Open Invasion Damage, Inc: Invasion of Byblos

Darth Stolas

Sith Order
Imperial Council

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Mr. Teatime
Dec 19, 2020
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A warning had been sent to the denizens of the galaxy, a message demanding a choice. Stolas had given a single ultimatum to the planets of the Free Worlds, sent out to both its citizens and its bumbling bureaucrats after the events on Denon. As always they responded sluggishly to such things, bogged down in debate and petty politics over how to deal with a full scale invasion of Free Worlds territory. Uncertainty over where Stolas would strike next doubtless made it that much worse.

The corporations with towers and facilities on Byblos were vital for a war effort but had suffered through the demilitarization of the New Republic. They did not care who ran the planet so long as they could engage in their business. Taking the planet would allow the Sith access to war materiel and remove it as an option from the Free Worlds and further control of the Hydian Way and Corellian Run. Lorana was similarly under siege and would be taken if Byblos was.

But most of all, victory on Byblos would further reinforce the words of Darth Stolas. A message was sent to the leaders of the planet itself, the Darth's voice the same deep and rumbling growl that had been heard over the Holonet.

"Make your choice."


Corvettes, frigates and starfighters of the Sith faced off against BDF ships high above in the atmosphere, preparing to clash for orbital control. Storm Squadron lead the way backed up by the Arquitens frigate he'd taken command of, twelve Arrowhead fighters in formation with Stolas himself at the head. Within the cockpit of the Shrike he wore his distinctive black and red armour, lightsabers at his belt and mantle left behind. The Darth was here to wage war, just as he promised.

Morgan always kept his word.

The lynchpin to the invasion was the
Gladiator cruiser the wealthy planet used to ward off pirates and malcontents. It was their defense fleet's flagship since other systems were meant to curb invasion and if it were taken down or captured the rest would quickly follow. If Storm Squadron and the ships would break through the enemy fighters guarding bombers and craft to board the BDF flagship. Orbital control would shortly follow.

Stolas and his squadron angled to attack, the Sith fleet approaching the defending ships. His message had thus far gone unanswered and his forces prepared to engage with their weaponry, the ground assault forces waiting for an opening in the blockade. Attack foils locked into position, weapons and shields powered.

Darth Stolas had declared a price would be paid by the defiant, a furious retribution to be delivered. The Drast did not make idle threats.


Vera Coulter


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Killa Ree
Aug 12, 2020
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The galaxy may have seemed to sleep on, but some of its' members took the threat of harming its' citizens very seriously.

Vera Coulter had spent her days in a cold rage, thinking about them. How they assaulted her command center, and made threats time and time again. How they would threaten her people time and again, only to retreat into the shadows. Darth Stolas may have threatened war and death, but damned if it would happen again while she was still breathing and able to protect her people.

She made her choice.

"This is Ranger Vera Coulter on Jaws reporting for duty," she called out to the comms of the Gladiator and other orbital defenses; shields were up, torpedos primed, ion cannon ready and blaster turrets prepared to open fire. The Blackfin Blastboat Jaws would stand in defense with the flagship, but personally?

She wanted Stolas' head for herself.

Max probably would have begged her to consider mercy, but mercy was the furthest from her mind right now. The likelihood to succeed was slim with all these fighters primed and prepared for assault from the Darth, but she'd be damned if she wouldn't do her best to defeat those odds even the smallest bit. She wasn't about to go down quietly, and nor would she pussyfoot around and let them assault first. This was her galaxy, her turf, and she wasn't gonna let some terrorist feel like he could freely assault without some consequences of his own.

@Mr. Teatime
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Venthis Habrak


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Apr 9, 2021
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To a commander such as Venthis Habrak, the necessity of a battle such a Byblos was obvious. The industry needed to be captured in order to outfit and refit the army and navy as it proceeded deeper into Free World Territory. But it was not simply necessary for the invasion, it was also needed for occupation. Resupply and repair would be complicated going from the far reaches of the outer rim to the center of the galaxy and back. A world such as Byblos was rife with opportunity as a tool of the new Eternality that was rising the bring order the madness that gripped the galaxy.

