lizziie's workshop && link directory


innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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.........[ ee - mah - ni ]...................
Imani Din
C h a m p i o n of the S i t h - E m p i r e
during the Force Eternal Timeline

Essential information

Imani Din is a 23-year-old tiefling champion in the Sith Empire. She is ???, weighs about ???, and is a trained force-sensitive.


Imani was born on Bandomeer and is the oldest of her four other siblings. The village she grew up in had a heavy Matukai influence, which additionally meant she spent a good portion of her youth practicing martial arts. Though her childhood was not bad by any means, Imani felt little connection to her home and longed to wander the stars. Shortly after her sixteenth birthday, the girl applied to the Korriban academy and said goodbye to her family. Though she has kept in contact with them, she found herself much too busy to visit.

Coming from a close-knit family of farmers, life at the academy was a tough transition for the good-natured Imani. It tested her in ways she had never expected, but when it came down to adapting or falling behind, she was able to get herself up and over those hurdles. After graduating with top marks, Imani has joined the Imperial Intelligence agency where she deals with the more diplomatic, political, and espionage-based fields of the Sith war machine.


Though originally an easy-going and altruistic girl, there are things that just don't survive the Sith academies. Compared to many of her classmates, Imani is sometimes considered soft for constantly keeping in touch with her family and having a good, interpersonal relationship with herself. In reality, though, she's tough as nails. The woman has gone through rigorous training to toughen her mind and sharpen her skills with the Force, and it really shines through when Imani gets down to business.


Matukai martial arts, Manipulation tactics, Intelligence, Force sorcery
Imani, despite her Matukai upbringing, leans heavily toward the Sith Inquisitor side of things. Her skills with a lightsaber are average, and she excels in areas of "Force sorcery." Though she's a trained martial artist and no pushover when things get violent, she excels where words and manipulation do most of the fighting. She's smart, too, having graduated top of her Korriban class.

Assets & gear

Single-bladed lightsaber (yellow)


✦ Enemies/hates | ✦ Dislikes | ✦ Acquaintances/neutral | ✦ Likes (platonic) | ✦ Friends | ✦ Respects | ✦ Likes (romantic)

Altair Din | younger brother
Two younger brothers, one younger sister


I n t e l l i g e n c e
1. thread​
2. thread​
3. thread​

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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
Reaction score


DESCRIBE YOUR ARMOR. Here is where you write out the text description of your armor. Who makes it? What was it designed for? What groups or species use it? What materials is it made out of? How expensive is it? Is it good stuff? Is it mass produced junk? Give us a feel for it.


A short sentence or two on how legal your armor is to possess and wear in different parts of the galaxy. Is it legal everywhere, restricted in some places, or illegal in most places? You can get away with a lot on Tatooine, but The Kingdom of Alderaan might frown on citizens walking around in heavily armed war suits.


WHY DO WE NEED THIS? WHAT IMPORTANT NICHE DOES IT FILL? If this is a new tech submission, this section needs to be very detailed and compelling- at least a couple sentences. This is one of the first things we look at when reviewing submissions, and if the only intent you have is "lol i wanna win mor" then we're just going to archive it. For generic tech, this section can be eliminated if you choose.

If any, explain what the relevant restrictions are. This could be anything from being restricted to faction use (like capital ships), NPC/PvE use only for certain overpowered weapons, limited to use during approved plots, only available via event rewards, or whatever else seems appropriate. If none, omit this section.

Type and Coverage

Type: Light/Medium/Heavy Armor

Coverage: (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)
  • Head: Describe coverage area
  • Torso: Describe coverage area
  • Back: Describe coverage area
  • Upper Arms: Describe coverage area
  • Lower Arms: Describe coverage area
  • Upper Legs: Describe coverage area
  • Lower Legs: Describe coverage area


Function 1: What function?
  • Describe the function, what it does, and what limitations it has. If you are creating a generic tech armor using preapproved function, copy the description of the function from the pre approved list.
Function 2: What Function?
  • Describe the function, what it does, and what limitations it has. If you are creating a generic tech armor using preapproved function, copy the description of the function from the pre approved list.
Function 3: What Function?
  • Describe the function, what it does, and what limitations it has.If you are creating a generic tech armor using preapproved function, copy the description of the function from the pre approved list.
Function 4: What Function?
  • Describe the function, what it does, and what limitations it has.If you are creating a generic tech armor using preapproved function, copy the description of the function from the pre approved list.
Function 5: What Function?
  • Describe the function, what it does, and what limitations it has.If you are creating a generic tech armor using preapproved function, copy the description of the function from the pre approved list.



innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
Reaction score


Taji Kryze

M a n d a l o r i a n - A r m o r e r
during the Force Eternal Timeline

Essential information
Taji Kryze, also known as T.K., is a 23-year-old Pantoran Mandalorian armorer who stands around 5'7" and weighs about 150lbs. She has blue skin, purple hair, golden eyes, and golden facial markings. She is not force-sensitive and is a part of the Clan Kryze.

