Feminism and Gender Equality

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Thats Mr. Bossman to you
SWRP Writer
May 5, 2015
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Okay well I can see now I have a very different thought process than most people. Also let me say that in no way do any of you offend me, so please do not think I am mad at you. I respect all of your opinions, but in turn, respect mine. So since I was personally called out by many different people let me speak to you all in turn.

Starting with @Marf

I sincerely did not mean to offend you, or anyone for that matter, but I am not scared to voice my opinions, even if they do seem offensive. Now I can pretty confidently say, after reading your post, we are two completely different people. Which I hope you can forgive me and after this we can still be "friends" so to speak.

You are 18, you are barely an adult. When I was that age I didn't regard myself as a feminist, because I hadn't noticed the need for it. I sincerely hope that as you mature, so will your thinking and that you will do the same.

Marf, my age is just a numeric value. I have been an "adult" for a long time. Disregarding everything I say SK ply because I'm younger than you does not seem fair.

You don't "give a damn"? Ok.

That was a pretty atrocious and insensitive comment considering the abhorrent (that's a kind word for it) acts against women in developing countries. It was dismissive and cruel, as though the issues outside of 'MURICA, issues we need to be outraged about, don't exist. Female genital mutilation (FGM), war rape and other forms of extreme sexual violence against women, young girls and toddlers, sexual slavery/trafficking, underage marriage, systematic torture and abuse etc. occurs every hour. Educate yourself before making such remarks. Pick up a book like Waris Dire's Desert Flower.

After all of that, and this may sound cruel, but no I don't give a damn. Tell me do you think those people care for me or you? No. Now if you want me to get really nitpicky why is it only FGM? I'm sure males get their dicks cut off all the time, but no one wants to start a whole movement about that. Young boys are raped and sent into sexual slavery as well and yet somehow little girls are more important. Somehow it is the women you pity, and yet not a single mention of the men, the boys.

Not fair.

But then again none of this affects me, so again, I don't give a damn. And no matter how hard you try Marf, or anyone else try's, this will all still happen. Its sucks and it's wrong but if you can't change it and I can't change it, why try?

It's not my fight.

That's where you are wholly and utterly wrong. It is not simple. Sexism, such as racism and other forms of discrimination in developed countries are not as overt as as they are in the third world. It is seeping and insidious, it is something you become accustomed to at a young age because of its' subtly. You don't realize how bad it is until you get older and become more socially astute. It is still socially acceptable in developing countries to sexually demean a woman or view her as an object, but it's so heavily ingrained in our societal norm that we don't acknowledge it as a problem.

Are you serious? If a man sends a dick pic to a woman this is somehow viewing her as an object? Okay, fair enough. But if a woman sends a picture of her vagina or tits to a man, then under the same logic, the woman is demeaning the man. But somehow this does not count because of the "all men want is sex" stereotype that many women say and believe. Is this not true? Women discriminate against men by labeling them "sex robots" and yet do you see men bitching about that?

I mean hell I can't approach a woman without her immediate thought being "this dude wants to fuck me"

Now as far as this "insidious subtle discrimination" ya, that's a bit of a stretch. I don't see it as such a MASSIVE problem as you and some other members would like to frame it as. To me it seems like you're using big words to make a problem out of nothing.

I'm a victim of sexual and emotional harassment over 6 years during school, I have female friends who are survivors of sexual assault and domestic rape. I have frequently been cat-called, hit on, honked at in the street for the way I am dressed and approached with inappropriate or sexual intention. I no longer wear alternative fashion which used to be my hobby because it attracted too much unwanted attention. My sister is butch/androgynous and was made to wear dresses and bullied because of her appearance, because she didn't match our school's set idea of of what a girl should look like. She developed anorexia and still lives with severe body image and self-esteem issues. It's more nuanced and complex than "You can't do that because you're a woman", it's about a lack of human dignity and basic respect, which is even more damaging.

Well, let me first say that I can relate to much of this.

But after all that, how does this equate to "women need equal rights to men." To me all of the above seems like individuals bullying you, not every single man. So because you are bullied, and your friends are abused, and your sister picked on, somehow you think that women don't have equal rights to men? To me this seems more like these people were hurt by other people, not men in general.


Okay. *sigh*. I'm gonna break my usual "dont discuss with other people about their personal opinions" rule, beacuse I cant bring myself to not answer to this. Also, please excuse any grammar mistakes as Im posting from a phone, and please dont take my tone or bluntness as an attack towards you. I just speak like that, and like to use "shit" and its derivatives a lot in my sentences.

Trust me, you didn't make me cry. And I can respect what you say, but nonetheless, I disagree.

Women ARE treated unfairly, not only in America. In fact, women are treated like shit in most countries. Sure, in theory women have the same rights and opportunities as men. In practice? Not really. Did you know that in the entire world, women working full-time for an employer only reach 50% of total women population in two countries? (Sweden and Iceland) Thats right. Two shitting countries. If you think thats fair and equal, you should probably think again.

First off, source. Second, how in the hell is this "Mans fault"??? Have you ever thought that maybe women don't work as much. Most women I know are stay at home moms, they take care of the family and the house while the man is away working. And there is nothing wrong with that.

But maybe you would completely disagree with me. You'd probably say that I'm sexist for saying that. "WOMEN AREN'T HOUSE WIVES THEIR EQUAL TO MEN! WHY CAN'T THEY HABE JOBS!" You'd scream at me. Which is stupid. There is absolutely no shame in staying home and caring for a family, a woman isn't "submissive" to their man if they choose to do so. It is actually a societal norm for the man to bust his ass off and provide for the family while the women take cars of the family.

So maybe that's why they are not working. To me that's a better answer then "men are suppressing women and won't employ them!"

So I'll fire right back at you and say maybe you should think again.

Also, it worries and saddens me that you have such a close-minded, narrow, almost non-existent concern for what goes on outside your country. Are you saying you "could care less" about christians and women being murdered in the middle east? And about hundreds who are executed by drug cartels in Mexico and other central/south american countries? And about the hundreds dead from terrorist attacks in the EU and Asia? I could go on and on.

Let me explain. While I do admit that this shit is bad, I'm not going to lie to you. After all of this bad shit I still wake up in the morning and I'm fine. My family and friends are fine, so I am fine. This is a view and a thought process that is VERY common. Tell me do you spend every waking minute worried about China? Or Korea? Or Iraq and Iran?

No. You lay your head down at night and sleep wonder fully. Hell here in about a month you'll forget about this while damn conversation. Why? It's simple, no body gives a shit.

We have one day a year for international women's day. One day a year for veterans day. One day a year.

No one cares, so why the hell should I?

The simple term of "bitching" is sexist, but Ill roll with it. Do you really think their our "bitching" is completely irrational and unjustified? How many times do you hear a male was raped or forced by his boss to sleep with them to keep their job? Because thats the kind of shit many women have to deal with.

I honestly don't know whether to laugh at this or to scream at you.

