Recent content by Jacques

  1. Jacques

    Favorite Thread and Favorite person to rp with?

    I love writing and brainstorming ideas with you and all, Pros (and Graham too I guess)...but Johnny and I: We had Dick 'n Wash. Oh the memories. The feels. The Dick Wash'ing.
  2. Jacques

    Top Jedi

    Deep man... but laaaaaaaaame.
  3. Jacques

    Star Trek 3

    Don't mind him. He's just saving up his stolen money to buy tickets to the Power Rangers movie.
  4. Jacques

    Top Jedi

    Ooh, I forgot Jolee. Now that was one bad mother****er.
  5. Jacques

    Top Jedi

    Luke, Kyle Katarn, Saba Sebatyne, Kit Fisto, Vodo-Siosk Bask, Obi-Wan, Yoda, K'Kruhk, Zayne Carrick no particular order really.
  6. Jacques

    You're up by the way.

    You're up by the way.
  7. Jacques

    Worse than Watergate: Benghazi Ragazzi

    Simple, she's doing daily Rocky training montages to get in shape for her inevitable fist fight with He Who Hails From Kenya, the Muslim Monkey Monarch!
  8. Jacques

    Worse than Watergate: Benghazi Ragazzi

    Silly Prospero, Black Hitler doesn't personally kill those Americans. He just nukes them from the air with a plane he controls via customized Xbox controller!
  9. Jacques

    Power Rangers movie

    I'll probably jerk off to your pretty, Irish face.
  10. Jacques

    Power Rangers movie

    I know the names of the series', I can look em up individually...still gotta get through MMPR first! Green with Evil motha****a.
  11. Jacques

    Power Rangers movie

    Yeah man, Adam was the shit. But I forgot that was from In Space actually, which is probably my favorite series. And I love MMPR for nostalgia reasons so that was awesome to see for sure. Okay, that's why I don't remember it. I didn't watch either of those series. Are they on Netflix? Cause...
  12. Jacques

    Power Rangers movie

    I forgot about the Alien Rangers in Zeo. I dug that, I remember when I first watched that it blew my ****in' mind. But yeah, when I was talking about team ups I meant full Ranger teams. Before when I was talking about continuity, I mentioned digging when Rangers passed on their powers mid-season...
  13. Jacques

    Power Rangers movie

    Oh okay, that's what I was thinking of. Was the Lost Galaxy crossover the first crossover? Because that was how you do a crossover. Best one not including Forever Red!
  14. Jacques

    Power Rangers movie

    Agreed. Also, were the Psycho Rangers from In Space? If not, whatever. Still the best Power Rangers villains since the Green Ranger.
  15. Jacques

    Stump Padme

    To be fair, Padme's stuck in the 1930s from what I remember. It's not hard to stump her.