Though Taji's clan is old, her family's presence within the clan is not. About four generations ago, Taji's great-great-grandparents were adopted into the Kryze clan for reasons and circumstances mostly unknown. Smithing has always been in Taji's family though, and that same craftsmanship runs in her blood.

Since she was old enough to pick up a hammer, Taji has been working in and around forges. She was even born on a mobile forge of sorts, which was dually her parent's ship and their home. The space-born girl knew nothing of deserts, weather, or the cries of wild animals until much later in her life. She knew of endless space sprinkled with stars, the heat and flame of a tended forge, the roar of starting engines, and the whine of hyperspace leaps. The young Pantoran knew of a nomadic lifestyle, of the Mandalorian culture she was born into, and the art of smithing.

So, Taji is what they call an armorer. She can take beskar, or any sort of material, and turn it into armor, weapons, etc. After her parents' ship was destroyed in an incident, they relocated to Kalevara where they settled into a small town. It took a few years to get their forge back up and running, and Taji was twenty by the time they were back to smithing.

Now, after Mandalore faced a choice from the Sith and chose to rally themselves under a new leader, Taji has a decision to make.


Taji can fight like any other Mandalorian, but her true skills (and her passion) lie in smithing. From a young age, Taji was taught how to turn beskar into armor and other materials into weapons. Though no master by any means, she is far from inexperienced.

As for other skills, Taji is a decent pilot. She speaks Basic, Mando'a, and Pantoran fluently. Perhaps thanks to having grown up on a ship that needed occasional maintenance, Taji has some amount of knowledge of mechanics as well.

Assets & gear
Armor: T.K.'s Beskar'gam
Primary: WESTAR-55 Heavy Blaster Pistol
Secondary: EE-3 Blaster Carbine
Melee: Vibroblade
Throwables: PL 50 Stun Gas Grenade (x3)

Ship: n/a

Utility Belt
Smithing hammer


F I R E - A N D - B E S K A R
1. thread​
2. thread​
3. thread​
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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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T.K.'s Beskar'gam

Although heavy armor is the preference for many Mandalorians- especially front line shock troopers- many Mandalorian Bounty Hunters and other loners make use of lighter armor that allows them more mobility and flexibility for completing their tasks, while still offering reliable protection and the intimidating presence of their signature t-visors. With the increasing rarity of pure Beskar, many Mandalorians have turned to lighter armor styles that allow them more flexibility and maneuverability to make up for their decreased defensive properties of inferior armor materials. Like all Mandalorian armor, every one of these suits is unique to their wearer, and the range of customization options is huge.


Mandalorian armor, though rare, is not illegal in most places. That said, wearing a full face helmet in public spaces is frowned upon, and often illegal in many core worlds, especially in or near government facilities- not to mention that many identification cards in various systems require a full face photo. This drives many strict adherents of "the way" to operate exclusively on the fringes of the galaxy.


Personal armor for Taji Kryze. Image is a temporary placeholder for now.


Armor can only be used by Taji Kryze.

Type and Coverage

Type: Medium Armor

Coverage: (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)
  • Head: A full-coverage duraplast helmet with transparisteel t-visor
  • Torso: Segmented beskar-alloy plating over bantha hide undersuit covering most of torso
  • Back: Solid beskar-alloy plating over bantha hide undersuit, covering upper back
  • Lower Arms: Duraplast gauntlets covering hands, wrists and forearms
  • Upper Legs: Duraplast plates for front and back thighs


