Open Galactic Senate Chandrila Assembly of the Galactic Senate

Dr Ilana Morata

MorataCorp CEO

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Killa Ree
Jan 5, 2020
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She listened both to Emryc's words, and Korre's reply. Each of the details were carefully considered, not only for each sector's plans of their own individual politics, but for the needs of the galaxy itself. She was pleased, however, that there was not a general outcry against such an idea put forward, but it was too soon to celebrate yet. There were questions to be answered.

"With the funds provided by fundraisers for the effort against the virus, there is enough to sustain efforts to distribute the vaccine to the general galactic public, pending what each governing body may dictate dispersion. However, beyond that, the intent is for the selected spaces to be self-sustaining. If, however, the governing bodies wish to grant a stimulus, I leave that decision for you, the Senate, to decide. As for roles," she addressed Emryc directly, features neutral. Like him, she became a passive wall of non-emotion, her voice cool, crisp and precise, "the intent is to provide for the galaxy a medical taskforce that responds, as Senator Korre has stated, in times of crisis. Just as MorataCorp has answered the call for planets who have suffered under the assault of war, the Galactic Health Organization intends to fill that same niche."

She tapped on her datapad again, and the display vanished. "When it comes to finances, I have worked as a physician across the majority of the galaxy for many years. The cost for a doctor, or even a medical droid, has often been detrimental to those that need it. It is my proposal, pending the approval of this Senate, that all services provided to the populace be set with a small fee, providing first aid, rescue and other medical services. I will ask that each governing body may dictate what those services provide, as well as the set standard of care and cost. It will be staffed by medical providers such as myself, and answer to guidelines set in place by the sectors in which they reside in."

The idea was, in fact, inspired from Solomon Hawk, and part of her almost wished he was here. He seemed savvy with his credits; perhaps she would hire his advice later. However... there was a note of panic... or was it fear? She settled her eyes up, where a pale-faced aide did... something. For a moment, she stiffened, jaw tightening in irritation as his emotions began to spark through her careful defenses.

@Sreeya @lizziie
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Emryc Thorne

ISC President

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Sep 20, 2020
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Emryc had been looking at Senator Belasi when the aide inadvertently used the Force. Any Jedi that were present moved in complete unison as they collectively and sharply looked around the room with slight alarm. It was a testament to his commitment to playing the role that Emryc didn’t react in concert, frosty gaze still on Senator Belasi. The only slip was that his ears twitched slightly at the same time. Even that detail was too subtle for anyone to pick up, except for perhaps, Doctor Morata who was more familiar with Sephi than others in the room.

The President’s face was calm and stoic as he reached for a bottle of water to quietly take a sip. After both women finished speaking, Emryc mulled over what had been presented thus far. Truth be told, he wasn’t too thrilled about the vaccine being distributed for free. He had a stake in MorataCorp, and he had been hoping to sell the vaccine to the Senate before distribution. However, there was little he could argue in the face of nonsense altruism. Morata was a clever woman, but she was certainly getting a bit soft for his tastes. Of course, none of this was betrayed on his face.

“The Galactic Health Organization is a very necessary concept,” Emryc spoke out after a pause, “I certainly will not get in the way of such a critical and noble proposal. I wholeheartedly support this idea and hope to address the finer details about the financial support at a future session. I believe in the interest of complete transparency, we may revisit this as a Galactic Senate stimulus.”

Emryc had no desire to stop the cashflow the ISC was receiving from the other bodies of government. Saying no to a stimulus also made FWA and NR look terrible. It was a win/win he wasn’t going to give up too easily.

“I nominate Senator Belasi as the head of the GHO,” Emryc stated firmly, “As a scientist that has an extensive background in both biochemistry and microbiology, I consider her a more than capable candidate to drive this effort and be its face. Furthermore, her direct dealings with combating the outbreaks of Septorus on her planet makes her uniquely qualified to handle pandemics and the civilian management and education they entail,” It was clear President Thorne did his homework before he voiced opinions. He kept his gaze on Belasi the entire time he nominated her, the low baritone of his voice speaking with conviction.

As for Morata, he needed her to make him more money. The half Sephi’s gaze flicked over towards her, his mind already constructing plans and ideas on product lines.