Amidst so many ships the Sakor, a corvette, hardly stood out. But that was how Habrak would prefer it. It was a vessel worthy of his status and station, and an ideal position to view and assist in the battle to come. It was not he that commanded this day, it was the Dark Lord Solas that would have that honor and glory. His righteous power was a storm swirling through the galaxy that would swallow and consume everything that stood before him.

Habrak was proud to be directed under such a command, and looked to be worthy of that honor today. His training and experience would culminate in this battle and he would not disappoint.

Habrak stood upon the bridge, his vessel in formation and prepared to engage the enemy. The four fighters loomed in close proximity as they prepared for the order to engage.

@Mr. Teatime @Killa Ree


Nightsister Queen

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Sep 20, 2020
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Andruil had been informed of the assault that was being planned by Darth Stolas. The reality was that it had taken very little effort on his part to convince the Nightsister to come out and fight. After what had happened on Denon, she wouldn't be shedding any tears about burning a few allies of those who had caused it.

However, the fact remained that Andruil wasn't much for ship to ship combat. She'd only learned to fly a ship a few years ago, and she certainly wasn't going to be throwing her life away in a dogfight. Instead, she trusted the flying to the pilot of the boarding shuttle.

She'd been informed that much of the fighting would likely take place aboard ships and so she had been outfitted appropriately in a customized flight suit. She tried not to squirm around in it too much as they closed on the enemy ship. Although it actually didn't restrict movement nearly as much as she'd feared, it was still... bleh.

She felt the boarding clamps latch onto the enemy ship forming as seal as the plasma torches went to work. By the time Andruil was out of her seat and at the door, a chunk of the hatch fell away, leading into one of the hallways along the exterior of the Destroyer.

Her lightsaber lit in her hand as she dropped the few feet to the hallway floor and headed off in the direction of the bridge. Their boarding ship had cut in on the backside of the command tower where there was less cover from the external defense turrets, but that still meant there would be a fight to get from the rear of the command tower to the front where the bridge was.
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The Good Doctor
Mar 23, 2021
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And so it begins...

This would be Pedee's first battle. The droid is no stranger to fighting, but her fights up until now would be minor compared to this, as this would be her first outing in a major battle. Stolas is on the warpath. Pedee was excited, as she revels in fighting, she can't wait to sink her teeth so to speak into the enemy. The Byblos planetary defense force might be well-off enough to have a cruiser. Impressive specs on the ship admittedly, but in the end the defense force are still small fish compared to the sharks that are the Sith, and will fall just as Denon did.

The droid would be on the same boarding vessel as Darth Andruil (@Phoenix). The vessel reached it's target and the ship had been breached, the way forward is set. She had her usual equipment on her, plus a Bryar Pistol. She didn't have weapons in her hand at the moment as she preferred fighting with her fists. But she had swords on her just in case.

Pedee would then move forward into the breach shortly after Darth Andriul did. In the halls Pedee can see some marines coming through a door way in front of them. There are only a few for now, they will probably be more coming, but in the end they will all fall to the Sith.


Sith Order
Sith Master

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Oct 23, 2020
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The war had finally come to the Republic as Darth Stolas began his crusade in earnest. Darth Asminys was not entirely sure what had so raised the other Sith's ire, but he was loathe to miss out on another fight after the Sith's victory at Denon. His previous experiences with invasions had left him wanting, first on the defense aboard the doomed star destroyer over Ryloth, and then his own invasion of Eiattu which had yielded him little in the way of enjoyment.

Today would be different.

Today Darth Asminys would be on the hunt.

His claws would be the red and black of his sabers that rode his hip and he wore for armor a stripped down version his Legionnaires wore, keeping only the helmet, breast and back plate, and equipped similarly to a flight suit for a boarding action. Surrounding him in the boarding shuttle were similarly armored soldiers.

Asminys couldn't wait to be planet side, where he could ditch the helmet in the safety of planetary oxygen.

The boarding shuttle heaved its cargo to and from as it whipped through the emerging battle before sliding in to the side hangar of the defending Gladiator behind the last of its fighter's as they launched, expertly escorted in by a pair of fighters from one of Darth Stolas' squadrons. Asminys was the first down the ramp as the ship shuddered to its landing.

Black blade ignited, Asminys swung his saber to deflect a blaster bolt back into the chest of one of the hangar crew as the shocked technicians made a valiant but fruitless effort to defend the hangar, Asminys' blade weaving expertly to protect the soldiers that filed down the ramp behind him while they returned fire over his shoulders to eliminate the hangar crew.