Function 1: Vision Modes
  • This Allows a Helmet HUD to cycle to low-light OR thermal vision modes.
Function 2: Jetboots
  • Miniaturized jetpack technology, jetboots (also called "rocket boots") are essentially boots to which small jetpack thrusters have been attached. The wearer must activate/deactivate the thruster's modes via wrist-mounted controls. Like an average jetpack, jetboots permit a maximum speed of 35kph and can maintain this speed for two minutes of continuous flight (flight mode). In combat (mode), they can be used in short bursts to propel the wearer up to seven (7) meters. Jet boots are much smaller, lighter, and less vulnerable to attack and damage than jetpacks, but are also very difficult to utilize effectively, and wearers can be easily thrown off course.
Function 3: Mag-Boots
  • Magnetic boots contain electromagnets in the soles and allow for enhanced movement on ferrous surfaces in microgravity or steep gradients. This functionality must be turned on or off manually by a button or switch.
Function 4: Voice Scrambler
  • For the unusually paranoid, this helmet function can scramble a person's voice to unintelligible garbage, while allowing commlink conversations to continue as normal. Alternatively, it can be used to "digitize" a voice into a deep bass tone.
Function 5: Repulsor
  • Originally designed to counter combat with force sensitives, this tool is able to project a strong repulsor field replicating a Force push. It projects up 10 meters and its limited power cell only allows for 3 uses before it needed changing. The repulsor has significant recoil and the wielder must carefully brace themselves before use- both to ensure accuracy and to prevent the user from being knocked over themselves or having their arm torn from its socket.

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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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NAME: Poothaniel
AFFILIATION: Jedi Order, Jedi Knight
HEIGHT: 6'8"
WEIGHT: 450 lbs

B I O G R A P H Y:
Poothaniel was born on Coruscant and, in order to support his numerous siblings, turned to a life of crime. He was shit at it though, so he quickly ended up in prison. He was roughed and toughed up by the life, and eventually, he got good at one thing: being totally absolutely swole and kicking ass. Unfortunately, totally swole wermals just look a bit pudgy, though his height kept most of the bullies away.

It was during this time that his force sensitivity was discovered. He used it to orchestrate a breakout, though he was caught by a Jedi on the way out. The Jedi took pity on him and brought him back to the order in hopes that he could instead use this ability for good. He was only 14 when this occurred. Ever since then, he has been training as a Jedi. After years of training, he is now a Jedi Knight.

P E R S O N A L I T Y:
Fists go fast, brain go slow.

S K I L L S & A T T R I B U T E S:
Poothaniel has most, if not all, of the skills every Jedi Knight should have. He can fly, fight, and use the Force effectively. He is one of the few aspiring masters of Force-fueled flatulence and he is really good at rolling herb joints.

R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
- Pootalina
- Poottie
- Pootonia
- Pootina
- Pootleigh
- Pootimer
- Pootate
- Pootrew

G E A R:
- Single-bladed lightsaber (x2)
- Holocomm
- Jedi utility belt


innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
Reaction score


...............[ first ]...................[ last ]
First Last
R a n k of the F a c t i o n
during the Force Eternal Timeline

Essential information
Name, age, height, gender, etc. + rank description paragraph here.

bio here


personality here


skills here

Assets & gear

assets & gear here


X Enemies/hates | X Dislikes | X Acquaintances/neutral | X Likes (platonic) | X Friends | X Respects | X Likes (romantic)


T i t l e - H e r e

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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
Reaction score


Hanna D'Amaris
Serennian Noble during the Force Eternal Timeline

Essential information
Hanna is a human woman standing roughly 5'5" and weighing roughly 120lbs. She is not force-sensitive.

Married into the D'Amaris family from House Borgin through her marriage with Vincent D'Amaris. With him she had her only child, Noémie D'Amaris.

personality here

skills here

Assets & gear
assets & gear here

X Enemies/hates | X Dislikes | X Acquaintances/neutral | X Likes (platonic) | X Friends | X Respects | X Likes (romantic)


T i t l e - H e r e




innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
Reaction score


............................................................................ohz - demur
Arslan Özdemir
R E P R E S E N T A T I V E -of
O R S I M E R - P R I M E
during the Force Eternal Timeline

Essential information
Arslan Özdemir was an Orcolan male hailing from Orsimer Prime where he served as the planet's representative to the galaxy. He stood at a mighty 7'0", weighed somewhere around 400 lbs, and has a weightlifter type of build. Arslan had long black hair, green skin, and blue eyes. He is not force-sensitive.

Arslan was born in the Bozkir tribe of the Southern steppes. He grew up in a pretty large family, and he spent most of his youth traveling north and south with the changing seasons and migrating herds. After completing his coming-of-age trial (he had to best his father in hand-to-hand combat), he said goodbye to his family and made his way off to the unofficial capital to find something new in life.

It was there, while attending a school catering to older Orcolans coming to the city from rural regions, that he met his wife Zehra. After a few years of courtship the two married, and they currently have a seven-year-old daughter named Tulin.

Recently, Arslan was "elected" (see, chosen) to serve as the planet's representative to the galaxy by the council of men and women running the capital city. They cited his humor, good nature, and desire to do what's best for his people as reasons why he would be suited for the role. While those all fit to a degree, in reality, Arslan wanted the chance to show his daughter the galaxy. Traveling the galaxy would be a part of the job description, and this was the way for him to do that for her.

