Rank-Change Thread


Local Goober
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 10, 2021
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Dimetri Unduli
Character Profile Link: Dim
Character Age: 18
Current Rank: Paddy
Rank Seeking: Knight
Notable Deeds: Spent enough time as a Padawan and looking to begin his journey into Knighthood. Helped the Grandmaster defeat opposing forces on Ithor. Helped evacuate the wookiees on Khashyyk. Became trusting enough to have been implemented into the Diplomatic Core of the Jedi Order, and finally almost died defending the lives of many guards against a couple of Hormone Filled, Crazy, Sith Ladies.

Diplomatic Core
Aggressive Negotiations
Evacuation on Khashyyk
Waiting for Absolution


Local Goober
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jan 10, 2021
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Ajax Lawson
Character Profile Link: Link
Character Age: 28
Current Rank: Citizen
Rank Seeking: APEX Bounty Hunter

Just starting with this char figured I'd get him adjusted properly


SWRP Writer
Mar 21, 2018
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Lacerta
Character Profile Link: Lacerta
Character Age: N/A, though I suppose '1' works
Current Rank: Agent
Rank Seeking: Czerka Intelligence Agent (Or whatever you think fits best, I figured Czerka Corporate Counter-Intelligence Agent would be a tad too long :p. Czerka CI Agent maybe?)
Notable Deeds: None, just want the rank to reflect its employment with Imperial Czerka rather than ISB.


SWRP Writer
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
I have two as I'm adjusting to the time progression.

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Cyrian Vrax
Character Profile Link: Cyrian Vrax
Character Age: 38
Current Rank: Agent
Faction Change: Sith Soldier (or Rank 2 equivalent)
Rank Seeking: Enforcer
Notable Deeds:
- Attached to Mandalorian allies on Shu-Toran in a battle against pirates.
- Eliminated rebels on Raxus Secundus.

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Venthis Habrak
Character Profile Link: Venthis Habrak
Character Age: 43
Current Rank: Agent
Rank Seeking: Commander (If that is impossible I can work with Lieutenant if you don't think he's done enough)
Notable Deeds:
- Designed and constructed the defenses of Dathomir.
- Partook in the battle of Bybos and the crusade of Darth Stolis
- Battled pirates on the rim in service of the Empire
- Aided Darth Stolis coup against Darth Malicia. - Executed dissidents on his behalf.
- Oversaw occupation of New Alderaan and departure of refugees.

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Vako Yizok
Character Profile Link: Vako Yizok
Character Age: 45
Current Rank: Enforcer
Rank Seeking: Vanguard
Notable Deeds:
-Took Hutt Leadership Hostage During the Cymorah Takeover of Nar Shadda
- Escaped Sith custody and participated in the battle of Sullest on behalf of the Jedi
- Established a subversive spice route over Kessel
- Sold arms to Mandalorian Assassins.
- Sold arms to and advised Darth Caelestis at the start of his career
- Aided Galactic Rangers in eliminating a rival arms dealer
- Aided in the assassination of Gayazo the Hutt
- Liberated the slaves of a Hutt processing yard on Pabol Hutta.
- Eliminated leadership of labor unions on Sakiya during a labor strike
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SWRP Writer
Jul 27, 2022
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount link: @Vyr Zenos
Character Profile Link: Vyr Zenos
Character Age: 21
Current Rank: Citizen
Rank Seeking: Bounty Hunter

New character and I would like their rank/title to reflect their profession.


(not on discord)
May 29, 2015
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Perun
Character Profile Link: [CP]
Character Age: 28 → 32
Current Rank: Jedi Knight
Rank Seeking: Jedi Master/Lore Keeper
Notable Deeds:
Detailed threads summaries are available on the updated CP.


(not on discord)
May 29, 2015
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Zorya
Character Profile Link: [CP]
Character Age: 22 → 23
Current Rank: Sith Champion
Rank Seeking: Sith Master/Headmistress of the Umbara Sith Academy
Notable Deeds:
  • Completed the restoration of the Umbara Sith Academy [1] [2] [3] [4]
  • Started building up her own power base by taking over the HQ of Cybot Galactica on Etti IV [1] and assembling a personal squad of elite warriors [2]
  • Assisted @Thel Xeros in seizing control of the spice trade on Troiken [1]
  • Initiated the takeover of Celegia for the Sith Order [1]
Detailed threads summaries are available on the updated CP.
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Sith Faction Leader
SWRP Writer
Jun 16, 2021
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Zorya
Character Profile Link: [CP]
Character Age: 22 → 28
Current Rank: Sith Champion
Rank Seeking: Sith Master/Headmistress of the Umbara Sith Academy
Notable Deeds:
  • Completed the restoration of the Umbara Sith Academy [1] [2] [3] [4]
  • Started building up her own power base by taking over the HQ of Cybot Galactica on Etti IV [1] and assembling a personal squad of elite warriors [2]
  • Assisted @Thel Xeros in seizing control of the spice trade on Troiken [1]
  • Initiated the takeover of Celegia for the Sith Order [1]
Detailed threads summaries are available on the updated CP.