Darth Tiamat

Raze Loyalist
Sith Order
Sith Lord

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Nov 15, 2020
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When Tiamat got word that Renfry was getting a fitted flight suit, she absolutely wanted one too, especially since she had just patched the frays in her armor and that took up more time than she had anticipated. It would be the same style of the customized flight suit and Tiamat couldn't help herself to a stupid grin when she had seen Renfry and whisper "Twinsies..." once they boarded the shuttle.

Tiamat noticed that she was not entirely comfortable on the cramp boarding shuttle, subtle shifts that just hinted one could not find an agreeable position. Luckily it would be a short flight and from experience, Tiamat knew she would be fine once they started moving. Just the opposite who stood with them on the shuttle was Pedee who was in stillness; Tiamat, having worked with the droid before, was curious to see the droid's efficiency in a warzone. She wished she knew Pedee was coming in order to have the droid be refitted with plates that matched their flight suits; it would have least kept her current plates from scratching and scuffs in addition to looking amazing like her and Renfry. Meanwhile, Tiamat was falling into her center, a calm first, then came control and focus; there was an eagerness for the fight that was approaching, the chaos and despair that would wash over the hearts and minds of their opponents was just within reach. However, she knew she would not be able to have any of it if she did not ground herself prior.

A countdown announced for contact and Tiamat braced as they were alerted of the shuttle reaching the outer hull. The troopers were quick as they went to work, cutting a hole in the hull of the enemy ship. Tiamat grasped her saber hilt as she followed Renfry and Pedee, dropping behind the two and fell in step as they made their trek to the bridge.

@Phoenix @The Good Doctor
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Darth Malicia

Sith Order
Sith Council

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Jan 5, 2020
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Back on Korriban watching long range feed,

Already half of her yogurt was gone and noticing it did not help the Dark Councillors bad mood. She was already upset about not being part of the assault on Byblos, but it wasn't worth risking her children over and she knew it.

"More," Malicia grunted, dipping a spiced pickle in the tub of strawberry yogurt. The lone and slightly nervous cultist knew exactly what Malicia meant and immediately relayed the command.

The small Dark Council member leaned back on her couch, taking a bite of her pickle while pulling a fur blanket over her stomach and legs with her free hand. She stared at the many monitors in front of her that live streamed helmet feeds from Byblos.

Multiple minor things were bugging her, but one major thing nagged at her. Only a few hours ago she'd found out the gender of her babies and she wanted to share the news, but Renfry had gone to Byblos and she wasn't sure if Emryc checked his holocomm or not.

Regardless of the thoughts, her yellow eyes drifted over to her comm, lingering there. It was bad timing, but did it really matter? The messages would stay there until or if they were read, and so Malicia made her choice, finishing her pickle quickly so she could pick up the device.

She paused for a handful of heartbeats, unsure what to write at first, and so she settled on simple. Selecting, "Renfry <3" from her call list, the window opened so she could write her text,

Renfry, I'm having two boys...

Malicia pressed send, then went back to her call list and selected Raze, having decided not to put his real name to keep him protected.

Raze, I hope you've found a safe place to be. It's a little late to send this, but I'm pregnant with twins. Today I found out that we're going to have two sons. Two sons...

@Phoenix @Sreeya

Darmus Onn


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Jan 7, 2020
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Darmus regarded the data on the Republic officer's datapad with a good deal of scepticism. "So, you're saying that this ensign had a freak accident shortly after-" he began before most naval officers in the longroom suddenly looked at their personal comm and rushed out into the hallway. The older ranger followed the last officer with his eyes, "-he flagged this hyperspace-" and stopped to look at the officer he was interviewing as the latter went to look at his personal link as well. "-anomaly. What's happening?"

The officer looked up, panic clearly written in his eyes, dry-swallowed and the tried to take a sip of his coffee but found his hand suddenly shaking too much and decided against it. "Sith fleet just came out of hyperspace," he said, weakly, as if he couldn't believe it still. "We're under attack."