Arslan is good-natured, humorous, and loud. He's incredibly hard to be surprised by because he walks with a heavy step and generally makes his presence very known. He cares a lot for his wife and child and does his best to be both a good father and a good representative for his planet. Like many Orcolans, he seems to experience his emotions in the extreme, which means he can be a bit unpredictable at times.

Arslan grew up hunting with primitive firearms and is a good shot from long range even with rusty equipment. He's also built very well and has so far been undefeated in his arm-wrestling escapades. His political education is slim, but he has a knack for putting others at ease, which helped him to get to the position he is in today.

Assets & gear

Zehra | wife
Tulin | daughter

T i t l e - H e r e

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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
Reaction score


0W1-series Oranimal

Open Market.


Motion capture/recreational droid.

Legged, replusors.
Power Supply:
20-hr battery.

  • 2x Photoreceptor.
  • 2x Infrared sensor.
  • 2x Motion detector.
  • 1x Audio receptors.

0.46m in length.
0.31m in height.

Aluminum alloy, durasteel.

Tools and Equipment:
  • x2 motion capture cameras.
  • x1 audio recording device.
  • x1 Imagecaster.
  • x1 audio player/voicebox.

The OW1-series Oranimals are a series of owl-like droids produced by Orautomatons primarily for recreational use. They are modeled after an extinct species of barn owl and are designed to mimic some behavior of the avian creature, including head tilting, 270° range of motion for turning its head, and "scratching" its head with its talons. Despite being modeled after the barn owl, the OW1-series Oranimal is also available in a few other variations such as: the snowy, the great horned, and the spectacled OW1 variations. These variations are cosmetic changes only; all OW1-series Oranimals come with the same baseline features and with the same dimensions.

The intended use for the OW1-series Oranimal is recreational video recording. The droid is designed to be fast enough to keep up with even skimboard racers in order to make perspective capturing of fast-moving vehicles easier. It is equipped with two cameras with up to UHD 4K30 video recording, an integrated 20x optical zoom lens, and a night vision mode with reduced video quality. An Imagecaster is also installed in a small module behind the beak. The actual recordings are stored in high definition in a drive accessible by plugging into the side of the OW1's head, and the drive can hold up to 3 hours of high-quality recordings.

The droid's AI has been programmed to allow the droid to function as a "pet", in addition to the owl-like mannerisms. OW1-series Oranimals can communicate in Binary, but are also able to convey their thoughts with body language much like a real-life bird might.

Due to being made mostly of an aluminum alloy composition, the OW1-series Oranimal is fairly lightweight and easily portable. Additionally, if memory wipes are foregone, the AI will eventually develop a distinct personality.

The OW1-series Ornaimal is the first Oranimal series to be released by Orautomatons for market consumption.


To create an "Oranimal" droid for Orautomations, in addition to a pet-like droid for use by characters of any faction.

None, though the OW1-series droid is considered a novelty droid and is a bit pricey.

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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
Reaction score


.............................[ muh - low ]...........................[ duh - mar - iS ]
Malou D'Amaris
C h a m p i o n in the S i t h E m p i r e
during the Force Eternal Timeline

Essential information

Malou D'Amaris is a 19-year-old ½-Miralukan woman who is a member of the Great Serennian House D'Amaris, is a Champion of the Sith Empire, and is Lord Marshall of the Kingdom of Avillion. She stands at roughly 5'10", weighs a muscular 150lbs, and is never seen without decorative binding around her face.

♛ ♛ ♛​


Malou, the second child of Jacques and Aelis D'Amaris and granddaughter of the Count Mathis D’Amaris, was born into comfort and wealth. Her early childhood is a distant memory to her today, though she remembers bits of it fondly. Her father was often away, but her mother doted on her young daughter. Because her mother was Miralukan, there was initial uncertainty of whether Malou would be able to see, but to her father's delight, the child was born with working eyes. The older she got, however, the less and less her eyes worked. They regressed until Malou’s vision was very poor, and she could hardly discern much of anything that wasn't in her face. One of Malou’s fondest memories of her youth was her mother becoming elated when the young Malou began to describe the world around her through closed eyes.