The word Bitching is not sexist. I said a slang word, I didn't discriminate against women by saying it. But hell, you can spin that fairy tale whichever way you like. ;)

Now as for the Rape scenario you used. Dude, that's not even fair. Like are you serious? To me if a "boss" rapes a coworker that makes me think that the "boss" is a no good piece of shit. How in any way does this mean all men all over the world are hating on women? We have a sick individual who is raping a women.

And I do not believe for one minute that this happens as often as you'd like me to believe. To me it seems like you are using a scare tactic. But hey I am sure this happens, just not often.

As for your questions, I have seen women being sincerely discriminated against not only in my country, but in many others, yours included. For example, I am the assistant director of a section in my workplace. The director is a woman. I once traveled with her to a convention, and many times I was referred to as the boss and her as my secretary. When we cleared that up, I came SO close to murdering a sexist piece of shit who actually asked her how many dudes did she **** to get where she was. So yeah, I do have first-hand experience with that.

Lol, again you seem to think just because one person is sexist all women in general are discriminated against. Which to me does not seem fair.

Again, it worries me that you use the word "must" as if it were a bad thing that female sports team need to be included. That same "oh, women just need their sports, dont they?" attitude is what discourages many girls from trying out sports, aside from the usual shit they get in the form of stereotypes and sexist comments. AKA "sports are for dudes, go do zumba or some shit".

Allow me to explain. I used the word must to show that it was equal. I didn't mean for it to sound discriminating. So with that cleared up let me say this. I have five foster sisters and each one plays a sport. And not a single one is told "girls suck at sports." Again this may happen, but this is bullying.

And that defeats the whole purpose of the thread. The thread is about International Women's Day. INTERNATIONAL. As in, not only in 'murica. And no, according to the statistics, they dont.

Ya, I don't give a damn what happens all over the world, I explained that earlier. And my offical answer is NO I do not think international woman's day is needed.

And these statistics you so happen to have all the time, why don't you share your source? Prove to me your not pulling this shit out of your ass.

Again, you're going down the same mistake. Yes, according to law, women have the right and opportunity to run for the same political offices as men. It all sounds good in paper, but how many female gobernors/senators/judges/etc. are there vs males?

And again you are making the same mistake. Somehow just because there are more men in political office this means women are discriminated against? How in anyway is that fair? Women can run for office. Women can vote. This is fair. This is equal.

I rest my case on this subject, simply because you are in the wrong on this one.

Its good for you to admit that you dont know. Allow me to enlighten you. According to studies, fresh out of college men and women working in similar fields earn approximately the same, even if men, on average, earn a little more. However, as they grow both physically and proffesionally, their pay usually advances, and over time the gap between them grows. Women's pay rise usually halts at around age 39, by which point they earn approximately $60,000. For men, however, their pay rise halts in average at age 48, and they tipically make about $95,000 by then. That is $35,000 more than women. Im sorry, but that shit is not equal in the slightest.

First off, enlighten me with your sources and statistics. :)

Secondly if I was a women and I found out Joe made more money than me. We both had the same exact job. Did the same exact thing. But Joe made more money than me. I would talk to my employer about that.

I think that beats saying "men are discriminating against me!" But then again somehow, for reasons I do not know, this doesn't happen. Try that solution before you jump to conclusions there. It should work.

If a woman wants to and can take on a military role, she should. And no one should say shit about it. Like someone else in the thread, Im also gonna quote the phrase Karl Marx popularised because I feel it sums up this point perfectly: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need".


A woman does not belong on a battlefield. Call me sexist for saying so, call me what you like, I don't give a damn. Now please don't think I am saying a women does not belong in the military, by all means women serve your country. But I do not think and will never think that a women belongs in a combat role. I am enlisting in the United States Marine Corps, and I wouldn't like it. I could lay out the facts or my opinions on the matter but I'm just going to sum it up by saying: No.

But if that gets some more heat I will explain my thought process further.

So yeah, thats about it. Again, im sorry if you were offended. If you were, I will apologize, but my point stands. Cheers.
Same. Cheers.



EDIT: I accidently posted this but I still need to finish.


I can relate I have five foster sisters and one of them is a Bisexual female. She used to get picked on at school all the time by the same group of people. Both boys and girls, until I beat the shit out of one of the punks who ran his mouth to much.

Just my two cents on that.

and another EDIT:


I couldn't help myself so I'll take a whack at your question.

"The root causes of sexism."

Well if I where a betting man I'd simply say this. Early on in human history, such as ancient times (Romans, Greeks, Egyptians and the such) men and woman had different roles in a society.

Mainly men ran things, military, government and stuff like that. Where as women almost just drifted by, basically second to a man.

Why? I think it may have been because men were superior and valued more in an ancient society. Men fought all the wars, men controlled the government. I mean hell, almost every ancient leader was a man.

I don't know why though. I can't answer the why.....

Maybe it was because men grew to view women as inferior to them. A womans only use was to have children. Hell here is a quote by the famous Napoleon Bonaparte "Women are nothing but machines for making children." This is the mindset of a brilliant man, something he said.

So ya, maybe men simply grew to look down on women over time. They weren't viewed as equals simply because society's have more uses for a man.
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Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
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A woman does not belong on a battlefield. Call me sexist for saying so, call me what you like, I don't give a damn. Now please don't think I am saying a women does not belong in the military, by all means women serve your country. But I do not think and will never think that a women belongs in a combat role. I am enlisting in the United States Marine Corps, and I wouldn't like it. I could lay out the facts or my opinions on the matter but I'm just going to sum it up by saying: No.

But if that gets some more heat I will explain my thought process further.

Why not? Is it because we're emotional? We can't handle pressure? Enlighten me because I believe with the appropriate training and will power, a woman can do it.


SWRP Writer
Mar 24, 2014
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Why not? Is it because we're emotional? We can't handle pressure? Enlighten me because I believe with the appropriate training and will power, a woman can do it.
As the son of a Marine, future Army Infantry Officer, and friend of various military personnel who have served in combat positions (including, but not limited to: Army Rangers, MARSOC officers, sappers, armor officers, basic infantrymen, and (former and current) USMC Drill Instructors), there are simply certain things that women physically cannot do in comparison to men.

This, in no way, degrades women and their efforts -- such as the three trailblazing female graduates of Ranger school -- but it is simply easier for men, who are genetically structured to be able to take more physical punishment by nature, to do those roles.

I've met female USMC DIs and Army Drill Sergeants. They're scary as shit regardless of their gender. However, many of them (an overwhelming majority, actually) had never been in combat roles. The ones I've spoken with at USMCRD Parris Island and BCT site Fort Jackson had previously served as various technical jobs, such as avionics or communications and intelligence. I'm certain (not 100%, mind you, some feel more strongly about this than others) that many of them would agree that it is more strategically sound to have males, who are often stronger and more numerous in these roles than women, to be front line combatants. It'd be a waste to have our women get shot up in a warzone.

It's not that women aren't capable of serving in those roles. The three female Rangers prove that.

It's that it's much more difficult to condition women to serve in those roles.