Well, kriff. That explained why someone who marked a hyperspace anomaly coming from the galactic south-east met with a freak accident. Suddenly they both noticed that at the table next to theirs a fellow officer was sitting still. He wasn't surprised by the revelation and didn't rush to his duty station but instead he was listening intently, trying his best not to be suspicious... which made him suspicious. Darmus' head turned towards him, their eyes met and to the ranger's absolute horror the other man flashed a grin. "Empire. Forever," rising suddenly, the traitor reached inside his uniform jacket and pulled out a sleek vibro-knife which he immediately plunged into the neck of the men Darmus had been interviewing. Not having had the time to prevent it, all Darmus could do was drop the datapad, pushed himself and his chair off the table and sliding backwards to draw the blaster pistol on his hip.

The traitor had just wrenched back his knife from deep inside the dying man's neck and was about to jump over the table in his attempt to murder the present Sector Ranger when a bolt struck him right in the chest and he dropped flat on the table. Darmus rose from his seat, aimed the blaster at the base of the traitor's neck and fired a single execution-style bolt to end the man's life for good. There was no coming back from that.


By the time Darmus reached the central control room the fighter squadrons were already engaging. He wasn't the only ranger on this Gladiator-class destroyer, for ranger Nilar had investigated leads over the same suspicious death elsewhere on the ship. Right now he didn't much care to notify her of his troubles in the longroom, however, and he flashed his badge the second he entered the control room. "Sector Ranger Darmus Onn-" only the chief turned, for they had bigger things to worry about than a ranger. They were getting boarded. Darmus immediately recognized the boarding craft as they began attaching themselves to the hull and then there was a shuttle sliding into the main hangar bay as well. No doubt shit was about to hit the fan.. which meant the old ranger still had perfect timing. He was reminded of that time when he had directed Corran Velt from a secure position so he could evade a hitsquad and protect a doctor from harm. Darmus figured he could do the same today. "-got a station for me?" he asked, lifting his specialized datapad up and making clear he wanted to help. The chief nodded and pointed towards a spot in the corner, bit too small for a complete rig, but enough for a slicer and his datapad.

With the active CCTV in the control room and within touching distance of the anti-breach, anti-fire and anti-collision control boards he knew he was in the perfect place to coordinate efforts if needed and give them a leg up. And just to be sure he ran some anti-dataplague software to shock any attempted security spikes.


Cyrene Nilar


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Apr 10, 2021
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Cyrene wasn't best at asking questions, at least politely, she was the type for aggressive techniques but that wasn't supported in the rangers especially in Republic and FWA space, so she would stick to what she was the best at, hunting and tracking, and let the human do the talking.

she was sat in the ship's cantina, with a hot cup caf in hand when alarms started, she sighed and open her comm, “ Darmus, please tell me that alarm is a route drill and not what I think it is” she knew what the answer was judging by the panic of the crew around but she still held up hope she could drink her Caf in peace.

Sighing she picked up her rifle started making her way to the bridge, leaving her steaming cup of caf on the table.


Sevrin Valtiere

Jedi Order
Jedi Master

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Apr 4, 2021
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The invasion on Lorornar had tipped off the defenders of a coordinated attack by the Sith on Republic planets. This time Sevrin Valtiere wasn’t off in some random backwater planet. Today he was here, and he had made it abundantly clear he wasn’t afraid to take the fight to the Sith. Sith Lords. Councilors. Marauders. He would face anyone that dared threaten the lives of the free people.

He was in a shuttle piloted by a droid, and he rapidly prepared for all outcomes regarding a fight up in space. As a result, he too was adorned in a flight suit without any plating for armor. He mainly kept all the functions that would allow him to survive if there were any accidental outcomes. His only weapons outside of the saber were two small knives on his belt concealed from view.

The shuttle skidded into the side hangar bay shortly after the Sith Lord Asminys had gone in. The ramp was already opening and Sevrin didn’t wait before leaping out and skidding across the floor and drawing his saber. Behind him the shuttle kept going with its forward push and rammed directly into the shuttle that carried the Sith Lord. This resulted in the shuttle and any troops that were still disembarking crushed against the wall with the Jedi shuttle on the other side and blocking the path.

Sevrin paid no heed to what happened behind him, waving his hand with the Force to send a few Imperials flying to knock them out and clear his line of sight towards his target.