Happiness did not last for her as her mother died during childbirth not long after Malou’s fifth birthday. After such a tragic event, Malou’s life was turned upside down. Her father remained busy and was even more distant after the death of his second wife. Her older half-brother Jerôme, nearly fifteen years older, was busy learning the ropes and helping in family affairs. Malou had only herself. After the death of her mother, her father also forbade her from continuing to use the Force, though he never said why. She continued to practice in secret but was unable to learn much on her own. From age seven to fourteen, her day-to-day activities consisted mostly of private tutoring, the hobbies she picked up, and an ample amount of reading time. As the granddaughter of the D'Amaris Count, Malou was far down the line of succession and thus had little to do with family affairs, especially as she was so young. Despite her poor eyesight, she was quite fond of reading and would spend many, many hours in the library with books. Her favorite readings were nonfiction, especially those to do with history or historic subjects. It was her solace in her daily boredom and loneliness.

Soon after she turned fifteen, news came to her family that the minor noble Wessex house experienced sudden inner turmoil. The head of the house changed to Artorigas Wessex, who also announced himself as Sith. Seeing this as an opportunity to escape her daily boredom, Malou begged her father for permission to write to Artorigas and ask him to take her as his apprentice. Her father, to her surprise, allowed her. So she wrote to him, asking just that of him. She, along with her family, attended a party hosted by the man where she ended up being taken in as his apprentice.

After that fateful day, Malou began her training under the head of House Wessex. In the beginning period of her three years as an acolyte under his eye, she assisted Artorgias in reclaiming Exegol for the Sith. When her master ascended to lordship (and later the council), she continued to help him establish his Sith Kingdom of Avillion and expand its borders. Shortly after conquering Rago, her master declared her training complete and she rose from acolyte to champion. After a short period of rest, she began to focus her attention on the Southern portions of the galaxy. She went on various missions but mostly focused on establishing connections among the Sith.

Things changed drastically for Malou after the death of her master.


Though she is known for being reserved and far from talkative, Malou has grown more confident in her words since completing her trials and becoming a Champion. Most notably, she gives more than one-word responses and will elaborate further as she pleases. Her dislike of being walked on remains the same though. Anyone who crosses her is unlikely to get an immediate response from her, but the girl is not above holding grudging. This being said and all things considered, Malou is generally pleasant and isn't all that hard to get along with. She carries herself with the grace and elegance of a Serennian noble often appearing stoic and aloof.


"Me, standing here in this castle—on this balcony—is my absolute refusal to be anything less than whatever I have the potential to be."
from Snowfall


Since the beginning of her training, Malou has been found to be a quick study. She's become proficient with the use of her twin sabers, able to utilize them effectively alongside the advantages that her innate Force Sight gives her. The Sight gives her incredible awareness of her surroundings, making it difficult to catch her off guard. She is quick on her feet, but her stamina is her greatest attribute in battle. Malou is capable and willing to push herself to her limits, which serves her well.

Due to her upbringing within the Great House of D'Amaris, Malou is accustomed to the culture of high society. She is fluent in both High Galactic and Basic and can understand written and spoken Miralukese. In addition, she is familiar with the ancient Sith language of Ur-Kittât.

Assets & gear

Armor: Armor of Darth Phobos
Weapons: Darth Senteur's lightsaber

Ship: TIE Hunter

Generic commlink
Modified datapad
D'Amaris family ring


♛ Enemies/hates
| ♛ Dislikes | ♛ Distrusts | ♛ Likes (platonic) | ♛ Friends | ♛ Respects | ♛ Trusts | ♛ Likes (romantic)
*Characters only listed if they've had a significant interaction or have significant meaning to Malou

Jacques D'Amaris | father
Jerôme D'Amaris | half-brother
Count Mathis D'Amaris | grandfather
Manon D'Amaris | cousin
& extended D'Amaris family
Artorgias Wessex | late master
Ashla Ti
Cairo Kisufi
Darth Dragur
Darth Veles
Ruzaan Kai
Senin Ravelo


Sponsored Mission Packs

1. Southern Stronghold

1. Becoming Sith | chronicles
2. Breathe in the Flames
Chapter One

3. Snowfall
4. Beyond Oblivion
5. Dusk Dismantled
6. Found Him in a Junk Pile
7. Dive Into the Unknown
8. Sembla Afternoons
9. Forest of Broken Things
10. A Kingdom Born
11. For Lack of a Better Activity
12. A Different Perspective
13. The Blood of the Covenant is Thicker . . . | chronicles
14. The Grave of Monsters and Innocents
15. We Are Very Aware That Shoplifting Is . . .
16. Rolé on the Beach
17. Zavus Turnyras: Round 2, Match 3
18. Our Demands | reaction
19. Cabal on Kabal
20. Annexing the Unannexable
21. Redemption Comes in the Form of Ash and Fire
22. A Hal'lowed Masquerade
23. You Have Broken Both My Legs, . . .
24. Apathy is the Last Virtue of a Dying Society | ongoing
25. Florn Ultimatum
Chapter Two

