Smuggler Faction


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SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2012
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Wondering if there was any interest in doing a smuggler faction? Always loved me some smugglers, and but there never seemed to be much for them to do in Indie Space in the past, which is something I'd like to try to change. I don't really want it to be a huge thing though, just some fun stories, combat daring-do, and all that jazz. I've got a draft written up for it already, tried to stay away from hard dates, and identifying with any species or planet in particular. I'd like it to be more inclusive, and less hierarchal than the usual faction. Break some blockades, buy some cool ships , kick ass in space and on the ground. All that fun stuff.

Sort of like some of the factions in the past, like the Waste Rangers or The Lost, it won't start out with a ton of stuff and assets. It's more fun to build things up, and it's more decentralized so we're not fretting over security and whether or not the Game of Indies will try to Red Wedding us or some nonsense. Still a WIP in some areas, but I figured I'd put a dedicated interest check outside of the workshop since the basics are there at this point.

Probably a ton of spelling/grammar errors. Oh well.

Anyone in?

@ZayPat I know is.

@Gamov @Insoulent @The Kyzer @Bee @Wit @The Duke Remember when I said I was doing pirates? I LIED.



Outer Rim Cargo Association

"A smuggler has no friends, only interests"

The Outer Rim Cargo Association, or ORCA for short, is exactly what the name says. A simple consortium of smugglers who don't even try to pretend they're otherwise operating in a loose group for increased security and profits in these troubled times. The Association started in some rundown cantina on some world no one cares about on the Outer Rim when a few individuals in the less-than-legitimate delivery business realized that they could get more credits if they gave each other tips on jobs they might not be able to do themselves. Since then it's grown into a more formal (at least by the standards of a group that started out in a cantina) outfit, able to post a listing of smuggling jobs people need done to the smugglers within the group.

Of course legitimate freight jobs are also available, but those don't pay nearly as well. Occasionally larger tasks will be undertaken by ORCA, such as trying to break a planetary blockade, or establish a new warehouse facility as a safe place for smugglers to keep their goods. Compared to a lot of organizations out there though, ORCA isn't really the most structured. There's a few basic tenets, but no ridiculous codes or secret protocol. It's not out to conquer the galaxy, or spread a certain ideology. It is a simple association of smugglers looking to make credits who'd like a steady source of work that doesn't put them under the heel of the Hutts, and gives them a nice place to lay low when the law is on them.

What ORCA Does

The Association does just about everything related to the movement of goods. They own warehouses and docking bays which allow those that fly under their banner to more easily move between worlds, and gives them a refuge if they need to lay low. The most common thing they do is to act as a middleman between someone who needs cargo moved, and an intrepid pilot who's willing to do the moving. These jobs are often listed, and handed out on a first come-first serve basis. For more difficult jobs, the Association allows smugglers to get in touch with one another. If someone with another ship is needed, ORCA is there with plenty of people willing to lend a hand - for a reasonable percentage of course. Everything from organizing freighter convoys through more difficult areas of space, to breaking through blockades can be done through the Association. Another thing it does is to allow for the passage of information. Not just in the sense of messages to be couried covertly, but in the sense of being able to tell your fellow outlaws what's going on where. If there's increased security at a planet, if blockade's gone up somewhere, if the lawman has figured out a common smuggling trick, and things of that nature.

ORCA also maintains its own stock of ships that can be loaned out on as needed basis. Some of these ships are actively flown by a member of the Association for ORCA business. Unlike regular members, who might fly their own ships, these captains are responsible for the administration of the Association, and handle most of the minimal bureaucratic work needed to run ORCA.

Policies and Goals

By and large, ORCA doesn't have a lot of policies that might interfere with how smugglers in the Association go about their business. They don't charge any fees for members, save for a small percentage of the credits a smuggler might get doing a job gained through ORCA. The only strict rules are as follows.