SWRP Writer
Jul 27, 2022
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount link: @Thel Xeros
Character Profile Link: Thel Xeros
Character Age: 34. Age one year to 35.
Current Rank: Sith Champion
Rank Seeking: Sith Master
Notable Deeds:
  • Took part in the raid to free Darth Tempest from the prison she was held in. [1]
  • Assisted Darth Tempest in obtaining an artefact on Excarga. [1]
  • Took part in reclaiming Fortress Vader on Mustafar. [1]
  • Established a connection with a spice running operation on Troiken and then led a coup to install Sith aligned leadership. [1] [2]
  • Helped establish Sith influence in Arakyd Industries. [1] [Mission Pack]
  • Assisted @Zorya with gaining influence in Cybot Galactica. [1]
  • Recovering the First Shard of Palpatine's Crown, which will be given to Darth Tempest. (Thread is nearing conclusion) [1]
  • Helping to eliminate threats to the Sith on Zeltros. (Thread is nearing conclusion) [1] [Mission Pack]
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The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Klepti Uutkik
Character Profile Link: Klepti Uutkik aka Lil Klepti
Character Age: 21 (Gonna age up)
Current Rank: SR
Rank Seeking: Celebrity/Rapper
Notable Deeds: Became a rapper as a Sector Ranger, then ranger activity died as did my muse. Trying to rekindle it.

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Dimetri Unduli
Character Profile Link: Dim
Character Age: 18
Current Rank: Paddy
Rank Seeking: Knight
Notable Deeds: Spent enough time as a Padawan and looking to begin his journey into Knighthood. Helped the Grandmaster defeat opposing forces on Ithor. Helped evacuate the wookiees on Khashyyk. Became trusting enough to have been implemented into the Diplomatic Core of the Jedi Order, and finally almost died defending the lives of many guards against a couple of Hormone Filled, Crazy, Sith Ladies.

Diplomatic Core
Aggressive Negotiations
Evacuation on Khashyyk
Waiting for Absolution

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Ajax Lawson
Character Profile Link: Link
Character Age: 28
Current Rank: Citizen
Rank Seeking: APEX Bounty Hunter

Just starting with this char figured I'd get him adjusted properly

All the above done!

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Lacerta
Character Profile Link: Lacerta
Character Age: N/A, though I suppose '1' works
Current Rank: Agent
Rank Seeking: Czerka Intelligence Agent (Or whatever you think fits best, I figured Czerka Corporate Counter-Intelligence Agent would be a tad too long :p. Czerka CI Agent maybe?)
Notable Deeds: None, just want the rank to reflect its employment with Imperial Czerka rather than ISB.

The subaccount shows as `Imperial Czerka Agent`. You can put the character's full job title in their subaccount's signature if you want.

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Venthis Habrak
Character Profile Link: Venthis Habrak
Character Age: 43
Current Rank: Agent
Rank Seeking: Commander (If that is impossible I can work with Lieutenant if you don't think he's done enough)
Notable Deeds: Built the defenses of Dathomir during the Sith-FWA war. Fought pirates and smugglers on Kessel, fought for Darth Stolas's crusade and the battle of Bybos, oversaw occupation of New Alderaan post invasion prior to the Sith-ISC war. Remained loyal to the Empire following the coup against the Sith.

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Vako Yizok
Character Profile Link: Vako Yizok
Character Age: 45
Current Rank: Enforcer
Rank Seeking: Vanguard
Notable Deeds: Fought against Preef Callo and delivered a Hutt rival in a quick betrayal. Escaped from Sith imprisonment during FWA alliance war with the Sith, aided the Jedi in battle against Sith forces on Sullest. Masterminded a slave compound takeover. Oversaw Blacksun weapons sales. Ruthlessly pirated in rim space during the chaos after the Sith Empire fell.

Since these two above are for applying for a rank up, links to all the completed roleplay threads where the notable needs happened are required.