26. Tipoca Tapioca
27. Brunch
28. Teacher's Pets | ongoing
29. Talk Your Shit | ongoing
30. Between Friends and Foes
31. The Party Bus is Coming!
32. Something About a Man
33. The Other Side of Paradise | stalled
34. Brave the Blizzard | ongoing
35. One of Us | ongoing
36. Ploo Birds, One Stone | ongoing
37. Tales of Frogs and Shadows
38. Where There is Anger, There is Pain | stalled
39. A Black Throne
Chapter Three

40. Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light | chronicles
41. Delayed Introductions | ongoing
42. Those Who've Fallen | ongoing
43. One Step At a Time | ongoing
44. London Bridge is Falling Down
45. Ain't No Party Like a Sith Party
46. Pursuit For Redemption | ongoing
47. Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels . . . | ongoing



innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
Reaction score

Malou, the second child of Jacques and Aelis D'Amaris and granddaughter of the Count Mathis D’Amaris, was born into comfort and wealth. Her early childhood is a distant memory to her today, though she remembers bits of it fondly. Her father was often away, but her mother doted on her young daughter. Because her mother was Miralukan, there was initial uncertainty of whether Malou would be able to see, but to her father's delight, the child was born with working eyes. The older she got, however, the less and less her eyes worked. They regressed until Malou’s vision was very poor, and she could hardly discern much of anything that wasn't in her face. One of Malou’s fondest memories of her youth was her mother becoming elated when the young Malou began to describe the world around her through closed eyes.

Happiness did not last for her as her mother died during childbirth not long after Malou’s fifth birthday. After such a tragic event, Malou’s life was turned upside down. Her father remained busy and was even more distant after the death of his second wife. Her older half-brother Jerôme, nearly fifteen years older, was busy learning the ropes and helping in family affairs. Malou had only herself. After the death of her mother, her father also forbade her from continuing to use the Force, though he never said why. She continued to practice in secret but was unable to learn much on her own. From age seven to fourteen, her day-to-day activities consisted mostly of private tutoring, the hobbies she picked up, and an ample amount of reading time. As the granddaughter of the D'Amaris Count, Malou was far down the line of succession and thus had little to do with family affairs, especially as she was so young. Despite her poor eyesight, she was quite fond of reading and would spend many, many hours in the library with books. Her favorite readings were nonfiction, especially those to do with history or historic subjects. It was her solace in her daily boredom and loneliness.

Soon after she turned fifteen, news came to her family that the minor noble Wessex house experienced sudden inner turmoil. The head of the house changed to Artorigas Wessex, who also announced himself as Sith. Seeing this as an opportunity to escape her daily boredom, Malou begged her father for permission to write to Artorigas and ask him to take her as his apprentice. Her father, to her surprise, allowed her. So she wrote to him, asking just that of him. She, along with her family, attended a party hosted by the man where she ended up being taken in as his apprentice.

After that fateful day, Malou began her training under the head of House Wessex. In the beginning period of her three years as an acolyte under his eye, she assisted Artorgias in reclaiming Exegol for the Sith. When her master ascended to lordship (and later the council), she continued to help him establish his Sith Kingdom of Avillion and expand its borders. Shortly after conquering Rago, her master declared her training complete and she rose from acolyte to champion. After a short period of rest, she began to focus her attention on the Southern portions of the galaxy. She went on various missions but mostly focused on establishing connections among the Sith.

Things changed drastically for Malou after the death of her master.
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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
Reaction score

N i j o l e (\nEE - jhOHl\)​

the f a i l e d Cadre Experiment
during the Force Eternal Timeline

Essential information

Nijole Kratochvilova is a 14-year-old, Iridonian Zabrak acolyte in the Sith Empire. She is 5'2", weighs ?? lbs, and ...


Nijole's origins are unknown. It is most likely that she was stolen and ripped away from her home as an infant, never to be seen again by her family. Her earliest memories were of sterile gray ceilings and dark, red-hued corridors, and the child knew only of cold, uncaring overseers and structured repetitive days. She was brought to a fairly small Cadre station located in dead space, given the identification of "0111", and referred to as such for the first several years of her life until she earned her name.

The Cadre is infamous for its brutal program designed to create loyal soldiers for the Sith, but its cruelty goes deeper than just that. Nijole was one of the first to be "enrolled" in a small, experimental group of about six others. Nijole was kept separate from the other Cadre students at her facility and forced to undergo Dark Side rituals day in and day out for the first ten-some years of her life. These rituals took advantage of her young, developing brain to mold her into her overseers' desired form. Nijole's only interaction with others outside of this program came on the rare occasion which she and the others were pit against the regular students, forced to fight and compete against them to determine whether the experiments were succeeding in their purpose or not.