1. Do not steal from other members of ORCA
In the context of the Association, theft means that if another smuggler has taken a job on, a member of ORCA won't try do it to get the money before they can. Likewise they won't steal from their cargo, their ship, poach crew members, or anything of that nature. Little things, like stealing a drink, are really below the notice of ORCA, and there certainly isn't a rule against stealing from those outside the Association.​

2. Do not sellout ORCA, or ORCA members
Should be a no brainer, but if there's one thing the galaxy has in abundance it's criminally stupid traitors. ORCA would rather that ORCA members not sellout other members of ORCA to the authorities, or the organization as a whole. Duh.​

3. Respect the Blacklist
The Blacklist is a list of people, or in some rarer cases organizations, which ORCA members will agree to not do business with. The reasoning for a name being added is usually refusing to pay upon delivery of goods, but might go beyond that. Aside from refusing to pay, doing something incredibly stupid is the next most common way of getting on the Blacklist. The list is decided by a vote among the ship's captains in the Association, but anyone can recommend a name be added.​

Violating any of these rules is grounds for immediate removal from the Association, and if you happen to rack up some damage to ORCA (like say killing people and destroying things) you can count on having a bounty put on your head. Other than that, there isn't much to it. The group is a loose organization, not especially concerned with what its members are up to thanks to the generally disorganized state of the Association. No one in ORCA is in ORCA to further the Association in and of itself. They're in it because ORCA is a means to an end, and by providing that means the Association grows. There's no philosophy to be spread, right or wrong way of doing things, or any that other crap.

By and large ORCA is an apolitical organization. Jedi, Sith, Senators. Doesn't really matter to them, save for the fact that they could all be paying customers. The Association doesn't actively pursue the destruction of any group in particular, although they're naturally very much against pirates, and very much against taxes and customs. Anyone with an active planetary blockade and pirates are the most likely groups for the Association to initiate combat against on a large scale of their own volition. Otherwise the Association just prefers to keep making money, and let its members do whatever they want. If some don't want to work with Jedi for example, that's fine. There's nothing binding them to take on a job involving Jedi. Law enforcement isn't really considered an enemy, so much as it is simply a risk that comes with the job. The Association has a number of credits set aside to get a member out of prison, by whatever means are most convenient. Which usually means paying someone, somewhere, off. Law enforcement in its pure state might be their enemy, but the good old corrupt variant is ORCA's best friend.

On the other side of the coin, the Association doesn't really do "allies" either. They don't want any corporation trying to back them or be their sole provider, and they certainly have no interest in getting entangled in other people's problems. In fact attempting to cozy up to the Association is about the best way to make sure they never trust you. Smuggling is a profession that breeds paranoia after all, and anyone that wants to be BFF's with ORCA is obviously only looking for leverage over the Association. Allies, and enemies, aren't things that ORCA is interested in. Moving things from point A to be point B and getting credits for doing so is.


The Association isn't really all that well organized. It tends to be more decentralized, with no set seat of power, no single leader, and as described above not a lot in the way of rules. The only distinction between those in ORCA are between Captains, and Members.

Captains are the ones responsible for the Association. They fly a ship bought and paid for by ORCA, and are expected to handle the grunt work of keeping the Association working in return for that, and tend to hold more of a stake in the Association than the average member. Together, the Captains, form the leadership of ORCA, voting on just about anything. Responsibilities are usually handed to whomever wants them, and regularly rotate. A meeting of the Captains usually takes place in the back room of some cantina somewhere, and is usually scheduled to happen at the last meeting. In general it's the job of Captains to actively lookout for the interest of ORCA, and in emergency situations (such as a surprise attack) authority rests on the Captain who has been with ORCA the longest, unless they cede it to someone else.

Members are pretty much everyone else in the Association. The regular smugglers who own their own ship, or have one on a temporary loan from ORCA, the engineers, the pilots, the medics, and everyone else. Everyone has the same level of access to docking bays, bar tabs, and job listings, and there's no preference for Captains over Members in any of these things. The only thing Members don't do really is set Association policy, or have to worry about the day to day running of things. There's no set guidelines for a member becoming a Captain. The only requirement to do so is that the ship they fly must be owned by the Association. If a Member wants to be one they will ask for a current Captain to vouch for them, and the entire Captain's Council will vote on the matter. As long as over half vote yes, then you're a Captain. It's as simple as that.