In the words of the Ranger Officer I spoke with before my Congressional nomination interviews for West Point, "I wouldn't trust a female to serve beside me in combat. I'd be putting my life, and the lives of my buddies, in the hands of someone who would be weaker or more prone to mental trauma in combat. If I get shot and she's gonna have to drag me, while we're both weighed down with our gear, it'd be a fustercluck. Those three females that graduated Ranger school are probably not even females, they're superhuman."

Paraphrased, of course, since this was ~5 months ago.

EDIT: The military has, since the dawn of warfare itself, been a male-driven force. Maybe it's millennium of tradition, maybe it's because it's proven to be effective.

EDIT 2: Because I might as well,

"On November 21, 2013, the first three women to ever complete the United States Marine Corps’ Infantry Training Battalion course graduated from the United States Marine Corps School of Infantry Camp Geiger, North Carolina. However, these three female graduates will still not be allowed to serve in infantry units until further studies can demonstrate they are physically capable of doing so.

In April 2015 after two-and-a-half year period in which the tough Infantry Officer Course became gender-integrated for research ended without a single female graduate. The final two participants in the Marines' experiment with training women for ground combat started and failed the IOC on April 2. Both were dropped that same day during the grueling initial Combat Endurance Test."
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Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
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As the son of a Marine, future Army Infantry Officer, and friend of various military personnel who have served in combat positions (including, but not limited to: Army Rangers, MARSOC officers, sappers, armor officers, basic infantrymen, and (former and current) USMC Drill Instructors), there are simply certain things that women physically cannot do in comparison to men.

Says who? If they're able to lift, carry and drag what is required to pass in training, then why can't they be out on the front lines?

This, in no way, degrades women and their efforts -- such as the three trailblazing female graduates of Ranger school -- but it is simply easier for men, who are genetically structured to be able to take more physical punishment by nature, to do those roles.

But the females of Ranger school showed they are genetically structured to take the physical punishment by nature, opening the gateway for more women to fulfill such roles.

I've met female USMC DIs and Army Drill Sergeants. They're scary as shit regardless of their gender. However, many of them (an overwhelming majority, actually) had never been in combat roles. The ones I've spoken with at USMCRD Parris Island and BCT site Fort Jackson had previously served as various technical jobs, such as avionics or communications and intelligence. I'm certain (not 100%, mind you, some feel more strongly about this than others) that many of them would agree that it is more strategically sound to have males, who are often stronger and more numerous in these roles than women, to be front line combatants. It'd be a waste to have our women get shot up in a warzone.

Our men get shot up in warzone, how is that any different? They're people too with families and friends, it seems like a shame there.

It's not that women aren't capable of serving in those roles. The three female Rangers prove that.

It's that it's much more difficult to condition women to serve in those roles.

Yes, it is more difficult, but if they're able to do it and prove that they are capable of such conditions why should that oppurtunity be denied? Its not as though we're dropping guns in the hands of cheerleaders and sending them out there, I'm talking about women who go through the training and conditioning to go to the front lines.

In the words of the Ranger Officer I spoke with before my Congressional nomination interviews for West Point, "I wouldn't trust a female to serve beside me in combat. I'd be putting my life, and the lives of my buddies, in the hands of someone who would be weaker or more prone to mental trauma in combat. If I get shot and she's gonna have to drag me, while we're both weighed down with our gear, it'd be a fustercluck. Those three females that graduated Ranger school are probably not even females, they're superhuman."

Paraphrased, of course, since this was ~5 months ago.

But isn't he putting his life in the hands of his buddies? Don't men experience mental trauma? PTSD, Depression, Anxiety? Again if conditioned how will they be any less reliable than his buds in combat?


Thats Mr. Bossman to you
SWRP Writer
May 5, 2015
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Why not? Is it because we're emotional? We can't handle pressure? Enlighten me because I believe with the appropriate training and will power, a woman can do it.

Fair enough, let me explain.

Men are different than women.

Men on average are stronger and faster than women. Women can get pregnant, men can not. Women have periods, men do not. Women are more emotional, men are not. These are facts and logically we can all agree upon them.

There are an insane amount of reasons why women are unfit for a combat enviorment. Physically, mentally and emotionally.

Let's first argue the physical part. Men are more easily able to gain muscle mass, muscle needed to carry the excessive weight required in combat missions. Men also require far less personal hygiene than a woman, a woman can easily get infections and diseases from not taking care of her body properly. Men on average are better warriors and fighters, look throughout all of human history and you will find that is is a man fighting in wars.

Mentally. Men are hardwired to be more aggressive. We are competitors and together we are stronger. I'm just going to name off some examples, my sisters fight amongst each other all the time. Men however, like my football team and the my fellow Marine Poolies, we all get along.

Men are protective. Lets say a woman is in a combat mission and the woman goes down. A mans natural instinct is to help the woman, even if It may endanger his squad and the lives of his fellow comrades. Men protect women.

Men also like to fuck women. Imagine being a woman around ten males on a daily basis. All of these men are away from their lovers and have not had sex in a long while. They'd be horny as hell and it would be extremely uncomfortable for both the men and the woman.

Then imagine if a woman was captured by the enemy. Could you imagine what a group of hostile males would do to a woman if they captured her? That thought alone should scare any woman from seeking this lifestyle.

Emotionally. Women are very emotional creatures and that alone would ruin a unit. Imagine a romance brewing between two soldiers, that would lead to major conflict amongst the unit. Imagine a superior officer who is male, he is offered the choice to send a male out to investigate an area or a female. This would be difficult for the officer, so eventually women would start to be favored. Which is not fair.

Also I find that it is harder to believe a woman could cope with taking another human life. I think it would be easier for a man to kill than a woman.

Now you may use some "super woman" to argue against me. "Some women are stronger than males. Some women are not emotional. If men can do it then a woman can to!" And you'd be right, you would. Some women are in much better shape than I am. Some woman are not as emotional as others.

But I think I'd rather pick a "super man" than a super woman.

War isn't about rules or fairness. It isn't about "what ifs." And it certainly is not about gender equality.


SWRP's local Viking
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2013
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I once more refer to the ancient world examples of female warriors; whilst the Scythians and the Mongols would've often fought horseback. With the Norse and the Celts, however, a female warrior would've fought in the formations with their male cohorts. They fought in a time when combat was far more intimate; where one would watch as blades shredded flesh and bones break as heavy weapons crushed limbs. They had to be strong, mentally and physically, in order to maintain the formations and be able to maintain themselves in battle; if this was so infrequent, why would the Old Norse sagas and the Old Celtic legends heap glory upon female warriors if they weren't possessed of significant martial prowess? This was accordingly on a tribe-on-tribe basis, women had to be able to fight even if they didn't take up an active military role within society; those that did proved fierce. In his Annals, Tacitus basically establishes that Celtic women were a sight to behold on the battlefield; he even implied that they were even more deadly than the men. Of course, Tacitus would've probably had an agenda when writing such things. Anywho, this was pretty common, given the fractitious nature of the Celtic and Germanic peoples; death was a constant companion, for both men and women. Given our more pacifistic society, taking a life wouldn't be easy for most folks these days. In the past, there was a certain glory attached to warfare; for the Celts, this came in the form of headhunting, which they believed would imbue them with power (among other things). For the Norse (and the other Germanic tribes) there was a certain prestige attached to dying in battle (yeah we all know what it is)


SWRP Writer
Mar 24, 2014
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Fair enough, let me explain.
War isn't about rules or fairness. It isn't about "what ifs." And it certainly is not about gender equality.
I'll write out a more detailed agreement in regards to this when I finish my calculus. Last stretch, aw yeah.