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Cyrian Vrax
Character Profile Link: Cyrian Vrax
Character Age: 38
Current Rank: Agent
Faction Change: Independent - Listed as Imperial, but he is a Sith Loyalist
Rank Seeking: Enforcer
Notable Deeds: Served loyally on the battlefield for the Sith. Deserted the Empire and maintains loyalty as a tool of the Sith. Violently put down uprisings of those disloyal to the Sith. Evaded capture from Imperial authorities during the schism.

Just to make sure. This character is continuing to serve the Sith? In that case Sith Soldier would fit better than Indie enforcer? I'm also not sure if you are looking for a level/power/skill increase either. If you are then the deeds will need links to them. Disregard if this is just a simple faction change. Just let me know if it's only the faction change you are seeking.

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Armaj Branthom
Character Profile Link:
Character Age: 43
Current Rank: Agent
Rank Seeking: Senator for Dromund Kaas (Starting PC Rank for Diplomatic Corps)
Notable Deeds: Propagandist for the Sith Empire. Utilized political gains and assets to climb to position of Imperial Senator for Dromund Kaas.

Going by the Atlas. Dromund Kaas doesn't seem to be under imperial control (R-5)?
Character Name and Subaccount link: @Vyr Zenos
Character Profile Link: Vyr Zenos
Character Age: 21
Current Rank: Citizen
Rank Seeking: Bounty Hunter

New character and I would like their rank/title to reflect their profession.


Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Perun
Character Profile Link: [CP]
Character Age: 28 → 32
Current Rank: Jedi Knight
Rank Seeking: Jedi Master/Lore Keeper
Notable Deeds:
Detailed threads summaries are available on the updated CP.

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Zorya
Character Profile Link: [CP]
Character Age: 22 → 23
Current Rank: Sith Champion
Rank Seeking: Sith Master/Headmistress of the Umbara Sith Academy
Notable Deeds:
  • Completed the restoration of the Umbara Sith Academy [1] [2] [3] [4]
  • Started building up her own power base by taking over the HQ of Cybot Galactica on Etti IV [1] and assembling a personal squad of elite warriors [2]
  • Assisted @Thel Xeros in seizing control of the spice trade on Troiken [1]
  • Initiated the takeover of Celegia for the Sith Order [1]
Detailed threads summaries are available on the updated CP.

Character Name and Subaccount link: @Thel Xeros
Character Profile Link: Thel Xeros
Character Age: 34. Age one year to 35.
Current Rank: Sith Champion
Rank Seeking: Sith Master
Notable Deeds:
  • Took part in the raid to free Darth Tempest from the prison she was held in. [1]
  • Assisted Darth Tempest in obtaining an artefact on Excarga. [1]
  • Took part in reclaiming Fortress Vader on Mustafar. [1]
  • Established a connection with a spice running operation on Troiken and then led a coup to install Sith aligned leadership. [1] [2]
  • Helped establish Sith influence in Arakyd Industries. [1] [Mission Pack]
  • Assisted @Zorya with gaining influence in Cybot Galactica. [1]
  • Recovering the First Shard of Palpatine's Crown, which will be given to Darth Tempest. (Thread is nearing conclusion) [1]
  • Helping to eliminate threats to the Sith on Zeltros. (Thread is nearing conclusion) [1] [Mission Pack]


The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
Reaction score
I have two as I'm adjusting to the time progression.

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Cyrian Vrax
Character Profile Link: Cyrian Vrax
Character Age: 38
Current Rank: Agent
Faction Change: Sith Soldier (or Rank 2 equivalent)
Rank Seeking: Enforcer
Notable Deeds:
- Attached to Mandalorian allies on Shu-Toran in a battle against pirates.
- Eliminated rebels on Raxus Secundus.

Changing to Sith Soldier, but I am not approving Rank 2 based on just two threads, old ones at that. As you complete more threads, maintain activity .etc up to free free to apply again

Lt. is a starting rank for the Empire so I'm inclined to change that for you. But. 1 of threads almost caused an international accident with another power that the then-Empress had to cover them. And the rest of them were basically before the current Empire is formed. Threads from two years ago can't be applied.

So from the last application, I'm seeing some of these threads were already used for the character's promotion to Enforcer.
Rank 3 equivalent is a higher bar, to reach too. Also as said above, completing more, more recent threads and maintaining activity will be your best bet.

Unfortunately, I will have to decline the rank/level ups of the applications.


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Apr 18, 2015
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount link: @Dismas Zaa Fenn
Character Profile Link: Dismas
Character Age: 23
Current Rank: Citizen (default)
Rank Seeking: Astronavigator
Notable Deeds: Dismas (using his paternal surname of 'Dolan') has signed up as Astronavigator on the DECS Pathfinder.