“You will go no further, Sith,” His voice called out towards Darth Asminys. There was no fear in his tone. And there wouldn’t be regardless of how this ended.

The free people had chosen.

And they had chosen to fight.

@Arclight @The Steel Stag
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Alexandria Voran

Jedi Order
Former Grandmaster

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Valen Pelora
Nov 30, 2020
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Life did not move forward in carefully constructed vignettes. Change was rarely ever linear. Jedi Master Alexandria Thayless Voran’s path to becoming the Jedi she was today had been a journey of fits and starts. She had become a woman her younger self would never recognize…and she was proud. Alex had clawed her way from the slums of Corellia to the Jedi Order, lost herself in the Outer Rim, returned home, found the beginnings of a family, and had that ripped away. Each stepped played a part in who she was. Each moment explaining why was here.

Alex sat in the passenger hold of the Forward Bound, immersed deep in the Force as the ship raced through hyperspace. Her mental walls were carefully closed as to not announce their arrival. A distress call had rung out from Byblos. By pure coincidence, their ship had been passing nearby. The moment the pilot droid had played the distress signal the Force had locked into place. Her mind had seen the path clearly. There was no turning back. She had immediately instructed the droid to change course. Thankfully, she was not alone.

So, she waited. The Force washing over her mind. She knew he would be there. He had to be. The man who had taken everything from her. The man who had displayed Max’s body like a grotesque trophy. Alex had sworn she would not take a life. It was not who she was. She would not lose that part of herself. The part that reminded her of Max.

A small dark voice in the back of her head whispered a very different story. If she had the chance…she knew exactly what to do with it.

The warning bells sounded to signal their arrival. She could feel the freighter lurching as they sped towards the fight. Alex slapped on the helmet to her flight suit, nodding quickly to her companion (@Die Shize). She had kept all the necessary functions for survival and checked her gear. One extra emerald saber and two vibro knives. The pilot droids voice sounded in her helmet. “Master Voran…the Byblos Capital Ship has been boarded…they are requesting assistance.” Alright then. “Patch me through securely to the bridge.” She waited a moment before the com crackled to life. The secure connection prevented unwanted listeners. “This is Jedi Master Alexandria Voran…....coming in.” Alex stood as she felt the Forward Bound lock into a boarding tube. “May the Force be with us.” Her cyan Lightsaber sprung to life as the doors opened. She could already hear the sounds of blaster fire as the ships marines worked to engage the intruders. Their tube was positioned precisely halfway between the bridge and the initial Sith boarding party having docked at the back of the command tower.

Alex could feel the Force vibrating with emotion. She had no idea how many Sith were aboard, but the darkness was unmistakable. She stepped into the hallway. It was time to play her part. She could not see the fighting yet, but it must have been close. A group of marines greeted her arrival, clearly headed to the fray. Her eyes tilted to a camera looking at the docking station. She secure commed the bridge again. “Eyes on the fighting?” (@Eccles @christhebetrayer) It would be helpful to know what she was walking into. Someone had to be listening.

@Phoenix @GABA @The Good Doctor @Wit @Die Shize @Isen


Vahn Berand

Jedi Order
Jedi Master

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The Steel Stag
Jan 31, 2021
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It was happening again. Vahn’s hands balled up into fists, the leather-like gloves of his lightly armored Blue and white flight suit creaking with the brief spike of anger. The Sith were making themselves known once more in the skies over Byblos. He breathed, tightened the fastenings of his flight helmet to maintain a secure seal, and relaxed himself. He checked his gear. Darts. Saber. A handful of detonators tucked away in a sling across his back. Everything a Jedi needs to make a good impression.

His hands were shaking. His breath shook every time he inhaled. But it wasn’t fear; anticipation, anxiety, and a perverse excitement that he fought to quell. Master Vetan had described this long ago; the shakes of a warrior. A warrior who had found a worthy battle. This was his; the fight against the Sith, protecting people against their aggressions. A task he could dedicate himself to utterly. They had come again, once more to take people’s homes, their lives away. Vahn would not allow this without standing up against them. He would not fail again.

Vahn focused his thoughts onto the moment. The flagship would be their primary objective. If the Sith invaders could take that out the battle would turn quickly; they’d then be able to roll up the lesser armed and armored ships faster than you could calculate a hyperspace jump out of the system. Above all things they had to make sure the flagship remained operational and in the hands of the defenders. Everything else was a secondary concern.