War is about winning.


Thats Mr. Bossman to you
SWRP Writer
May 5, 2015
Reaction score
I once more refer to the ancient world examples of female warriors; whilst the Scythians and the Mongols would've often fought horseback. With the Norse and the Celts, however, a female warrior would've fought in the formations with their male cohorts. They fought in a time when combat was far more intimate; where one would watch as blades shredded flesh and bones break as heavy weapons crushed limbs. They had to be strong, mentally and physically, in order to maintain the formations and be able to maintain themselves in battle; if this was so infrequent, why would the Old Norse sagas and the Old Celtic legends heap glory upon female warriors if they weren't possessed of significant martial prowess? This was accordingly on a tribe-on-tribe basis, women had to be able to fight even if they didn't take up an active military role within society; those that did proved fierce. In his Annals, Tacitus basically establishes that Celtic women were a sight to behold on the battlefield; he even implied that they were even more deadly than the men. Of course, Tacitus would've probably had an agenda when writing such things. Anywho, this was pretty common, given the fractitious nature of the Celtic and Germanic peoples; death was a constant companion, for both men and women. Given our more pacifistic society, taking a life wouldn't be easy for most folks these days. In the past, there was a certain glory attached to warfare; for the Celts, this came in the form of headhunting, which they believed would imbue them with power (among other things). For the Norse (and the other Germanic tribes) there was a certain prestige attached to dying in battle (yeah we all know what it is)

Hey I'm just gonna say we are in the twenty first century. ;)


Not Jedi AFL
SWRP Writer
Feb 28, 2016
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Okay well I can see now I have a very different thought process than most people. Also let me say that in no way do any of you offend me, so please do not think I am mad at you. I respect all of your opinions, but in turn, respect mine. So since I was personally called out by many different people let me speak to you all in turn.

Don't bother with mine, I'll just respond more here.
(Though if you do want to respond to it for further clarification, by all means.)

After all of that, and this may sound cruel, but no I don't give a damn. Tell me do you think those people care for me or you? No. Now if you want me to get really nitpicky why is it only FGM? I'm sure males get their dicks cut off all the time, but no one wants to start a whole movement about that. Young boys are raped and sent into sexual slavery as well and yet somehow little girls are more important. Somehow it is the women you pity, and yet not a single mention of the men, the boys.

Not fair.

Back to my field. "Only FGM"
Let's try not to argue in absolutes.
Obviously the international community cares about more than FGM. No males do not "get their dicks cut off all time" if you are trying to correlate that on the scale of FGM. Yes it happens. Yes we care. This thread is for women's day though. If you want to discuss things like how you can help the child soldiers or stop child sacrifice that results in most male genital mutilation, send me a PM bro. Post about it in it's own thread.

But then again none of this affects me, so again, I don't give a damn. And no matter how hard you try Marf, or anyone else try's, this will all still happen. Its sucks and it's wrong but if you can't change it and I can't change it, why try?

It's not my fight.

For "not giving a damn" and "none of this affects me" and "it's not my fight", you seem to give a damn, it seems to affect you very personally and you are very much fighting. This seems to be very important to you and that is okay.

Are you serious? If a man sends a dick pic to a woman this is somehow viewing her as an object?
Never do this without someone's consent.

But if a woman sends a picture of her vagina or tits to a man, then under the same logic, the woman is demeaning the man.
Same goes to a woman. Never do this without consent.

But somehow this does not count because of the "all men want is sex" stereotype that many women say and believe. Is this not true? Women discriminate against men by labeling them "sex robots" and yet do you see men bitching about that?
I will reiterate: This is a thread about women's discrimination. What are your views on women being harassed?

I mean hell I can't approach a woman without her immediate thought being "this dude wants to **** me"

Come on. You can't possibly actually believe this.

somehow you think that women don't have equal rights to men?
They don't. See previous posts.

they take care of the family and the house while the man is away working. And there is nothing wrong with that.
You're absolutely right. There is nothing wrong with that.

Tell me do you spend every waking minute worried about China? Or Korea? Or Iraq and Iran?

The majority of the day, yeah. I could say that.

No. You lay your head down at night and sleep wonder fully. Hell here in about a month you'll forget about this while damn conversation. Why? It's simple, no body gives a shit.

I give a shit.

Now as for the Rape scenario you used. Dude, that's not even fair. Like are you serious? To me if a "boss" rapes a coworker that makes me think that the "boss" is a no good piece of shit. How in any way does this mean all men all over the world are hating on women? We have a sick individual who is raping a women.

Sounds a lot like #notallmen again. Rape culture is a problem. Where have you been told the world's rape predicament is an individual case with the rareness of a highway serial killer?

Lol, again you seem to think just because one person is sexist all women in general are discriminated against. Which to me does not seem fair.

They are. Read the previous posts.

Ya, I don't give a damn what happens all over the world, I explained that earlier. And my offical answer is NO I do not think international woman's day is needed.

This is not attacking but now I'm just curious. Do you not think that globalization is going to impact your future and that maybe you should care? Obviously, it is your life and it is okay to not be concerned about politics and world affairs.

And these statistics you so happen to have all the time, why don't you share your source? Prove to me your not pulling this shit out of your ass.

Here you go Women (in America) make 78% of what men make. (I went straight to a primary source for ya ;))

And again you are making the same mistake. Somehow just because there are more men in political office this means women are discriminated against? How in anyway is that fair? Women can run for office. Women can vote. This is fair. This is equal.

I rest my case on this subject, simply because you are in the wrong on this one.

Ah yes, my field. Do they have an equal vote? Sure. Are they more frequently belittled and patronized within the political field more so than their male counterparts? All the damn time.

( I see it with me own eyes, with me own colleagues )

But if that gets some more heat I will explain my thought process further.

You may clarify.

Why? I think it may have been because men were superior and valued more in an ancient society. Men fought all the wars, men controlled the government. I mean hell, almost every ancient leader was a man.

Posts have already disclaimed this. There are matriarchal societies.


SWRP's local Viking
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2013
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Don't bother with mine, I'll just respond more here.
(Though if you do want to respond to it for further clarification, by all means.)

Back to my field. "Only FGM"
Let's try not to argue in absolutes.
Obviously the international community cares about more than FGM. No males do not "get their dicks cut off all time" if you are trying to correlate that on the scale of FGM. Yes it happens. Yes we care. This thread is for women's day though. If you want to discuss things like how you can help the child soldiers or stop child sacrifice that results in most male genital mutilation, send me a PM bro. Post about it in it's own thread.