Sith Faction Leader
SWRP Writer
Jun 16, 2021
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount link: @Ferrin Sipal
Character Profile Link: Ferrin Sipal
Character Age: 19.
Current Rank: Jedi Padawan
Rank Seeking: Jedi Knight
Notable Deeds:
-Participated in a mission to rescue a Jedi Diplomat and fought a Sith Master in the process. Link
-Helped to locate the remains of Starlight Beacon. Link
-Survived Raze. That counts for something, right? Link
-Is in the process of helping Perun to complete the Takodana Jedi Temple. (In Progress) Link.


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Jun 19, 2023
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount link: @Tol Menrilo
Character Profile Link: Dr. Tol Menrilo
Character Age: 20
Current Rank: Acolyte
Rank Seeking: Doctor

No deeds so far, this is a new character.
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Site Owner
Sith Order Faction Leader
May 3, 2010
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount link: @Dismas Zaa Fenn
Character Profile Link: Dismas
Character Age: 23
Current Rank: Citizen (default)
Rank Seeking: Astronavigator
Notable Deeds: Dismas (using his paternal surname of 'Dolan') has signed up as Astronavigator on the DECS Pathfinder.

Character Name and Subaccount link: @Ferrin Sipal
Character Profile Link: Ferrin Sipal
Character Age: 19.
Current Rank: Jedi Padawan
Rank Seeking: Jedi Knight
Notable Deeds:
-Participated in a mission to rescue a Jedi Diplomat and fought a Sith Master in the process. Link
-Helped to locate the remains of Starlight Beacon. Link
-Survived Raze. That counts for something, right? Link
-Is in the process of helping Perun to complete the Takodana Jedi Temple. (In Progress) Link.

Character Name and Subaccount link: @Tol Menrilo
Character Profile Link: Dr. Tol Menrilo
Character Age: 20
Current Rank: Acolyte
Rank Seeking: Doctor

No deeds so far, this is a new character.
All done!


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Maan Vizsla
Character Profile Link: link
Character Age: 22 years
Current Rank: Citizen
Rank Seeking: Apex Contractor
Current Level: 1
Level Seeking: 1
Notable Deeds: "Demagol" sliced and diced a bunch of Trandoshans for Nor'baal.

Fantasy Liver

SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount link: @Dusty Daytonus
Character Profile Link: https://www.thestarwarsrp.com/index.php?threads/dusty-daytonus.98052/
Character Age: 32
Current Rank: Governor of Ploo II
Rank Seeking: King Of The Ploo System
Notable Deeds: Among other political and Podracing thread, Dusty recently led a successful invasion against the only other dominant planet in the Ploo system, Ploo IV in the below thread.


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Naxa
Character Profile Link: N4-X4
Character Age: 69+ probably
Current Rank: M.C Head of Security
Rank Seeking: Hunter
Current Level: 2
Level Seeking: 2
Notable Deeds: Naxa has not been the head of MorataCorp's security for many years IC and OOC. Naxa already achieved the title of Hunter in the B.H.G. previously.

The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
Reaction score
Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Maan Vizsla
Character Profile Link: link
Character Age: 22 years
Current Rank: Citizen
Rank Seeking: Apex Contractor
Current Level: 1
Level Seeking: 1
Notable Deeds: "Demagol" sliced and diced a bunch of Trandoshans for Nor'baal.

Character Name and Subaccount link: @Dusty Daytonus
Character Profile Link: https://www.thestarwarsrp.com/index.php?threads/dusty-daytonus.98052/
Character Age: 32
Current Rank: Governor of Ploo II
Rank Seeking: King Of The Ploo System
Notable Deeds: Among other political and Podracing thread, Dusty recently led a successful invasion against the only other dominant planet in the Ploo system, Ploo IV in the below thread.

Character Name and Subaccount link: @Caleb of Spintir
Character Profile Link: https://thestarwarsrp.com/index.php?threads/caleb.104733/
Character Age: 15
Current Rank: Empire (Imperial Knight)
Rank Seeking: Imperial Squire
I clicked the wrong rank because I am dumb

Character Name and Subaccount Link: @Naxa
Character Profile Link: N4-X4
Character Age: 69+ probably
Current Rank: M.C Head of Security
Rank Seeking: Hunter
Current Level: 2
Level Seeking: 2
Notable Deeds: Naxa has not been the head of MorataCorp's security for many years IC and OOC. Naxa already achieved the title of Hunter in the B.H.G. previously.