He grit his teeth as the shuttle picked up speed. The Jedi was rattled to his bones, but he steepled his hands, resting his arms on his knees as he allowed his mind to cool. All he could do was close his eyes, and trust in the Force, and in the flight programming of the droid piloting the shuttle in this moment. He allowed his senses to expand, feeling the space around him as they drew ever closer to their destination. Patience.

The shuttle slowed briefly, levelled out, and then suddenly the shuttle was screaming across the durasteel plates of the hangar floor below them. Vahn had his lightsaber in hand before his feet hit the ground, and he was on the ramp out of the careening shuttle behind Sevrin before he could draw a breath. He pushed off from the shuttle moments before it careened into the Sith starcraft, and leapt free onto the floor plates of the hangar Asminys had chosen to board.

Vahn took up position beside his fellow Jedi, azure saber ignited as he casually warded blaster fire away, catching the armored troopers with deflected bolts where he could. He gaze fixed on the Sith before him. He was silent. No speeches, no witticisms. Nothing would distract him.

@Sreeya @Arclight


Sith Order
Sith Master

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Oct 23, 2020
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The hangar bay was swiftly cleared of all defenders as Asminys' legionnaires continued to disembark from the boarding shuttle, leaving only corpses with smoking holes where the Byblos naval crew had stood in defense. This swift victory was far from assured however as another shuttle screamed into the hangar to slam against the Sith shuttle as the last of the legionnaires were disembarking with a clamorous shriek, metal on metal as the mass drove the parked shuttle to smash into the far side of the hangar and crush to a pulp any who had been too slow to disembark.

Asminys felt their lives flicker and fade in a sudden burst of panic and pain before their consciousness' entered the void. Their deaths brought peace as their suffering ended. A few of his soldiers raised their rifles to aim at the pair of Jedi but held their fire as Asminys raised his left hand over his shoulder to halt them. "Continue to the Engineering bay." He ordered over the integrated comlink in his helmet as he focused on the Jedi, his black blade held at the ready between them as it pulsed with hunger, a pulsing ache that echoed in his chest as he heard the Jedi's words.

"You shouldn't have come Jedi." His words dripped with malice and his fist closed as he replied, the weight of his hatred crashing down around the Jedi's (@Sreeya ) helmet, a dark and swirling thing that would engulf the protective durasteel and transparisteel with a crushing grip that would swiftly begin to crumple and crack the thin materials, and if left unchecked, the blood and bone beneath. His molten eyes and snarling grimace could be seen through the transparent visor of his own helmet, eyes tracking both Jedi like that of a predator who's prey was within arms reach.

A predator who hungered.

@Sreeya @The Steel Stag
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Ex-Jedi Knight

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Feb 29, 2020
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Byron's hands were clasped around the controls of his latest purchase. His lightsaber was set into the cockpit's vector class weapons lock. Despite this, his eyes unfocused and staring towards the stary field filled with the fast moving formations of starfighters and warships. The pocket of combat from a distance seemed like nothing, with lances of green and red energy flying out into the abyss. But it was misleading in the vastness of space. It was clear the Gladiator star destroyer from the Byblos Defense Fleet was the main target of the battle and he could see the arquitense class command frigate moving on it. The Knight's eyes did a quick scan of who else was in the area, eyeballing activity and reaching out into the force for the tide of battle.

The ship contiued to move forward as Byron was well versed in flying. This however, was military combat. All the same, the Knight had been training and knowing full well when a day like this would come.

After taking it all in he found himself recognizing one of the call signs come in, Byron's. He knew those ships could have a crew and some were not just single fighters like his. The Knight replied using the Ranger's ship name as her call sign. "Jaws, this is Astral Mantle with the Jedi Order, I've got your back."

The Astral Mantle's modified engines were soon followed by the relatively fast paced refitted Little Wing and four squadrons of five E-wing escort fighters. Byron knew they would match up even to the newer arrowhead starfighters or other latest and greatest technology the Sith managed to get ahold of. Weapon systems were primed and ready. The Knight had borne witness to the Darth's message and had his own way of answering it. "When you get close, Little Wing, launch your compliment on that Arquintens." He made sure he was connected to the rest of the friendly battlegroup. "Convor Wing, may The Force be with you." The corellian corvette had an additional eight light starbombers in its hangar bays waiting to get closer and minimize fire from capital craft. They were a bit slower than the E-wings but packed a punch and were flown by excellent pilots.