Joining ORCA is relatively straightforward. You have to know someone in the Association who can vouch for you, and then have a sit down meeting with a Captain in the Association. Being a smuggler is a plus, but not necessary. There's always a need for muscle, medics, and technicians after all. There are certainly members who don't really do smuggling jobs, but offer their services as security or slicers for a cut of the credits for that do them. Generally it's hard to find anyone in the Association that's particularly young, unless they're a family member of someone in ORCA. After being accepted a new member of ORCA will be given papers identifying them as a member of Outer Rim Freight, the legitimate face that ORCA operates behind. It might only be a piece of paper, but it at least provides them legit reasons for visiting systems.

16 year old Force-users who think both Light and Dark are wrong, with godlike piloting skills, excellent combat techniques, and an overly tragic history, need not apply.

OOC Note: Outside of a core group of members who will be on the roster from the beginning, there will be NO recruitment of characters on an Out-Of-Character basis. Where it says a member must vouch for you, and you must meet a Captain is exactly what must be done, and it must be done In-Character. There will be a signup to keep track, but NO one who signs up without doing these things IC will be accepted. I don't care about numbers, I care about the story.


Kilian Solus, Captain of the Running Wild

Mathis Areon



As a smuggling group, ORCA isn't really concerned with owning vast amounts of territory. Instead their interests are primarily in the acquisition of ships, and smaller facilities to aid in their smuggling ventures. Warehouse facilities and hangars are at the top of that list, but places like fueling stations, and cantinas are also things they'd be certainly be interested in. It doesn't really care who owns a whole planet, so long as the Association can operate from as starport without interference. In the view of the Association, borders are pointless things that don't do much more than mark a change in the color of uniform the lawman has on. Most of its members are capable of paying their own docking fees, so it really isn't necessary for ORCA to worry all that much about owning places, they're far more interested in owning ships, and only maintain facilities at high traffic areas. None of the places that ORCA owns are actually held in the name of the Association, instead they all operate under the name of Outer Rim Freight, which acts as the legitimate front for the Associate should anyone nose around. Given that ORCA tends to operate in lawless areas for the most part, it hardly matters however, and

Notable Locations

Anoat is the general hub of ORCA's operations. They own 8 docking bays on the planet, and a cantina where business is conducted.


Sir Mixabot's Cantina and Grill

Located not far from the docking bays operated by the Association is Sir Mixabot's Cantina and Grill. Originally run by a rather direputable fellow who had loansharking and gluttony as his favorite hobbies, ORCA acquired the place after he met a most unfortunate end. No one else really wanted the job of trying to run a cantina however, so the job was left in the hands of the man's bartending droid; Sir Mixabot. The little droid is capable of crafting over six million different types of cocktail, and has thus far run the place without a hitch. The diminutive bot lacks a lot in personality, but he more than makes up for it capability as the droid can also cook up a mean Nerf steak as well. With no regard as to payment, Sir Mixabot's Cantina is able to put funds directly into purchasing stock. Which is good, because there wasn't a lot in the way of variety at first. Thanks to the smuggling population however, the cantina is now host to a wide array of beverages, and foods, and Six Mixabot himself is confident that if the cantina were on a Core world it would be on a "must visit" list in a tour guide.

The bar is usually very tidy, as a result of the other droids helping to maintain it. Though not an upper crust kind of place, it's certainly a step above whatever dive you'll find on Nar Shaddaa. It's usually a good place for ORCA business to be conducted or for a pilot to just come and relax, and doesn't have any bar brawls...well at least not very often. Security is generally minimal, unless a meeting is being held. In which case a few armed bouncers will stand guard over the back room, and the entire place will be checked for listening devices.

Nar Shaddaa
Nar Shaddaa is the general hub of ORCA's operations. They own 6 docking bays on the Smuggler's Moon, a warehouse facility for goods to be stored, and a cantina where business is conducted.


The Broken Hammer

The Broken Hammer is the cantina the Association owns on Nar Shaddaa. Like Sir Mixabot's, it isn't located very far from the docking bays they own. The Broken Hammer is a much rougher place however, and much more packed on a given day. The booze is watery, the glasses are almost never washed, and there are more than few bloodstains from more than a few nasty bar brawls. Loud and exceptionally rowdy, the Broken Hammer is a great place for those that don't want to be overheard, and the incredible ease with which one can start a brawl makes getting out a little easier. It was in the Broken Hammer that ORCA was founded, and it was the first piece of real estate acquired by the Association. It generally has a couple of bouncers, but isn't heavily defended. That would signify to pretty much everyone that the place is more than just a bar, and that's not really what the Association wants.