For "not giving a damn" and "none of this affects me" and "it's not my fight", you seem to give a damn, it seems to affect you very personally and you are very much fighting. This seems to be very important to you and that is okay.

Never do this without someone's consent.

Same goes to a woman. Never do this without consent.

I will reiterate: This is a thread about women's discrimination. What are your views on women being harassed?

Come on. You can't possibly actually believe this.

Then don't. See previous posts.

You're absolutely right. There is nothing wrong with that.

The majority of the day, yeah. I could say that.

I give a shit.

Sounds a lot like #notallmen again. Rape culture is a problem. Where have you been told the world's rape predicament is an individual case with the rareness of a highway serial killer?

They are. Read the previous posts.

This is not attacking but now I'm just curious. Do you not think that globalization is going to impact your future and that maybe you should care? Obviously, it is your life and it is okay to not be concerned about politics and world affairs.

Here you go Women (in America) make 78% of what men make. (I went straight to a primary source for ya ;))

You may clarify.

Posts have already disclaimed this. There are matriarchal societies.
The Mosuo, various other PRC ethnic groups and the Mongols spring to mind here.


Thats Mr. Bossman to you
SWRP Writer
May 5, 2015
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I did not see your first post, so I will respond to your main points.

1. First I'd like to address the #notallmen thing you seem to be saying. I want you to know that this "feminist" movement seems to be completely flip flopped. What I mean when I basically say "not all men" is simple. Feminist seem to be targeting each and every little harassment they endure, and blaming men in general for it. This is wrong.

Feminist are preaching equality and women's rights but they are unjustly blaming ALL men for their problems. Just because some asshole discriminates against you does not give you the right to blame all men. To me this all seems like a croc of bull shit and a bunch of people that just want to bitch and moan.

If a man harasses you ladies, kick his ass. This will solve your problems, trust me. If you are being bullied, punch the bully in the nose. Do not blame all men for your problems, blame the individual and confront that person.

This will work.

2. The political discrimination.

Again I disagree with you. Honestly we are at a stand still on this one.

Hillary Clinton is running for political office. I personally know people that are voting for her just because she is a woman. All women can run for political office. All women have one vote. This is fair, this is equal. This is what a feminist wants.

Just because a woman gets harassed does not give her the right to blame all men. Its called "grow up and be an adult." Stop bitching over every little thing that doesn't go your way. Not everyone will like you, this is a fact of life.

I hope this clears some stuff up between us.


Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
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Fair enough, let me explain.

Men are different than women.

Not significantly at all. Pretty sure we're made up of everything of the same material including estrogen and androgens.

Men on average are stronger and faster than women.

Where's the statistical research that says men are stronger and faster than woman?

Women can get pregnant, men can not.

So? There are ways to stop pregnany like birth control.

Women have periods, men do not.

Again, So? Tampons are amazing at plugging that up. Plus, they're horrid, no woman likes bleeding, but there are ways to ease it.

Women are more emotional, men are not.

Not true. Men report having just as many feelings as woman may report. Just society's standards says men are wusses if they admit these feelings.

These are facts and logically we can all agree upon them.

There are an insane amount of reasons why women are unfit for a combat enviorment. Physically, mentally and emotionally.

They're not facts and rather illogical.

Let's first argue the physical part. Men are more easily able to gain muscle mass, muscle needed to carry the excessive weight required in combat missions. Men also require far less personal hygiene than a woman, a woman can easily get infections and diseases from not taking care of her body properly. Men on average are better warriors and fighters, look throughout all of human history and you will find that is is a man fighting in wars.

What? Where did you read women are more susceptible to diseases and for the record, I've met some pretty disgusting men. So I think you're making some of this up.

Mentally. Men are hardwired to be more aggressive. We are competitors and together we are stronger. I'm just going to name off some examples, my sisters fight amongst each other all the time. Men however, like my football team and the my fellow Marine Poolies, we all get along.

Siblings fight, that's fact. Men fight too, I've seen brothers fight, I've seen military guys fight, I've seen teammates fight. Just because you get along with your teammates and marine poolies, doesn't mean everyone else does.

Men are protective. Lets say a woman is in a combat mission and the woman goes down. A mans natural instinct is to help the woman, even if It may endanger his squad and the lives of his fellow comrades. Men protect women.

So, you're saying in a combative situation, a man wouldn't be mentally prepared? Doesn't sound like the girl's problem, it sounds like they need more conditioning.

Men also like to **** women. Imagine being a woman around ten males on a daily basis. All of these men are away from their lovers and have not had sex in a long while. They'd be horny as hell and it would be extremely uncomfortable for both the men and the woman.

And the woman isn't horny? She doesn't have sexual needs? What about practicing some self control?

Then imagine if a woman was captured by the enemy. Could you imagine what a group of hostile males would do to a woman if they captured her? That thought alone should scare any woman from seeking this lifestyle.

Unfortunately that is a risk that is taken, and I bet it does scare away woman, but for those who believe their purpose is on the battlefield, why should they still be denied it?

Emotionally. Women are very emotional creatures and that alone would ruin a unit

What? Women are no more emotional than men.

Imagine a romance brewing between two soldiers, that would lead to major conflict amongst the unit.

And no one can practice professional boundaries? What if two dudes have a romance between one another?

Imagine a superior officer who is male, he is offered the choice to send a male out to investigate an area or a female. This would be difficult for the officer, so eventually women would start to be favored. Which is not fair.

I trust this officer would pick the best, male or female. And if he can't pick the best for the job regardless of gender, then maybe it should be the officer who needs to be evaluated.

Also I find that it is harder to believe a woman could cope with taking another human life. I think it would be easier for a man to kill than a woman.

I've seen guys cry when they have killed a deer and they're in the military now. How do you know men don't have the same difficultly dealing with taking a life? Does that make them less of a person? Why would it make a women less of a person if they struggle with the consequences?

Now you may use some "super woman" to argue against me. "Some women are stronger than males. Some women are not emotional. If men can do it then a woman can to!" And you'd be right, you would. Some women are in much better shape than I am. Some woman are not as emotional as others.

I chose to argue science instead of using wonder women.

War isn't about rules or fairness. It isn't about "what ifs." And it certainly is not about gender equality.

What if war was just as successful with gender equality?


ma malédiction est mon ange
SWRP Writer
Oct 9, 2013
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Trust me, you didn't make me cry. And I can respect what you say, but nonetheless, I disagree.
That's good. I think we'll have a very interesting conversation, then. Okay then, *cracks knuckles* Let's do this ;)

Mr.BossMan said:
First off, source. Second, how in the hell is this "Mans fault"??? Have you ever thought that maybe women don't work as much. Most women I know are stay at home moms, they take care of the family and the house while the man is away working. And there is nothing wrong with that.