@Killa Ree @Mr. Teatime


Sevrin Valtiere

Jedi Order
Jedi Master

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Apr 4, 2021
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Sevrin felt Vahn arrive next to him, though the Sephi kept his focus on the Sith. The two Jedi would work in concert like a well oiled machine. What stood before them was an abomination, a twisted man that clearly had no regard for life around him. There was pity for the man that Sevrin felt, but it wouldn’t manifest in how he fought.

The Sephi didn’t stop his advance even as he spoke and the Sith Lord paused. He was prepared to have bolts flying at him as his saber was raised, but the Sith stayed his men. Sevrin barely heard what the man said before he called the Force to himself to make his advance with the remaining few feet between them.

He felt the Force constricting around his head, and he knew he had to act fast. He resisted with the Force just enough to slow the effects, but only to give him a window to have the Force hasten him. Within a flash he blazed ahead towards the Sith, his saber swinging from his own right to left heading towards the man’s left side. The goal would be to slice him clean in half at the waist where the armor did not protect him. Sevrin's body was angled so his left shoulder aligned with the Sith's left instead of facing him directly head on. The plating of the helmet began to crack, but with his quick advance and resistant he would cover the distance before significant damage could occur.

Sevrin’s ally would apply his own efforts simultaneously to launch a coordinated assault.

@The Steel Stag @Arclight

Vahn Berand

Jedi Order
Jedi Master

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The Steel Stag
Jan 31, 2021
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Vahn's lightsaber whirled before him, batting blaster fire out of the air with almost casual ease before the blaster fire stopped, and he caught the sight of the Sith soldiers filtering out of the hangar towards some other destination. Damn it. They’d have to be dealt with. But not now; he had a different target that caused him to suddenly freeze in place halfway to his destination behind the Sith Lord.

Vahn sensed the sudden surge of hate and malice, the sudden shrouding and concentration of the Dark Side around Sevrin’s helmet. Vahn felt Sevrin’s change in energy moments before he saw the Jedi’s sudden advance. He needed to support his comrade. The Jedi raised his hand, his focus on the Sith never shifting as he held in place, his breathing slowing as he centered himself. For a few awful moments, to him all there was in the galaxy was his own senses, and the entity of hatred and dark power before him. He gritted his teeth and pushed on.

The Force filled him, energizing his body, filling him with power as he served as a simple guide. He directed it, guided a flow of power through his will towards Asminys. The effect would be subtle at first, teasing on Asminys’ senses, twisting them in gently debilitating ways before building up to where he was distorting his sense of balance and equilibrium. Left uninterrupted, his will would creep into the Sith Lord’s mind like burrowing tendrils, first causing nausea, and then a sudden disorienting feeling of weightlessness and knee-buckling dizziness that could drop the strongest men to their knees as they vomited up their last meal. Vahn had never been the most powerful of all Force users he'd known, but this, this fragment of memory of his own experiences of his chronic hyperspace sickness channeled through the power of Malacia was something he could put some juice behind. All the while, Sevrin's counterstroke drew closer.

@Sreeya @Arclight
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Isen Ramm

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

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Apr 24, 2020
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If one looked at Isen's face while he was on board the Forward Bound and headed for certain confrontation against the Sith, they would see a face devoid of emotion. One might assume he had just eaten a reheated bowl of soup that was simply adequate or watching a lecture on a subject that was of no particular interest to him. It could be that this is what Isen would look like if he really were to watch paint dry. This was, well, Isen's face. All the time.

But it was not how Isen felt.

There was no fear. There was no worry. Despite the deaths of powerful Jedi knights and masters and the limbs of many more than never made it hope, all Isen felt was pure anticipation. He hid his excitement well enough. His eyelids were relaxed. Not even the hint of a grin could be found on the corner of his lips. His legs didn't bounce or his fingers twitch with excitement. Inside, however? He was ready to start this show yesterday.