ORCA owns 3 docking bays in the Mos Espa Spaceport on Tatooine.

ORCA owns 2 docking bays on Pasher.

ORCA owns 1 docking bay in a spaceport in Theed on Naboo.



The Association doesn't really concern itself with defending territory to the death. There's no point, and that's not what smuggler's are about. If an overwhelming force were to try to take something, they'd pack, leave, and set up shop elsewhere. Being smuggler's, it's endlessely easy to find a lawless rock on the Outer Rim from which to reform and operate. Most of its members have their own ships, and can pay their own docking fees, so it isn't as if they really need to have a place of their own, it's just a massive advantage. There aren't really any restrictions on entering ORCA's holdings, as long as you have a member of the Association with you at least. There are no silly code phrases or anything like that. It's all based on if someone knows you, and the ship you're flying, or not. Once a ship docks, the only thing that's checked for is tracking devices. As one might imagine smuggler's aren't really big fans of being tracked, so those tend to be a no go. As one might imagine smuggler's aren't really big fans of being tracked, so those tend to be a no go.

Warehouses, docking bays, and Cantinas, owned by ORCA are generally guarded by hired locals who aren't really members of the Association. Generally at meetings there isn't a need for additional security, as just about everyone who's there will be armed.

Generally the Association doesn't really do much to defend their members as well. They're typically off doing whatever they want to do, so it isn't like they can help them if something goes wrong. If they know they're going into a dangerous situation however, that's a completely different story. Armed ships can be provided for convoys heading through dangerous space, or trying to break a blockade. There's no standard, or set amount of resources that will be dedicated to a venture, things of that nature are very much decide at the spur of a moment. ORCA doesn't really "plan" as much as it seizes opportunities, and if you're expecting a bunch of smugglers to have sets of protocols and general orders, you'll be sadly disappointed and probably dead. Professionals might act a certain way you expect, but ORCA is filled to the brim with dangerous amateurs willing to try the insane during joint ventures. As long as the payment is shared, of course.



ORCA owns and operates a number of ships. Some, such as fighters and shuttles, are available as short-term loans to any member of ORCA on an as needed basis. If someone needs a fighter escort for a job, for example, they can easily get some from ORCA's stock, find a few other members to pilot them, and set off on their way. Larger ships such as freighters can also be loaned, but might be more limited in availability, as they are primarily operated by Captains in ORCA. The ships are typically designs made by major shipwrights, purchased under the Outer Rim Freight name, and then given illegal modifications in Docking Bay's owned by the Association.

The Trillium is based on the FCV-210, a Corellian freighter design. The baseline 210 hasn't been produced for decades, but their about the only thing that ORAM could find out in the salvage yards that was affordable, and easy enough to modify for their purposes. The spaceframes purchased were repaired, brought up to modern standards, and heavily modified by ORCA engineers into a unique design. The Trillium serves as a multi-role cargo runner, with a number of features that make her useful in combat roles. The ship is workhorse of the smuggling outfit's small fleet, undertaking virtually every task that requires something bigger than a starfighter, and smaller than a capital ship. Partly because ORCA doesn't really have any capital ships at the moment, and partly because of sheer usefulness the Trillium possesses.

The interior layout is fairly straightforward. The bridge has seating for three; the pilot, copilot, and comm/sensors. Directly behind the cockpit is a ladder leading to the dorsal and ventral turrets. The turrets are covered with armored shutters, less to make it look like it's unarmed (though that's a nice side benefit) but to keep them from being destroyed in a sudden ambush. Passed this is a small galley area, and then an airlock with access to a docking port separating the forward section of the ship from the rest. A corridor leads to the rest of the ship, consisting of the cargo bay on the ventral side, and two passenger/crew quarters above it on the dorsal. The quarters are relatively spacious, with 4 bunks to a room, and a washroom area accessible at the back of each. On the sides of the cargo bay are additional airlocks, with access to docking ports, and a corridor wraps around the entire thing, with access to the engine room at the complete rear of the vessel. The cargo bay itself is extremely modular, and capable of opening from the rear, or even from the bottom should it be necessary to quickly drop whatever cargo is being carried.