@Killa Ree @lizziie

Sibyl Lassiter

Governor of Brentaal

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Aug 1, 2021
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She heard the answers of Senator Belasi and Dr. Morata. The Galactic Health Organization and the small fee for services given to the population were good ideas in her opinion. As a matter of fact, Sibyl would support any measure that would stop the possibility of the AMS reaching the Core Worlds, even if it was the total destruction of the infected planets. After all, she didn't want her planet to get infected.

After President Thorne finished his speech, the Senator of Brentaal rose from her seat "I support the proposals of Senator Belasi and Dr. Morata. I believe that the GHO will be an efficient tool in fighting the AMS and and possible future health threats." she made a pause to look at the other members of the Senate "I also agree with President Thorne. Since Senator Belasi is involved in the creation of the GHO and given her resume as a scientist, I support her nomination as the head of this Organization."

When Sibyl returned to her seat, she noticed that Tristodd was staring to the exercise ball in his hand. He was still pale and seemed scared. "Tristodd, do you feel sick?"she didn't want him to get sick in the middle of the assembly, it could be terrible for Sibyl's image.

"N-no, Senator. I-I'm fine." Tristodd was still stuttering. What he said wasn't true, nothing was fine. He could be a Force user. What would happen if everyone found out? Worst, what would happen if his parents found out? They always made clear their dislike for the Jedi and hatred for the Sith. He was so scared. Would they hate him too?

Eumi Redrish

Senator, Kuat

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Jul 21, 2021
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Eumi listened quietly as the next item on the list was read and discussed. She'd known for some time now the murmurings of wanting to replace the current Chancellor, but she'd been advised many times – both by her Telbun as well as by the Principal Director and her pages that it wouldn't be in the best interests of Kuat to support the proposal, even if they agreed with it. The first mistake was that it had been brought to the floor by the FWA. The second was that it was an internal issue, one that the New Republic would have to handle on their own. The FWA and ISC had about as much authority to replace the New Republic Chancellor as the New Republic had to replace the leaders of the other two factions. Certainly their concerns with the republic's leadership could be brought up on the floor, but this was not the way to go about it.

In some ways she was glad it or something similar didn't come from one of their own.

When it was appropriate, she would press the button to vote no to the issue, electing to not speak either in support or opposition. Her concerns were covered well enough by the other senators. She did however find her thought lingering on the way Governor Hipori addressed the senate earlier. Why should the ISC contribute. Self-sufficiency. Founding principles. If the ISC did not wish to cooperate with the other two factions, then why were they even here? They had already returned to the table – the galactic senate – and yet they didn't want to feel any responsibility to help regions outside their own? And they expect if they did they would be treated as second class citizens? Despite all the wealth they claim to now have?

A curious stance to take, but not unexpected for a politician trying to rile up their supporters against their own best interests.

The Kuat Senator made a few notes on the Governor of Lahsbane and shifted her gaze to the ISC President as he spoke. Platitudes and posturing. The usual. The young woman was relieved when the subject finally changed to an AMS Taskforce – something everyone everywhere was interested in. The virus was spreading faster than any of them could have predicted, and all of the factions' citizens needed reassurance that it was being handled responsibly.

They were going to call it the Galactic Health Organization?

It did have a certain ring to it.

Once the Senator of Brentaal had finished speaking, Eumi stood to activate her mic, ready to make her own statement. “Kuat stands in agreement with with Senator Lassiter. If this sickness has taught us anything, it is that we need to come together when a threat to us all is uncovered. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye.” Was she talking about the AMS virus or was she talking about the Sith threat that the ISC seemed to give no concern toward? In all honesty it was both, but the young senator was intelligent enough to keep her criticisms veiled – for now. “We cannot afford to be miserly either. What starts on one planet, in one sector of the galaxy, can easily cross borders and travel on hyperlanes to eventually infect every single one of us. If we let it.”

“Kuat supports funding the GHO directly, and distributing the vaccine for free to every citizen of every planet possible in our fair galaxy.”
She paused, knowing full well that the ISC enjoyed the stimulus the New Republic had been providing them to, for the most part, develop the vaccine. Considering how some of them seemed to enjoy flaunting their independence, economic wealth, and insinuating the weakness of the Republic, she believed that stimulus money could be better invested elsewhere now. Why give credits to those who don't need it? Or to those who speak ill of you to the press? Her gaze would drift to Governor York and Hipori at that thought, but only for a moment before shifting to Senator Belasi. “Kuat also supports nominating the Senator of Belasco as the Head of the newly formed GHO. We need educated, experienced scientists involved in this organization more than we need businessmen and bureaucrats. The needs of the people need to come first.”