Isen couldn't even claim some higher righteousness. It wasn't about ridding the world of the plague known as the Sith. It wasn't even about revenge for the death of Jedi he had known or the dastardly actions on Ajan Kloss. His readiness for this confrontation was not fitting for a Jedi. It was wrong, and Isen knew it was. It was about competition. It was about seeing how he measured up with nothing between him and a Sith but unobstructed space, lightsabers, and the Force.

He hated the flight suit, but found one on the Forward Bound that fit well, and thankfully it wasn't some obnoxious color like orange or yellow. It was mostly a charcoal gray with lighter gray trim. Wasn't fancy. Pretty stock, but it's belt was sufficient enough to clip both of his blue lightsabers to it and the helmet was more comfortable than he thought it would be. When the hatch opened, he followed Master Voran into the Gladiator which would serve as the battlefield. Once inside, Isen became immediately aware of the Dark Side's presence. He didn't reach for his lightsaber. For now they weren't immediately in the blaster fire or in the presence of the least not that he knew. But with any luck, he soon wood be.

He was told to choose, and choose wisely, afterall. Well, chose he did. And someone, either Isen or the Sith, would suffer the repercussions.

@Valen Pelora @Phoenix @Wit @GABA @The Good Doctor @Die Shize

Vayla Mirana

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

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Die Shize
Jan 7, 2020
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The Sith called. The Jedi answered. Moments later and there she was, sitting in the Forward Bound, flying forward toward the boundless belligerence of enemies who knew little else. In that moment, Vayla sought the solace of her thermos, sipping on hot tea and closing her eyes as it soothed her nerves. They were on the verge of burning up, and though no bead of sweat dared to present itself upon her skin, the Jedi Knight was feeling the fear. She fought it off.

Slipping the helmet over her head to complete the flight suit, Vayla traded thermos for saber and secured the hilt to her hip. Knights followed Master, the trio of Voren, Vayla and Isen exiting their ship to board another. Master Pelora offered them the Force, though Vayla knew that “us” was not limited to just the three of them. There were other Jedi in the team, separated by objective but united by purpose, as there were the brave defenders of Byblos and the citizens of the stars who might fall if Byblos did. Vayla could not allow that to happen.

Cyan lit the way though it was not her own. Vayla kept her hilt secured as she followed Alex into the Gladiator.

“You’re all right,” she called through helm, placing a hand on an unsteady marine’s shoulder to steady him. “We’re here to help.” She tilted her head in place of visibly smiling. “We’re here to win.”

While Alex communicated with their Ranger allies, Vayla initiated comm with the other portion of her team.

“This is Knight Vayla with Knight Ramm and Master Voren. We have just gained entry to the Gladiator. Will move into position shortly.”

@Valen Pelora @Isen @Wit
@Phoenix @GABA @The Good Doctor
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Vinry Forge

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Feb 18, 2020
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Vinry Forge had slipped aboard the Forward Bound and nestled down in a corner, lost in her thoughts as the ship had raced through the darkness of space to bring them face to face with a darkness of a whole other kind. One of the quartermasters at the temple had managed to procure a customized flight suit for her with the left arm sealed off just below the elbow, to match the appendage it would be enveloped around. Her Jedi cloak had gone over that, being without it just didn't feel right to her.

When the Forward Bound latched onto the ship and the Jedi started to disembark, she got to her feet and let out a deep breath. She was still shaken up from everything that had happened, Ajan Kloss, Denon, there was a lot to deal with.. She had lost a lot, but she had to move past that. Even if she wasn't sure, she had to let everyone else think she was. Max, Talak, that's what they would have done, wouldn't they? Inspire people, lead them by example. Well, she had failed them in life, she wouldn't fail them in death.

So the moment she stepped onto the ship she wasn't the confused, lost girl who had needed Max to pull her back from her own grief. She wasn't the Jedi who had been unsure of herself after she had lost an arm and had needed Talak to accompany her on a wild goose chase across the Galaxy. As she stepped out, cloak billowing majestically behind her, every step strong and full of purpose, she was ready to be what they had been for her. In that moment she was the Jedi Master who would give unto others the help that had once been given to her.

She was a Jedi, and damn it all if she didn't start acting like one.

@Valen Pelora @Isen @Die Shize @Phoenix @GABA @The Good Doctor