and that was it really. I'm not as into Star Wars as I used to be, but I still enjoy...
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    what the fuck happened to this place?
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    Ireland legalizes same sex marriage.

    What did you guys do today?
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    Star Wars: The Old Republic

    So, I just got this because why the hell not? It barely feels like an MMO beyond the typical ganking of random respawning enemies in wide open areas, it's not nearly as bad I remember it being. Anyone else playing it these days? I'm on ' The Progenitor' European server right...
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    The 100.

    Anyone been watching this series? I picked it up after finishing up my projects too early, with a week of free time I blew through everything they had released but the season two finale, then demolished that once it was released too. What started out as typical 90210 fluff with a fantastical...
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    Power Rangers : Dark and Gritty So, this happened. I like a lot about it, the style and everything is great, but I don't know about the whole ''Machine Empire overthrows and occupies the Earth...
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    Film Visuals.

    (Warning: If you've never been described as a 'film buff', this thread might seem kinda nitpicky/nerdy as ****.) Let's talk about film. Or horticulture maybe....whatever floats your half-submerged luxury yacht I guess, but for now let's talk about film, specifically the visual nature of...
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    I watched the trailer for Terminator : Genysysys and it looked like convoluted uninteresting slog. I then somehow had twenty free minutes at some point and jotted down my own idea for what I would consider to be a worthwhile addition to the franchise, a prospect that was a little ironic...
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    SWRP is Dead.

    Long live SWRP.
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    David Fincher almost did Ep VII. Colour me upset.
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    What IS Star Wars?

    I'm bored. So lately, in a lot of threads examining PT problems and the future of the ST, other people and I have been talking a lot about the essence of Star Wars, specifically what makes it distinct from other works of both Science Fiction and Science Fantasy. My main ideology is that we can...
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    Newer Set Photos. Those Rebel uniforms look ****ing great, really chuffed with them, the natural looking environments they're occupying as well. Other stuff going on here as well, perhaps even potential...
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    Syrio Forel to be in EP VII. ''What do we say to the God of Casting?'' ''Cheers mate.''
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    Let's talk about Shmi Skywalker for a minute. She's one of the most puzzling aspects of the Star Wars movies - narratively speaking - for me and apparently a lot of other adherents to this franchise online. This is for a whole host of reasons, but the one I want to talk about right now in...
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    Sequel Fight Scenes.

    OuvVdpM8z6k L3syJSkfxhs c6BFSRca3rY SAC3Ur-JOvE 1EqI02vuvRI Can they be like this please? I've talked about this a lot before, but fight scenes from The Raid 2 just started to pop up online, so now I can actually post them. If they convinced Iko Uwais and Gareth Evans to consult on the fight...
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    SWRP. I am an inebriated young male, returning from strange events. And I humbly ask you, who else has consumed dizzying substances this weekend and eventually returned to the online spectrum? How was your night? How are you? What is air? Did Han shoot first? These are the...