After so many years, Nijole remained only one of two children remaining in the program. The other was a Twi'lek girl Nijole knew as Colette, and the two became close as a result. The other children had either died in the experimentations, unable to bear the effects of the Dark Side sorcery, or they were struck down by the regular Cadre students. Nijole discovered what it meant to be happy, even if it just came from letting Colette braid her hair or eating their dinners together. They hid their friendship from their overseers, regarding each other with cold indifference whenever eyes fell on them like they knew what would happen if they were found out.

That time came for the monthly fights, Nijole and Colette were brought to the same room they always went to when their overseers wanted to test them against the regular students. They were told they were going to complete their last test, which both excited and made nervous the two of them. Rather than be put in the arena with a stranger as they were used to, they were put together and told to kill the other while the other students watched.

The goal of the experiments was to strip the children of all emotion through relentless exposure to the Dark Side, leaving only the empty hatred of it, without having to put them through the same rigorous regiments as the regular students. They would spend days immobilized in the midst of Dark Side sorcerers, alchemists, and inquisitors, forced to absorb the pain, pressure, and hunger of the Dark Side rather than receive the beatings and punishments of the others. They weren't supposed to feel any amount of emotion, especially guilt.

When Nijole and Colette fought, their friendship was forgotten the moment they were told to step into the ring. Their strikes were unforgiving, and by the end, both were covered in their own blood and sweat. Nijole came out on top and struck the final blow, severing Colette's head from her shoulders. The students watching cheered for her, but watching her Twi'lek friend's head roll off the platform broke something in Nijole. The Zabrak broke down in tears, unable to control herself. She'd killed the only person she'd ever learned to care about. The overseers drug her off, disgusted that so many years had been wasted on a failed student.

Nijole wasn't sure what was going to happen to her, but she never got to find out. The regular students revolted against their masters, and Nijole took advantage of the chaos to escape. She only got so far before she was picked up by Free Worlds Sector Rangers who recognized the ship's Sith design. They subdued Nijole, then placed her in custody. She was only thirteen at the time.


personality here


skills here

Assets & gear

assets & gear here


X Enemies/hates | X Dislikes | X Acquaintances/neutral | X Likes (platonic) | X Friends | X Respects | X Likes (romantic)



T i t l e - H e r e
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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
Reaction score

.................(\or - ruh\)​..........................(\trey - yl\)​
O r a -T r e l
F o u n d e r of O r a u t o m a t o n s
during the Force Eternal Timeline[/FONT]

Essential information

Ora Trel is a 19-year-old Nautolan inventor and founder of Orautomatons. She stands 5'0'' (1.5m) tall, weighs 100lbs (50kg), and has an average build. She is not force-sensitive. Currently, Ora is based on Coruscant and can be contacted for commissions.

Ora was born on Coruscant to second-generation immigrant parents. Though not necessarily poor, Ora's parents were only tentatively middle-class. School was a chore for Ora, and her grades reflected that. C's were pretty much a standard for the Nautolan girl and almost always a result of neglected homework and class attendance. The only reason she kept them there was so she could maintain the minimum GPA needed for her to participate in extracurricular activities, specifically the school's robotics club.

Ora was obsessed with robotics. She joined the club on a whim, and fell completely in love with everything about them, from the engineering and the programming, to the design and building of them. After finishing high school, Ora began to pursue robotics as a career full-time. She founded Orautomatons and secured a warehouse on Coruscant with a loan to begin productions.


Robotics & engineering. Ora's passion for robotics has led to a handy skill in both that and engineering. Though not necessarily "book smart", she works well with mechanical parts and finds a lot of it intuitive.

Reflexes. Ora has incredibly fast reflexes and is sensitive to any sort of movement. This helps her out in some situations, but it often leads to her flinching at the tiniest unexpected movement.

Assets & gear

Warehouse. Main production space for Orautomatons on Coruscant. Contains mostly storage and workspace.

Heatbeam pistol

P.A.R. "Personal Assitant Robot"


"Mom", "Dad" | parents

1. be the first !!
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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
Reaction score


Oratomatons is a Coruscanti robotics company that specializes in custom-built, personal robots modeled after popular animals found across the galaxy. It was founded by Ora Trel immediately after she finished secondary school and got its start in a small, dusty warehouse where Ora builds, sells, and repairs her "Oranimal droids." Currently, most of its sales are for custom builds.
  • Oranimals.

    Custom commissions avaliable.

  • CEO/Founder. @Ora Trel

    Employees. None.