Jin Vaisra

Senator, Fondor

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Jul 26, 2021
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Jin had stayed quiet for most of the proceedings, tapping a finger on his pod's dashboard. There was simply nothing of interest to him. And while the military pact against the Sith was something he’d been keeping a close eye on since he stepped into the Senate chambers, the moment Senator Belasi voted it down was the moment he realized it wouldn’t leave the room. The pact was made for the Free Worlds, and the fact it was being voted against by one of its own members said plenty about it.

The proposal was too hastily made. Too easy to break. Senator Ro and Drast had fought valiantly to compromise, but in the end, it was dismissed and abandoned to rot in some committee. Of course, it wasn’t like Jin cared. He’d chosen to abstain for the simple reason of indecision. At one hand, a likely war with the Sith would prove extremely profitable for the Republic. On the other, Fondor would be wasting good ships to fight for a spineless, ungrateful government like the Alliance.

They were children. Every time the Sith invaded another world, they screamed and begged for help, and when it was offered, a spoon of medicine to remedy the pain, they smacked it aside because it didn’t ‘taste’ good.

Fine by me, Jin thought. Let them beg.

At least they could agree on one thing: the AMS pandemic, and the creation of a proper health organization. Even if Jin personally didn’t care for it, simply for the fact that the disease hadn’t yet reached the Core, he figured voting in favor of the proposal would do well for his reputation. “The Fondor delegation supports this proposal, and the nomination of Senator Belasi as the head of the GHO. As Senator Redrish was saying, we need scientists to lead the forefront of this battle, not bureaucrats.

With that, Jin slipped back into his seat, a snake returning to its den. Honestly, he had a feeling this health organization would just end up as another committee. All words, and no action.

Tyris Thanewulf

Governor, Bestine

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Mar 4, 2021
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Everyone who has spoken so far in support of the proposal and nomination had pretty much said what the Bestine governor was thinking of saying as he waited for a opportunity to cast his vote. So the governor decided to keep what he is going to say short and sweet rather than repeat what everyone else has said so far.

There is no need to repeat anyways.

So Tyris stood up and simply said, "Bestine supports this proposal along with the nomination of Senator Belasi as head of the GHO." Switching off his mic the governor took a seat.

Emil Ro

Faction Leader
Supreme Chancellor

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Jul 25, 2021
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For once, Emil didn't need Joost to prompt him to get up and speak. The matter before the Senate was one he could vote on without needing much thought. Though, when Vaisra rose first to cast his vote, Emil couldn't resist a snide smirk across the chamber at his rival; and he wasn't content to keep his thoughts private, either.

"Nice of Fondor to join us again," Emil said into his mic, loudly enough for the whole of the chamber to hear him. "I had begun to think Senator Vaisra was taking a nap."

It was entirely uncalled for, and some small part of Emil knew he should keep the jabs normally traded between them to private quarters, but on this he could not resist. They had gone too long without pointing something sharp at each other, words or otherwise, and he simply could not let another opportunity slip away.

"I find myself in agreement with my colleagues from the New Republic," Emil continued. "As well as my contemporaries across this chamber. Balmorra supports the creation of the Galactic Health Organization and Senator Belasi's nomination to lead the organization. I can think of no better candidate for the job."

With that, he cut his mic and lowered himself back into his seat. All in all, this had been a most productive meeting of the Senate. Even if some of the items belonged in the wastebins, they had not come and gone without some entertainment. @Feng Mian

The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Member DM

Dec 24, 2017
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The Speaker

The speaker, now that the votes were counted in, hit her staff thrice against the floor of her pod to command silence and attention.

"The proposal of a Galactic Health Organization brought forth by Senator Belasi and Dr. Morata has passed the Senate vote. This concludes our agenda list for tonight."

Senators would now be free to leave at their own will. Any weapons or dangerous belongings they brought would be able to be picked up on their way out. From what the Speaker had heard, many members would be attending an opera performance as an after-assembly social.

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