The 3 docking ports are capable of holding a starfighter apiece, allowing the Trillium to act as an ad hoc carrier, particularly while on convoy escort duties. Obviously simply being able to drag 3 starfighters around with the ship isn't enough to make it a true carrier, but it's enough to ease some of the problems ORCA has ensuring the hyperdrive-less vessels in its possession are being put to the best use. The docking ports can obviously be used to connect to other vessels, but the hyperdrive isn't powerful enough to carry anything bigger than starfighters through hyperspace. The two dual laser cannon turrets the ship possess are the Trillium's sole armament, and are intended for anti-starfighter duties. Quick firing, the lasers are intended to help deter attacks on a convoy the ship might be in, or help it break through the starfighter swarms of a blockade. The guns can be used on bigger vessels, but anything larger than 100 meters will likely just laugh the effect off. The ship has good shields, very good shields in fact. The ship makes up for the lack of firepower, and even speed in some respects, with being able to shrug off a lot more firepower than the standard smuggling vessel.

The sensors of the ship are long range to better detect ambushes by threats such as pirates, and the navicomputer is reasonably quick to calculate the jump to lightspeed, if a bit finicky. One area of note where the ship has a very good resistance is against ion weaponry. Their the weapon of choice for pirates, the main enemy of ORCA, and so vessels have been equipped to deal with them. The inner workings of computers and electrical systems are filled with a charged particle dispersion gel, intended to dissipate the energy of an ion shot before it can interact with ship systems and damage them. The gel isn't perfect however, and repeated shots will eventually saturate it. Likewise shots from larger ion cannons mounted on anything bigger than a corvette are enough to instantly saturate it in the area hit.

All in all the Trillium is well suited to either escorting supply convoys, running a blockade, establishing a starfighter picket, or just smuggling cargo.

Outer Rim Cargo Association

This vessel is not available to individuals. ORCA may be willing to give them to other factions under the right circumstances. Factions in which the Trillium is used are listed below.

Outer Rim Cargo Association

This ship is intended to be the mainstay of ORCA's lighter vessels. It's supposed to be a versatile, multi-role ship so we're not spamming the tech boards to fill every little niche. It fits into our fleet by being a capable cargo runner, escort, and small time starfighter carrier. It's essentially our go anywhere, do anything ship, and is intended to be the most common ship in ORCA's possession larger than a starfighter. At a later point, if ship production capabilities are acquired, it will also be used as the basis for a follow up design.

Corellian Engineering Corporation (base FCV-210)
ORCA (modifications to Trillium standard)

Trillium-class Blockade Runner


  • Length: 53 meters
  • Width: 25.3 meters
  • Height: 13 meters

Blockade Runner, Fast Freighter, Escort, Picket Ship

5 (optimal)
  • 1x Pilot
  • 1x Copilot
  • 1x Sensors/Comm Officer
  • 2x Gunners
1 (minimum)
  • 1x Pilot
Passenger Capacity

Cargo Capacity
200 metric tons

3 Starfighters via External Docking Ports

2 Dual Medium Laser Turrets


Good Acceleration, and Good Handling.

Hyperdrive Rating
1.0 (class 5.0 backup)

Military Grade Sensor System (long range)
Military Grade Targeting System
Standard Navigation System
Standard Communications System
Military Grade Deflector Shield Generators (heavy)
Titanium Armor Plating (mid-grade)
Standard Life Support System (redundant)
CorelFrei9 Hypermatter Reactor
Repulsorlift Array
Basic Internal Security (anti-tamper locks, camera system)

return to top

The Martagon is your average Corellian freighter design, though on the small side. It's gray, it's kind of ugly, it can be modified, it goes fast, and it's a favorite for smuggling outfits like the Outer Rim Cargo Association. The ship is favored for being easy to take care of, easy to modify, and most importantly, easy to fit out with smuggling compartments. The diminutive frame might not look like it has that many places to hide illicit goods, but there are more areas than one might imagine. The over sized engine cowlings for example, are excellent places to store smaller packages...assuming they aren't heat sensitive and can be placed in a vacuum. The wing area between the engines and the main body (as well as the ones forward, closer to the cockpit) are good places for cargo pods to be magnetized to the exterior of the vessel as well. All in all the cargo features of the ship don't make it all that different from the average There are a few key traits that separate the Martagon from the rest of the pack however.

