Brandon Rhea
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  • i actually have a question for you, its not really that important but i would like to know,

    if there exist any other characters that are the same species as yoda here? besides mine
    awkward moment.... talked to the wrong guy...

    >_< hey i was meant to message you, hey wanted to say hi to the master ;)
    Hello, I have a question. I am in the middle of writing up a character for the Rebellion, but I wanted to ask you if I could write him up as having been a member of the Galactic Alliance. Nothing major, just a soldier.
    Did anyone collab with Xeno(Demiurge) on the Veritas conspiracy? If so, please point them at me. I'm looking to create a storyline spin off of it. Hit me up on Skype([email protected]) if you want to talk about it.
    Yeah, I'd asked Padme last night and found that out - I corrected myself. Where is that rule, though, I was having a hard time finding it last night...
    Hey Bac, where is the rule that you can not have multiple accounts located? There appears to be someone new who has a separate account for each character, and I'd like to politely tell them to consolidate their characters onto one account so they don't get into trouble...
    Hey quick question, I'm making a new character but I'm wondering if Filar-Nitzan are allowed or not... they aren't on the disallowed species list, but I just wanted to get your ruling on it ^-^ thanks!
    I could stun them with a stun grenade I got off the downed stormtrooper? Make a flippant comment about them being out for awhile, then Bastele could discover the message perhaps?
    There was some influence involved anyway. Just a broken limb, no biggie. Be like nothing happened in another 4 weeks, which is pretty sweet.
    Yeah, pro tip, don't cycle home in the middle of a severe storm at 1 in the AM, you WILL break your arm.
    So, my arm/wrist is starting to heal more, I can actually y'know use it now. And seeing as how I'm off work until it's fully healed, I might actually have time to get back to our thread, thank ****.
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