Search results

  1. Sterling Malory Archer

    JaffaJoke's Playground of Templates

    Fascinating... Name: Sreem'ik'kayat A.K.A.: "Mikk" Species: Chiss Age: 33 Sex: Male Faction: None/Freelance Rank: N/A BIOGRAPHY Sreem'ik'kayat, core name Mikk, was born on the chiss capital world of Csilla in the unknown regions of the galaxy to commoner parents. Not born to any of the...
  2. Sterling Malory Archer


    Fascinating... Name: Sreem'ik'kayat A.K.A.: "Mikk" Species: Chiss Age: 33 Sex: Male Faction: None/Freelance Rank: N/A BIOGRAPHY Sreem'ik'kayat, core name Mikk, was born on the chiss capital world of Csilla in the unknown regions of the galaxy to commoner parents. Not born to any of the...
  3. Sterling Malory Archer

    Ma'hal Vel

    The Devil's in the Details:Name: Ma'hal Vel (Pronounced Muh-Hall) Age: 24 Species: Vahla Gender: Male Skin Tone: Pale Hair Color: Grey Eye Color: Silver Defining Marks: Red Tattoos on Mouth, Chin, and under eyes Faction: The Sith Brotherhood Rank: Sith Who am I? Personality: How to describe...
  4. Sterling Malory Archer

    Dust to Dust (Ask)

    Korriban. Ancient homeworld to the sith and those who followed their example... To most, no more than a dusty place to learn. However... To Pauru? This was home... More than home, this was opportunity. The young Acolyte strolled through the halls of the academy, sand colored cloak swishing...
  5. Sterling Malory Archer

    Training Day (Ask)

    The imperial academy. How long had it been since Orran had been there last? He had been away on missions more often than not lately... This was the first real recovery time he had been given in months. As he passed The newer recruits, the trooper offered them nods or, in the event of an officer...
  6. Sterling Malory Archer

    Pauru Kayne

    Pauru Kayne “The Storm” Attributes: Strength: ■■■■■■■■■■ Dexterity: ■■■■■■■■■■ Constitution: ■■■■■■■■■■ Intelligence: ■■■■■■■■■■ Wisdom: ■■■■■■■■■■ Charisma: ■■■■■■■■■■ Skills: Shii-cho: ■■■■■■■■■■ Shien/Djem-So...
  7. Sterling Malory Archer

    The War Games OOC

    Link Alright guys, thread's finally up. Sorry for the wait, I was dealing with work stuffs and was a bit under the weather. But it should be all cleared up. Post order will be: Instructors Then Participants as they see fit. Once combat begins, a solid post order will be...
  8. Sterling Malory Archer

    The War Games (Closed)

    The skies above Yavin IV rumbled as a pair of drop ships entered her atmosphere. Contained in each ship was a three man squad of stormtroopers from the 501st. Well, recruits to put a fine point on it. Recruits participating in the 501st's annual war games. This was just one small part of a...
  9. Sterling Malory Archer

    The First 501st War Games (Training Session Sign Ups and Information)

    Welcome one and all to the first ever 501st War Games! This is a new thing that I'm spearheading. If it goes well and gets a good following, more of these will come. The idea is that six recruits from the 501st will be doing a series of training missions on four different planets with four...
  10. Sterling Malory Archer

    Orann Hill

    Orann Hill IR-6240 Attributes: Strength: ■■■■■■■■■■ Dexterity: ■■■■■■■■■■ Constitution: ■■■■■■■■■■ Intelligence: ■■■■■■■■■■ Wisdom: ■■■■■■■■■■ Charisma: ■■■■■■■■■■ Skills: Marksmanship: ■■■■■■■■■■ Tactics...
  11. Sterling Malory Archer

    Your face here! (Also known as Looking For Master)

    Character: Xicar Rank: Padawan Seeking to Learn: Djem So in detail, General force use, General jedi Philosophy, Stealth and Persuasion. General Availability: Mornings/Evenings Eastern Standard Time Thats right people! Im looking for someone to be Xicar's master/mentor. This includes for...
  12. Sterling Malory Archer

    Fresh Air to Breathe (Open)

    Korriban. Birthplace of the sith and home to those who claim that spiritual heritage. To some, just a desert. To others... The sands of Korriban represented much more than their individual grains and harsh climate. No... Korriban was not just a rock. For it was alive. And Kilchii could feel...
  13. Sterling Malory Archer

    Kilchii Keme

    "My people were always born to be hunters. You? Our prey. Good Hunting..." Basic Information Name: Kilchii Keme Faction: Sith Rank: Acolyte Species: Togruta Age: 17 Gender: Male Height: 1.79 meters (Not including montrals) Weight: 60 kilograms Eyes: Dark Rust Orange...
  14. Sterling Malory Archer

    The Corellian Jewel

    Affiliation: Waste Rangers Ownership: Quinn Mcclaron Intent: Personal use on Waste Rangers Missions to get the rangers from point A to point B, and protect them and their cargo in transit Model: Cobbled together from parts of old YT-Series Freighters and Seinar Fleet Systems ships...
  15. Sterling Malory Archer


    "I used to wonder what brought me here. Now? Now I'm just happy to be alive." Name: Xicar (Pronounced Shē-Car) Gender: Male Species: Falleen Age: 24 standard years (Seems younger, due to Falleen biology. He seems to be a young teen) Eye color: Reptilian Blue Notable features: Hair is...
  16. Sterling Malory Archer

    The End is the Beginning

    Nar Shaddaa, the smuggler’s moon. Nowhere in the galaxy can you find more vices and debaucheries. Whatever twisted thing the mind can desire is yours for the taking if you only have the wherewithal to seize it. The teeming masses of the small planetoid were just about the best place to get lost...
  17. Sterling Malory Archer

    Never Tell a Corellian the Odds

    And endless desert with twin suns and all the vices the verse had to offer. To most, that was all that Tatooine had to offer. To an intrepid corellian Tatooine represented one hell of a business opportunity. A shuttle descended through the light blue atmosphere of the planet to land in the...
  18. Sterling Malory Archer

    Quinn Mcclaron

    Aiming to Misbehave Name: Quinn Mcclaron Age: 36 Species: Human Homeworld: Corellia Affiliation: The Waste Rangers Profession: Troublemaker Side Arm: SI600-R Heavy Blaster Pistol Ship: The Corellian Jewel Force Sensitive: No "I don't usually do this whole interview thing, but since you...
  19. Sterling Malory Archer

    Guess Whose back. Back again. Jaffa's Back. Tell a Friend!

    Thats right folks, Good old Jaffa is back (Hopefully for good) Well, thats what I thought last time too. But then I lost my job and generally had life spin me right round. Kind of like a record, baby. So, im scrapping all my pre TS chars and making a new guy for Post TS. Probably keeping it...
  20. Sterling Malory Archer

    To catch a Pirate

    Somewhere just on the edge of sith space, far from what he considered the civilized galaxy, Vale Karett sat in the command chair of his ship. The Red Sun maneuvered closer to the nearby hyperspace route and its sensors began actively pinging for any kind of signal. The location's position so...