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  1. B

    Transformers 2

    Psst..Megan Fox can't read. =/
  2. B

    Transformers 2

    At last! Somebody is standing up for truth and justice!
  3. B

    Next Batman film...

    Are you serious..? Nolan's said he wants to stay away from all the supernatural aspects of Batman. That means no villains with powers or god forbid retard zombies.
  4. B

    Post your desktop

    Your link kinda phailed it there.
  5. B

    Post your desktop

    My inner Disney shat several bricks.
  6. B

    I hate PETA.

    Ouchy. Your words cut deep baby..they cut deep.
  7. B

    I hate PETA.

    A cat is fine too. You're the only one that understands me, Sheo..lets do it.. *runs off with a bag full of cats*
  8. B

    I hate PETA.

    It's not about the dogs. It's about sending a message. :CStern:
  9. B

    I hate PETA.

    Screw your box of flies. Nothing says "stop your bullshit" like some bloody dog heads on a pike.
  10. B

    Post your desktop

    Weirdest. Crossover. Ever.
  11. B

    Masq is really a guy.

    She/He's not going to be the first person to do this and certainly not the last, calm down. -_-
  12. B

    Masq is really a guy.

    Who's that girl you kept posting as yourself then? ..the one I fell in love with..>>
  13. B

    Masq is really a guy.

    All this time...I..I feel so used..
  14. B

    Post your desktop

    Also, Masq...I didn't know you played WoW! }8U
  15. B

    Hail Hitler, Hail Obama

    Nice one. Oh, mein fraulein. Heute Deutschland, morgen die Welt!
  16. B

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

    You really don't have anything else to do with your life, do you? Anyway, I'll be seeing this one. Just cause it looks promising..and I don't have anything else to do with my life..
  17. B

    Drinking Age.

    This. Just cause you like to drink it doesn't automatically make you a "scum of the earth" drunk. On the other hand..the US is already full of shit with the drinking age where it is, I can't imagine what it would be like if they lowered it. @_@
  18. B

    Hail Hitler, Hail Obama

    Your topics get more useless by the day, I swear.
  19. B

    E3 2009

    That's just it..they're not going to make a "full fledged game" out of this, its going to be another ep like the other two before, give or take a few hours. But that's not what I'm talking about, its the rate that its going in which pisses me off. I would be more than content if they just showed...