Being slimmer, with a more agile profile than your standard light freighter, the Martagon is a platform that can easily be adapted to other duties. Whether it's a patrol vessel, a lighter bomber, or just a bounty hunter's ride from system to system, the ship can easily be modified to handle more weapon's systems than is available stock. There are accommodations for the crew, just rear of the cockpit, but they aren't the most luxurious. The cockpit itself is something of a miss in terms of design. Intended to be more efficient, with ergonomic support, it is instead considered an immense pain for the pilot to be able to get out of, as it requires the gunner to already be out, and for the pilot to climb over the gunner's seat. Needless to say, it's not a design popular with larger species. The cargo bay dominates the center of the ship, bulging out from the sides of the otherwise slender profile, and can easily be modified to carry passengers rather than cargo.

The Martagon has a decent shield, and armor load out, and this can be modified as well as anything else on the ship. However tampering with either is a risky proposition, and it's generally inadvisable to try to take any upgrades too far, due to the drain on the power system. The engines are fast, and the ship has excellent maneuverability, in and out of atmosphere. The ship is relatively easy to control as well, excellent for those new to the smuggling profession, and is relatively inexpensive as an extra benefit.

Outer Rim Cargo Association

This vessel is available on the open market per the description. Still, I'd prefer it you if contacted me before using it, if only so I can add you to the list of owners! Factions and individuals who make use of it are listed below.

Outer Rim Cargo Association

This ship is intended to be the standard light freighter in ORCA's arsenal, the classic smuggler's ship. It is s available for other factions to use if they want to do so.

Corellian Engineering Corporation

Martagon-class Freighter


  • Length: 26.1 meters
  • Width: 19 meters
  • Height: 6.4 meters
Light Freighter

Smuggling Ship, Cargo, Transport, Light Attack Platform

2 (optimal)
  • 1x Pilot
  • 1 Gunner
1 (minimum)
  • 1x Pilot
Passenger Capacity
0, with full Cargo Bay
6, with empty/converted Cargo Bay

Cargo Capacity
0, with Cargo Bay devoted to passengers
50 metric tons, with empty Cargo Bay
25 metric tons, with exterior Cargo Pods
75 metric tons total capacity


1 Dual Light Laser Turret (on the dorsal side)

6 Concussion Missiles (mounted on racks)
1 Dual Light Laser Turret (on the ventral side)


Average Acceleration, and Average Handling.

Hyperdrive Rating

Standard Sensor System
Standard Targeting System
Advanced Navigation System
Standard Communications System
Deflector Shield Generators (mid-grade)
Standard Life Support System
Titanium Armor Plating (light)
CoreHR9 Power Generator
Repulsorlift Array

return to top

Developed by Kuat Systems Engineering, the Helonias is a medium bomber. A starfighter big enough to carry a good sized payload, but too small to fit the equipment necessary to go into hyperspace. The bomber is marketed to local systems patrols, and is available to organizations like ORCA for use. Thought not as capable as top of the line bombers intended for use by the big military forces of the galaxy, the Helonias is a sturdy design. It's simple, easy to take care of, and doesn't have any exotic equipment that might drive up costs and maintenance. The ship has durability as its key feature, and is a hard target to knock out, even if speed and maneuverability leave a lot to be desired. It's an easy starfighter for novice pilots to fly, and downright deadly in the hands of a veteran.

The cockpit of the Helonias is much larger than those on other fighters, with plenty of room for the pilot, and bomber to move about. The ship might not have a hyperdrive, but the intention is still that it could take on long duration patrols, and for such things it's important that facilities exist for some crew comfort. A small galley, bunk, and head exist in the rear of the cabin, while towards the front are the seats for the pilot and bomber to operate the Helonias. A docking ring is located on the top of the craft, allowing them to easily connect with other ships as well. Aside from the cabin, most of the internal space of the fighter is taken up by the proton torpedo launcher, and the bomb bay. The torpedo launcher has 6 torpedoes total, while the bomb bay can hold up to 4 proton bombs. Though not the heaviest payload available to a bomber, the Helonias makes up for it by being durable enough to actually make it to a target.