But maybe you would completely disagree with me. You'd probably say that I'm sexist for saying that. "WOMEN AREN'T HOUSE WIVES THEIR EQUAL TO MEN! WHY CAN'T THEY HABE JOBS!" You'd scream at me. Which is stupid. There is absolutely no shame in staying home and caring for a family, a woman isn't "submissive" to their man if they choose to do so. It is actually a societal norm for the man to bust his ass off and provide for the family while the women take cars of the family.

So maybe that's why they are not working. To me that's a better answer then "men are suppressing women and won't employ them!"

So I'll fire right back at you and say maybe you should think again.

Ah yes, should have put these since the start. My mistake. I will post the links individually addressing each point you discuss. Anyway: http://www.gallup.com/poll/178637/worldwide-men-women-full-time-work.aspx. Also, I never said that men were to blame. Certain men, certainly. Hell, even some women. Like I told another poster: don't confuse us feminists for misandrists. Anyways, you do make a valid point; it is even rarer to see a working mother unless she is single. Not always because they don't wanna, either. Employers are likely to pass female candidates for a job if they have kids. Also, as you can see in the poll I linked you to, the female workforce in the middleast, for example, is made up from only 8 shitting percent of woman population. I'm sorry, but I don't think 92% of women there are housewives and have no interest in working. However, I have just remembered that you "don't give a damn" about things that happen outside of your precious GREAT 'MURICA, so I digress.

Mr.BossMan said:
Let me explain. While I do admit that this shit is bad, I'm not going to lie to you. After all of this bad shit I still wake up in the morning and I'm fine. My family and friends are fine, so I am fine. This is a view and a thought process that is VERY common. Tell me do you spend every waking minute worried about China? Or Korea? Or Iraq and Iran?

No. You lay your head down at night and sleep wonder fully. Hell here in about a month you'll forget about this while damn conversation. Why? It's simple, no body gives a shit.

We have one day a year for international women's day. One day a year for veterans day. One day a year.

No one cares, so why the hell should I?

Well, that's a little different, considering in your first post you said you "didn't care" and "didn't give a damn". Also, one can sympathize with a country, people, individual, cause, etc. without loosing any sleep over them. I am glad you wake up to see your family safe and sound. So do I, actually. But that doesn't stop me from sympathizing with those who aren't as fortunate as you and I.

Mr.BossMan said:
I honestly don't know whether to laugh at this or to scream at you.

Feel free to do either. Whatever lets you let out some steam ;)

Mr.BossMan said:
The word Bitching is not sexist. I said a slang word, I didn't discriminate against women by saying it. But hell, you can spin that fairy tale whichever way you like. ;)

I don't know why I should even have to explain this to anyone, but shit, here it goes: Bitching is a derivative of bitch. Bitch is a word originally used to describe female dogs. Over time, the word was adapted and used on prostitutes and promiscuous women, therefore comparing them to female dogs (whose value greatly rests on their reproductory abilities). Sexist. Additionally, the word is also used on easily frightened or sentimental men, who feel their masculinity attacked for they are being feminized and compared to women, as if it were a bad thing being a woman. The term bitching also implies that there is something negative and inherently feminine about complaining. So yeah... Sexist.

Mr.BossMan said:
Now as for the Rape scenario you used. Dude, that's not even fair. Like are you serious? To me if a "boss" rapes a coworker that makes me think that the "boss" is a no good piece of shit. How in any way does this mean all men all over the world are hating on women? We have a sick individual who is raping a women.

And I do not believe for one minute that this happens as often as you'd like me to believe. To me it seems like you are using a scare tactic. But hey I am sure this happens, just not often.

To clarify, the "rape" and "boss forces employee" where separate examples, especially considering in many of this cases, the employee gives consent because their boss is in a position of power and can threaten with firing or lowering their wage. Hell, maybe even OFFER a raise. Again, I never said "men all around the world are hating on women".

Mr.BossMan said:
Lol, again you seem to think just because one person is sexist all women in general are discriminated against. Which to me does not seem fair.

You asked in your post if the reader had, personally, ever seen a woman discriminated against for being a woman. I answered your question with a personal account of mine, and I'm sure most people who read your question can point out at least one instance in which they saw sexism going on, or, if they're female, can actually testify to being victims of sexual discrimination. (Some have already done so).

Mr.BossMan said:
Allow me to explain. I used the word must to show that it was equal. I didn't mean for it to sound discriminating. So with that cleared up let me say this. I have five foster sisters and each one plays a sport. And not a single one is told "girls suck at sports." Again this may happen, but this is bullying.

Then I apologize for misinterpretating your tone. And I'm glad your siblings don't have to deal with that shit, because believe me, both of my sisters did. And how the shit does calling it bullying make it different? It's still sexist bullying.

Mr.BossMan said:
Ya, I don't give a damn what happens all over the world, I explained that earlier. And my offical answer is NO I do not think international woman's day is needed.

Sad, but fair I guess.

Mr.BossMan said:
And these statistics you so happen to have all the time, why don't you share your source? Prove to me your not pulling this shit out of your ass.

I rarely pull shit out of my ass unless I'm eating esquites in Mexico, but to clarify, here I was referring to the polls and charts I have linked to in two of your points in this post.

Mr.BossMan said:
And again you are making the same mistake. Somehow just because there are more men in political office this means women are discriminated against? How in anyway is that fair? Women can run for office. Women can vote. This is fair. This is equal.

I rest my case on this subject, simply because you are in the wrong on this one.

You are missing the point. Women are discouraged from running for office because they are led to believe politics is a men's field (and it was for a time) like it happens with some sports. Additionally, women are less likely to be supported because of the above reason.

Mr.BossMan said:
First off, enlighten me with your sources and statistics. :)

Consider yourself enlightened:) (percent growth in pay by gender chart)

Mr.BossMan said:
Secondly if I was a women and I found out Joe made more money than me. We both had the same exact job. Did the same exact thing. But Joe made more money than me. I would talk to my employer about that.

I think that beats saying "men are discriminating against me!" But then again somehow, for reasons I do not know, this doesn't happen. Try that solution before you jump to conclusions there. It should work.

It should, but it doesn't. A boss doesn't usually say "I pay you less cause you're a woman". It's more subtle, like most of sexism is. Most women who complain are usually given the cold shoulder.

Mr.BossMan said:

A woman does not belong on a battlefield. Call me sexist for saying so, call me what you like, I don't give a damn. Now please don't think I am saying a women does not belong in the military, by all means women serve your country. But I do not think and will never think that a women belongs in a combat role. I am enlisting in the United States Marine Corps, and I wouldn't like it. I could lay out the facts or my opinions on the matter but I'm just going to sum it up by saying: No.

But if that gets some more heat I will explain my thought process further.

I'm pretty sure I'll be reading your thoughts on This sooner rather than later, but I'll just say this: Boudica, a Celtic Iceni warrior and queen led an uprising comprised by more than 50% by women, and they kicked the Romans ass in many battles. The Roman army was 100% male. Nero even considered retreating completely from Britain.



Lady of the Meh
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2015
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Fair enough, let me explain.

Men are different than women.

Men on average are stronger and faster than women. Women can get pregnant, men can not. Women have periods, men do not. Women are more emotional, men are not. These are facts and logically we can all agree upon them.

