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  1. MolotovCocktailParty

    Back Again

    So yeah, I've been gone for about a week due to sickness. Apparently, the flu makes me not want to rp, like at all. Never knew that. Sorry to anyone it may have inconvenienced, and as I'm now (mostly) better, I'll get to work on catching up on posts. I also have schoolwork, though, so I might be...
  2. MolotovCocktailParty

    Zynn Hawkright

    I swore that I would never do it again. But I am a liar. Lies define me, shape me, make me who I am. Power is control. Those with power who wield it for its own sake are nothing more than violent beasts. Once I lost control. Never again. I swore that I would never do it again. But I did. I...
  3. MolotovCocktailParty

    Tristan Fel

    NAME: Tristan Fel FACTION: Imperial Knights RANK: Prospect SPECIES: Human AGE: 18 GENDER: Male HEIGHT: 5'8” WEIGHT: 142 lbs EYES: Blue-gray HAIR: Black, hanging to jaw length in the back, feathered so that the bangs fall just past his eyebrows. SKIN: Tan-ish...
  4. MolotovCocktailParty

    [CLOSED] Holding Cell Blues

    It was still strange for Sorn to think that he had captured a Sith singlehandedly (even if that particular Sith hadn't done a whole lot of fighting, though his companion made up for it), that he had been involved in a deadly battle for his life against two arguably stronger foes and managed to...
  5. MolotovCocktailParty

    Choices, Choices

    So, I need to find a picture to use for my Sith, who's just about done, and it's come down to this, this, or this. Thoughts?
  6. MolotovCocktailParty

    What Now?

    So, in the aftermath of a rather intense fight with Cyclone and Insanity, I have captured Insanity's Sith Acolyte while he was on Coruscant (Cyclone got away). What do I do with him? Drag him in and hand him over to Will?
  7. MolotovCocktailParty

    Developing Force Powers through Use

    So, I know that the system was changed so that Force Powers can develop via actual use to alleviate the training system somewhat (which is awesome for my character, so I'm happy) but I was wondering if they could actualoly learn new Force Powers like this. For example, my Padawan wants to learn...
  8. MolotovCocktailParty

    Subconscious Speciesism

    I have recently realized (read: this occurred to me randomly five minutes ago) that basically all of my characters are human. This seems kind of boring, yet imagining myself rping, say, a Zabrak, just seems weird. So I went looking on Wookieepedia for Near-Human species, to ease myself out of...
  9. MolotovCocktailParty

    Imperial Intelligence Subfaction [Admins, Do Check]

    So, I've noticed that the Empire does not seem to have an Intelligence agency, and while I was pondering that, I came up with an idea to rectify this: a Sith/Imperial subfaction, the Shadow Corps. This group does not necessarily focus specifically on intelligence gathering, however. (Posting...
  10. MolotovCocktailParty

    Military Reserve

    So, I was thinking of making an out-of-work spacer/gunslinger type who would go around doing a bit of everything to make enough credits to survive -mercenary work, bounty hunting, smuggling, some legit business, etc. - and I was wondering if he could either have an open-ended contract with the...
  11. MolotovCocktailParty

    Saber Styles

    This is a dual-part thread. The first part relates to gameplay, and the question up for discussion is how you think lightsaber styles will be implemented into the game, if at all. The second part is included because I am a massive nerd and watched the trailers over 9000 times, and I started to...
  12. MolotovCocktailParty

    Physical Force Boosts (Valor, etc.)

    My Padawan specializes mostly in blade-to-blade combat and other physical arts, so I was wondering if anyone could teach him Force powers that support that by augmenting your performance or in some way helping to overwhelm the opponent with direct combat. Ideas: Force Valor Force Speed...
  13. MolotovCocktailParty

    Jedi Missions: Crystal Labyrinth

    This is an OOC thread for the people who are doing the Jedi mission "The Crystal Labyrinth". So far, we have Matt's knight, my Padawan, and Dictator4Hire's Padawan. There is still one PC slot open for a Knight or a Padawan, and we also need an NPCer. When the thread is made, I will post it here...
  14. MolotovCocktailParty

    Is This Viable?

    It's a tradition on Corellia to cremate the dead and compress their ashes into a diamond. I was wondering if my Jedi (who is Corellian) could take the diamonds of his father (a retired Jedi) and his lover (who was slightly Force-sensitive), attune himself to them, and get two completely unique...
  15. MolotovCocktailParty

    [Open] A Padawan's Plight

    Sorn surveyed the room, making sure everything was in place. The drones were ready to be activated, the dueling circles cleared; he had made absolutely sure that the room was in perfect condition for a good spar. After all, he wouldn't want the guests to be disappointed by a dingy arena. Sorn...
  16. MolotovCocktailParty

    Padawan Training

    Hey, since lots of people don't have Masters, I propose this: any Padawan, Master or no, can sign up here for a thread (location TBD) for some Padawan-on-Padawan training and socialization as well. Get to know each other and get some training in: win-win. Any type of training is fine, though I...
  17. MolotovCocktailParty

    Solo Training

    As many young Padawans, like myself, are left Masterless, I find myself twiddling my thumbs while I wait for someone to open up so I can actually do something meaningful. Socializing is nice, but I don't really know anyone yet, and frankly, combat/missions/training is more fun. Which brings us...
  18. MolotovCocktailParty

    The Middle Path

    This is purely academic at this point, as one of the characters I'm going to talk about I'm still writing, and the other one is still just a Padawan, but what should I do if I advance a character to Knight/Marauder and feel like my character a) doesn't fit into the specializations or is an...
  19. MolotovCocktailParty

    Sorn Sinclair

    (Disclaimer: I don't know who owns this image, but it's certainly not me.) NAME: Sorn Sinclair (seriously, it's the title.) FACTION: New Jedi Order RANK: Padawan (I'll leave this here to hedge my bets, given the unlikeliness of my being approved for Knighthood. If I am approved, I'll cut this...
  20. MolotovCocktailParty

    An Introduction

    Hello. My name is MolotovCocktailParty (as far as the Internet community is concerned, at least), but you may address me as Molotov, Molly, or Supreme Overlord (the latter is preferred). I have been a member of several forums in the past, though never for very long; reasons for leaving vary...