Thick duranium armor plating, and heavy deflector shields ensure that the Helonias is a tough nut to crack. It's often been remarked by engineers that work on the bomber that it could have the entire outer hull scorched with laser fire, and shot full of holes, and still come back with the crew alive, and in good enough condition to get back out in the fight if it really has to. Two heavy laser cannons supplement the bomber's payload, and enable the Helonias to engage other starfighters, but the low speed and poor maneuverability make the latter a risky proposition. Faster, and more agile than heavier bombers, the Helonias still can't compete with the interceptors and fast fightercraft, and is a far cry from being a multirole fighter in that regard.

It can however be used as a small time transport, with it's bomb bay emptied, and cargo put in it. The crew cabin can carry a couple of passengers, and the ship has good flying characteristics in atmosphere that make the Helonias a decent, if very limited, shuttle platform as well.

Outer Rim Cargo Association

This vessel is available on the open market per the description. Still, I'd prefer it you if contacted me before using it, if only so I can add you to the list of owners! Factions and individuals who make use of it are listed below.

Outer Rim Cargo Association

This ship is intended to be the heavy fighter in ORCA's arsenal, as well as a small time transport should it be needed. The role is similar to that of the Y-Wing, and fills such a role in ORCA's fleet, as well as that of a short range shuttle, and is available for other factions to use if they want to do so.

Kuat Systems Engineering

Helonias-class Bomber


  • Length: 18.2 meters
  • Width: 12.8 meters
  • Height: 5.6 meters
Heavy Starfighter

Bomber, Patrol Fighter, Transport

2 (optimal)
  • 1x Pilot
  • 1x Bomber
1 (minimum)
  • 1x Pilot
Passenger Capacity

Cargo Capacity
50 kg
5 metric tons (with bomb bay being used as a cargo bay)


2 Heavy Laser Cannons
1 Proton Torpedo Launcher (6 torpedoes)
1 Bomb Bay (4 proton bombs)


Poor Acceleration, and Poor Handling.

Hyperdrive Rating

Military Grade Sensor System
Military Grade Targeting System
Military Grade Navigation System
Miltiary Grade Communications System
Military Grade Deflector Shield Generators (heavy)
Duranium Armor Plating (heavy)
Standard Life Support System
KSE-XBi Power Generator
Repulsorlift Array
Hyperspace Transport Ring (optional, class 1.0 hyperdrive)

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Personal Gear

TBD. Probably a cool generic pistol, blaster-proof vest, and something a little more unique.


TBD. Probably an astromech droid.


Missions and Events

TBD, probably have no more than 2 missions at a time since it's not likely to be a large group. Missions=smuggling jobs, nothing really fancy, just earn credits and get stuff done.

Only a single event at a time which will be where real expansion work is done.


Job Submission

Have something you need smuggled? Fill out the following information, and post it in here!

Character Name & Link: Should be obvious, give us the name and a link. Feel free to use an alias if the job is further under the table. IC-wise the name/alias of someone wanting a job done won't actually be given to a member of ORCA until after they've taken the job.
Payment: How much you're paying for something to be moved.
What Needs to be Smuggled: The goods to be moved. Or people. Or whatever it is
Pickup: Where the goods need to be picked up.
Destination: And where they need to be dropped off.
Risks: Will the person who does this job be in danger? Law enforcement going to be an issue? Pirates? If the character would know be sure to put it down.
Notes: Anything else we should know?

And after that the job will either be approved, or denied. If it's approved any member of ORCA, or multiple members, maybe claim it. First come, first serve for claiming jobs.

Current Jobs


All characters, and organizations that have been blacklisted by ORCA. Those that are blacklisted will be denied service, and will probably be seen more as enemies, although the Association won't go out of its way to do them harm, unless they did some substantial damage.

Current List








NPC Breakdown



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That Guy
SWRP Writer
Mar 13, 2014
Reaction score
What fresh hell is this?