There are an insane amount of reasons why women are unfit for a combat enviorment. Physically, mentally and emotionally.

Let's first argue the physical part. Men are more easily able to gain muscle mass, muscle needed to carry the excessive weight required in combat missions. Men also require far less personal hygiene than a woman, a woman can easily get infections and diseases from not taking care of her body properly. Men on average are better warriors and fighters, look throughout all of human history and you will find that is is a man fighting in wars.

Mentally. Men are hardwired to be more aggressive. We are competitors and together we are stronger. I'm just going to name off some examples, my sisters fight amongst each other all the time. Men however, like my football team and the my fellow Marine Poolies, we all get along.

Men are protective. Lets say a woman is in a combat mission and the woman goes down. A mans natural instinct is to help the woman, even if It may endanger his squad and the lives of his fellow comrades. Men protect women.

Men also like to **** women. Imagine being a woman around ten males on a daily basis. All of these men are away from their lovers and have not had sex in a long while. They'd be horny as hell and it would be extremely uncomfortable for both the men and the woman.

Then imagine if a woman was captured by the enemy. Could you imagine what a group of hostile males would do to a woman if they captured her? That thought alone should scare any woman from seeking this lifestyle.

Emotionally. Women are very emotional creatures and that alone would ruin a unit. Imagine a romance brewing between two soldiers, that would lead to major conflict amongst the unit. Imagine a superior officer who is male, he is offered the choice to send a male out to investigate an area or a female. This would be difficult for the officer, so eventually women would start to be favored. Which is not fair.

Also I find that it is harder to believe a woman could cope with taking another human life. I think it would be easier for a man to kill than a woman.

Now you may use some "super woman" to argue against me. "Some women are stronger than males. Some women are not emotional. If men can do it then a woman can to!" And you'd be right, you would. Some women are in much better shape than I am. Some woman are not as emotional as others.

But I think I'd rather pick a "super man" than a super woman.

War isn't about rules or fairness. It isn't about "what ifs." And it certainly is not about gender equality.

Aww hell no...

So you saying men can still get horny after shooting people like 3 hours before? Why the hell would you be thinking like that when in a day or so you might get your legs blown up or never see you family again or see your comrades get shot dead? Woman serve in the military and there shouldn't be anything wrong with it. I've met many men who are complete wimps and women can certainly be tougher than men. If they weren't prepared to go into a warzone with all that crap you described then they wouldn't sign up.


Active Member
SWRP Writer
Sep 22, 2015
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Aww hell no...

So you saying men can still get horny after shooting people like 3 hours before? Why the hell would you be thinking like that when in a day or so you might get your legs blown up or never see you family again or see your comrades get shot dead? Woman serve in the military and there shouldn't be anything wrong with it. I've met many men who are complete wimps and women can certainly be tougher than men. If they weren't prepared to go into a warzone with all that crap you described then they wouldn't sign up.
Yet some still do. Can we just agree that war is a stupid concept to begin with? No one wants to fight in a war, and if they do it is because they lack the knowledge of what it is. If a woman is capable of being in combat sure no issue with that, but there is no screening process for war. The problem lies in the fact that there is no preperation for being in a war, nothing can prepare you for it. That being said yes, there are men who arent cut out for the military. Im personally sick of this whole topic. Everyone should be treated fairly no matter gender, race, species, or sexual preference. We are all made differently, thats why hunanity has accomplished so much since we came into being. Bottom line, war sucks and there is no qualification for it. You want to argue that point and i will politly show you to some documentaries and interviews.


Lady of the Meh
SWRP Writer
Sep 11, 2015
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Yet some still do. Can we just agree that war is a stupid concept to begin with? No one wants to fight in a war, and if they do it is because they lack the knowledge of what it is. If a woman is capable of being in combat sure no issue with that, but there is no screening process for war. The problem lies in the fact that there is no preperation for being in a war, nothing can prepare you for it. That being said yes, there are men who arent cut out for the military. Im personally sick of this whole topic. Everyone should be treated fairly no matter gender, race, species, or sexual preference. We are all made differently, thats why hunanity has accomplished so much since we came into being. Bottom line, war sucks and there is no qualification for it. You want to argue that point and i will politly show you to some documentaries and interviews.
I thought we were talking about gender equality. We all know war sucks.


Active Member
SWRP Writer
Sep 22, 2015
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I thought we were talking about gender equality. We all know war sucks.
Im talking about the same thing. There is no qualfying to fight in a war. Doesnt matter what your gender is, there is no qualification.


The Antagonist
SWRP Writer
Aug 27, 2015
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In no particular order...
And how old are you dearie?

Like others before you, you're confusing feminism (2nd wave, 3rd wave, it doesn't matter) with misandrism, a term our head admin was kind enough to define a few pages back. You are also generalizing an entire movement based on a few people. While I don't doubt that there are misandrists (which is the right way to call them) who shield themselves behind feminist movements to spread their hate for men, this is not characteristic of feminists, especially considering there are many male feminists like... *gasp* Myself!

A'ight, for my first trick I'll make the little tack-on argument at the end of that post disappear: Being a man doesn't exclude you from being able to hate men. If that were true, a fun little term a lot of feminists like to use to silence female critics of feminism, called "Internalized misogyny" would be moot, and that would be wrongthink. Careful, guy.

The hatred of bro-guy-dude-male people is something that stems from a truck-ton of things, from feelings of inadequacy, self hate, hatred of others who you perceive better than you, hatred of those you believe are getting off easy while you're getting the short end of the stick (Hi feminism), and genuine feelings of hatred towards a sex because you believe it is simply inferior to the other, among others. Replace some of those words with their female counterparts and it's the same deal for misogyny.

Onto the actual important bit. You're doing the box thing. I just brought it up. The shit continues to spew out of the bottom. Here's the rub: Feminism is an ideology, Misandry is not. Confusing Feminists for Misandrists isn't like mistaking a Baptist for a Catholic as you're implying, it's more like mistaking an Islamist for a Terrorist. Islam is an ideology, Terrorism is not. I did not mistake the ideology of feminism for misandrism.

Misandry exists within feminism, just as Terrorism exists within Islam. There are reasons for both. (That little red line is telling me Misandrism isn't a word. That's.. uh, kind of hilarious. Wiktionary is pretty much the only instance I found after a quick search other than Urban fucking Dictionary)

What I mean by that is misandry is something that is allowed to foster, and is all but encouraged within feminism by many followers of the venus cult, and those who are feminists but don't do shit about it other than saying "That's not us, guys, promise. We believe in equality for the genders except when it inconveniences us." I'd go into why violent shit is encouraged by the Islamic faith, but that'd make it weird. We're already talking about one religion ;).

Jokes aside.

I'm not generalizing the entire movement based on a few people, I'm generalizing the entire movement based on the words and actions of a significant portion of feminists I have met personally, have read the words of, have listened to others' experiences with, and have researched, before and after deciding the movement was in a state of shit.