Ugh... fine.

I don't have an Indie written up, but this doesn't look entirely awful. I guess I could scrounge up the motivation to crank out a smuggler of some kind.

Fen Vel

SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
While not involved directly, I think ORN and you should be best buddies when it comes to day to day life. Gotta keep on top of those weather reports and traffic conditions, right?

I really like what you have here and give me a shove if you want any help.


SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
You know how I said I might of been slightly interested before? I'm completely all in on this. Definitely count me in!


Active Member
SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2012
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What fresh hell is this?

Ugh... fine.

I don't have an Indie written up, but this doesn't look entirely awful. I guess I could scrounge up the motivation to crank out a smuggler of some kind.


While not involved directly, I think ORN and you should be best buddies when it comes to day to day life. Gotta keep on top of those weather reports and traffic conditions, right?

I really like what you have here and give me a shove if you want any help.

Cool stuff, I could definitely see some RP potential there, like smuggling journalists into restricted areas, but I wouldn't say anything for certain just yet. Per usual I have no idea what I'm doing, so IDK.

You know how I said I might of been slightly interested before? I'm completely all in on this. Definitely count me in!


Fen Vel

SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
I was thinking more Truckers and their Ham Radios fed through ORN, but I guess that also depends on what the Think Tank thinks the state of galactic communication should be. Plus who doesn't like talk radio when you are adrift in Hyperspace for days, ;p


SWRP Writer
Aug 8, 2008
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The amount of well-populated, interesting indy factions will be a curious thing to see in the new timeline. It'll be cool to see how you function with Czerka and the Rim Syndicate and stuff


Veteran Member
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Feb 13, 2012
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Czerka will most likely do business with these fine free traders, and it's good to see a faction like this - it really fits the 'Outer Rim' look of the next Time Line.


All Indie, All the Time
SWRP Writer
Jun 9, 2014
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Same with the Accord. We have our own little merry band of smugglers, so I'm sure we could work something out there.


Active Member
SWRP Writer
Dec 7, 2012
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I was thinking more Truckers and their Ham Radios fed through ORN, but I guess that also depends on what the Think Tank thinks the state of galactic communication should be. Plus who doesn't like talk radio when you are adrift in Hyperspace for days, ;p

Ahh I see. I'm not sure it's something they'd really use all that much. I'd imagine that Smuggler's would want as few things transmitting from their ships, but as a more flavor thing for just everyday stuff like you said I'm sure it could work.

The amount of well-populated, interesting indy factions will be a curious thing to see in the new timeline. It'll be cool to see how you function with Czerka and the Rim Syndicate and stuff

Indeed it's looking to be a good setup for indie factions. Hopefully everyone takes off well at the start, instead of the sputtering and dying like most seemed to do this half of 5, and things stay active so those interactions can come to fruition.


Active Member
SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2014
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I love this. If you'll have him please add Mathis Areon to the member list. I'll have the character finished in a few days. :)

The Kyzer

Lord of Chaos and Fun
SWRP Writer
Mar 12, 2013
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601're trying to make me do stuff. I can feel it.


Tech Admin
Sep 29, 2011
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Damn criminals, making my job harder and harder every day...


Veteran Member
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Feb 13, 2012
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He is not near done yet, but I have a smuggler of my own in the works who will freelance for a while, but most certainly may look into membership when it fits in with his story. I am having him start off 'fresh' so with nothing but a blaster to his name, and the clothes on his back, before heading off to reclaim his stolen ship, then I'll just go where his story takes me. However should this faction continue to be active, I hope they'll cross paths, and one day - if he stays on the straight and narrow - he'll seek membership. He can be found here.


Veteran Member
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Feb 13, 2012
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Once I've fleshed out the character some more, I may have him start out in this faction (if that would be allowed). How rigorous is membership, aka - are that allowed to freelance as well?

The Kyzer

Lord of Chaos and Fun
SWRP Writer
Mar 12, 2013
Reaction score
I'm talking about REAL stuff, Kyle. Not a portmanteau, and some leftover scrabble letters.
You know this would just break out into me committing acts of crime and murder. Why are you trying to enlist me? #WORSTSmugglerCandidate