Reverse the genders in this statement and you have an excellent explanation as to why many people hold a grudge against feminism. I don't hate feminism, because like I have said before, the ideology itself isn't the root cause of these issues. Used properly it is beneficial and needed, especially in less developed countries. But, I suppose if there is an objection I have, it's that there isn't much being done to counteract these negative attitudes other than just people stating they don't agree with them. At least, that's what I've seen. Feel free to show me different, though.
Pretty much why a lot of people dislike feminists, yeah. See, that's not the reason why they should, that being the increasingly vitriolic hatred for the penis-Joking, what I'm actually talking about is the misuse of the movement and the exploitation by sensationalists and the detrimental effects on society.

Where's the statistical research that says men are stronger and faster than woman?
Research it for yourself. Science will confirm the obvious.
Other than that I actually agree, women should be allowed to serve in any military branch as long as they are treated like every other soldier, and are informed extensively on what that entails when signing up.
Damage control for what? She spoke up because she knows she has the influence, she knows that gender discrimination is still a very real thing that needs to be addressed globally. I mean why is it even though we still have the opportunities that there are still barriers to hinder? Why are girls told, you can dress however you want, but if dress a certain way that's not modest and you look like slut? Why is it that girls are told they can do whatever they want to do with their body, but multiple partners make them look like a whore? Why is it if a woman joins the military that she is harassed by her male counterparts? However, with the he for she movement it includes everyone, men and women, because why does society have these ridiculous double standards and why can't everyone be treated like a human being without the harassment.

Damage control for feminists who genuinely want to help women with women's issues (many of which are fictionalized, but it's the thought that counts), but are waylaid by the jackassery of their sistren.
Why are girls told that if they don't dress modest they look like a slut? You know, I've heard that strawman a couple hundred times at this point and have never actually heard it in use other than a girl calling her friend a slut in jest, but assuming it isn't the product of a bygone age of grandpas shaking their fists...
It kind of depends on the person saying that. Are they religious? Probably a morality thing. Are they sex offenders? They probably don't want to be a repeat sex offender and find the temptation really, really strong. Are they people at a convention, and is it at cosplayers/booth girls? They probably don't want to see their favorite series sexed up for no reason other than to get horny dudes to look for a moment. Even if that shit still happens, it's not a product of inequality. If a guy dresses in extra revealing clothing, they'll get strange looks as well. Probably more likely to be called a slut, now that I think about it, even if it's only for jokes.

Side tangent, the whole slave outfit leia craze annoyed the shit out of me. I could have gotten variant Luke figures and they wasted plastic on that shit.

The multiple partners thing? Well, you see... there's a key, and a lock-- nah. I don't actually have a rebuttal to that because it's a dumb thing that I haven't personally seen happen, but have heard happened to friends of mine who were pretty liberal with their labia. Heh.

That was gross.

Moving on- Hold up, WE GOT A LIVE ONE!
*Takes Aim*
Consider yourself enlightened:) (percent growth in pay by gender chart)
http://www.consad.com/content/reports/Gender Wage Gap Final Report.pdf

Alright, back to GABA.

The fact that people get raped is bad. Rape is bad. Being raped in the military is bad. Lying about being raped in the military is also bad.
Men are raped too. They are raped by women, and they are raped by men. Women are also raped by both men and women. This is a problem, but we can't conflate this shit to the point that we bring up falsified statistics like "1 in 3", which I'm sure is going to or has already been brought up, in order to make the issue more noticable. We get it. It's fucking bad. Everyone knows. Work on it instead of yelling lies at people to get others to.
Oh, and...
Not-So-Fun fact: Victims of sex assault in military are mostly men.

The He for She movement kind of flopped and got absorbed into feminism, as do most offshoots, but the name of it is kind of telling.
He for She. Come on.
When the UN gets involved in this shit, you know it's gonna be hilarious..

Alright. He for She. Emma Watson, a woman who had a networth of twenty mill by age twenty, visited a bunch of third world countries and saw with her own goddamn eyes the plight they were going through. She saw it, turned around, came back to the civilized world where the jungle people couldn't dirty her nice white suit, and complained about inequality everywhere. Even where she's from. She talked about the myth of the wage gap. She said she wanted to end gender inequality, which is fine! That's fine. Go to where women aren't equal, and make them equal. Thing is? She doesn't want to do it. She wants men to do it. It's hilarious. There was also the thing about men being allowed to show their feelings. I think they do. Just not the same feelings. Men and Women are different. Equal, but different.

And.. the end of your post.. I'll just refer to.. somewhere in my first post I made in the thread.

"Saying, "If you believe in equality for men and women, you are a feminist." is stupid. You can't just shove someone into an ideology because their beliefs line up with what the ideology says on the tin. Nobody can accidentally choose to be a feminist. A bunch of them are straight up more concerned with getting people to join the board than actually dealing with genuine cases of sexism and discrimination."

Gonna end this blogpost of a thing off by adressing the thing Brandon Rhea said, and GABA quoted, and what I'm too lazy and slightly drunk to quote because I am bad at forums.

First, gonna answer the thread things.
1. It's pretty good here. I fact it's as equal as it can get, considering I live on another planet.
2. Yeah, actually. So is International Men's day. Awareness of is generally a good thing.
3. No.

Okay, now for the false equivalency of the box thing and what Brandon said:
"Radical Islam is a problem so we shouldn't have Islam anymore."
"The far left is a problem so we shouldn't have left-wing politics anymore."
"The far right is a problem so we shouldn't have right-wing politics anymore."

Yeah but like, I still think we should have feminism. We should have it over there. Way over there. Where that chick in the Burka is about to get her head cut off. Do something about that.

Jax Vos

Light in Darkness
SWRP Writer
Jul 8, 2011
Reaction score
I don't know why I should even have to explain this to anyone, but shit, here it goes: Bitching is a derivative of bitch. Bitch is a word originally used to describe female dogs. Over time, the word was adapted and used on prostitutes and promiscuous women, therefore comparing them to female dogs (whose value greatly rests on their reproductory abilities). Sexist. Additionally, the word is also used on easily frightened or sentimental men, who feel their masculinity attacked for they are being feminized and compared to women, as if it were a bad thing being a woman. The term bitching also implies that there is something negative and inherently feminine about complaining. So yeah... Sexist.
I would like to point out that there is something negative about complaining. Also you may or may not be aware that in a guy's mind (the ones who talk like that) being called the opposite sex is an insult to either sex. So I would not take it as implying that being a woman is a bad thing, except for the guy being called a woman simply because he is not a woman. See this is where I think feminism gets complicated, you take things a certain way when it's positive and then take them as sexist when it's negative. I think we should try to avoid using derogatory terms that refer to either gender as it offends people in general. For example if I call a woman "the man" because she does something in a great way she might take it positively, but if I point out something negative and include something that implies feminine it's taken as sexist. But I would say that both ways are wrong because they imply a sexist point of view. I would not call a woman anything except by feminine terms that are positive and I would not call a man anything except my masculine terms that are positive because anything else is insulting.
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