  • Warehouse. A small warehouse located on one of Coruscant's mid-levels with storage and workspace.
  • Orautomations was formed around 148 ABY by Ora Trel after finishing college. She obtained a small loan to purchase a small warehouse on one of Coruscant's mid-levels. The warehouse became the base of operations for the to-be company, and over the course of a few months, Ora began to accumulate supplies bit-by-bit with money from robotic commissions. After a few more months, she founded the business and is now looking to expand.

  • 1. None

Intent. To create a write up for a business owned by my character @Ora Trel
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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
Reaction score

Darth Myslec's
H o l o c r o n


Darth Myslec, one of the seven members of the Consiliul de Sapte, was known for her lust for knowledge during her time on the council. Little else is known about her personal life, but she was infamous for conducting numerous, cruel experiments on force-sensitive Anselmi brought to her by the war-mongering Darth Malamo. After the council began to fall apart, Darth Myslec disappeared off to an unknown location and left behind empty laboratories, rendering the results of her work a mystery.

Several efforts have been made to find and retrieve Darth Myslec's holocrons, but for millennia, neither them nor her final resting place was able to be found. Finally though, one of the holocrons was found by Veles and unlocked by Malou D'Amaris, and the knowledge inside was used to create an antiote for the Wildfire drug known as Firebane. The holocron itself was left in the possession of D'Amaris.

Like most Sith holocrons, this one is shaped like a pyramid and both red and black in color. Notably, it is quite simple in design.

The holocron contains results of some of Darth Myslec's experiments, notes on the other members of the Consiliul de Sapte, and additional related information.

To create a artifact write up for the holocron found by Veles and Malou in this thread and to expand on lore relating to the Consiliul de Sapte.
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innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
Reaction score

W i l h e l m i n a​

Billie” Bonheur

a luxury fashion designer & philanthropist
during the Force Eternal Timeline

Essential information

Wilhelmina Bonheur, publicly known as Billie Bonheur, is a Sephi woman of 6'7" and 172 lbs. She is the founder and face of the House of Bonheur, a luxury fashion brand based on Coruscant, and is known for her impeccable skills.

Billie began her brand on Coruscant around 130 ABY, and within a few years, the fashion house became a well-known name within Corsucanti fashion circles. It wasn't much longer than a few years before the name was known to the elite throughout the galaxy. Her brand, Bonheur, catered to the wealthy, nobility, famous figures, and other noteworthy clientele. Despite the fame of the fashion house, little is known about Billie herself, leaving the public to wonder who the quiet woman was behind pleasant smiles.

The woman actually had a fairly unremarkable childhood. Billie was adopted and raised by a wealthy family situated high on Coruscant's surface level, and she received a top-of-the-shelf education. Eventually, Billie's parents were able to conceive a child of their own, and she was more or less put on the back burner in favor of the newborn. Though it was an unfortunate thing to do, Billie wasn't particularly upset about this and responded by moving out and getting on with her life. Her talents landed her an internship with one of Coruscant's already existing fashion houses, and after so many years, she left it to create her own.

Nowadays, Billie's brand caters to the upper class, and she operates in exclusive circles. Not everyone can wear Bonheur; it is a privilege afforded only to the influential and wealthy.


Billie has a calm disposition, often quiet and often the wallflower of the room. She has the look of a woman lost in her own world; her face never betrays her true emotions. If not for the parties and events she was expected to attend, Billie would probably spend all her time in her studio alone. Despite this apparent shyness, once Billie is brought into the conversation she comes to life. She has a hushed voice, but she is fairly easy to conversate with if her interest is peaked. She loves talking about her work, so her clients get a very different Billie. She is very passionate about her work and she loves transforming her customer's requests into fashionable, one-of-a-kind garments for them to wear. But, in true Sephi fashion, Billie is not very expressive, which can make her seem both standoffish and hard to read.

Billie is also incredibly secretive. She does not like to reveal anything about herself or her past that is not necessary to know. This air of mystery is both important to her for keeping her privacy, as well as continuing the mystery of her brand.


Billie's primary and most notable skill is her sewing ability. Unknown to anyone other than herself and one other, Billie sews via the Force, using the tiniest movements to push the needle in and out. This is the extent of her ability with the Force, but not of them in general. She is an artist and a good one at that. The woman has an eye for color, pattern, and shape that did more to put her ahead than her unique way of sewing ever did.
Assets & gear

Penthouse on Coruscant
Silk gloves (x?)


▼ Dislikes | ▷ Neutral | ◁ Client | ▲ Likes | ■ Friend

■ Cara Maison | butler
▲ Aliss Pressel | secretary
◁▲ Prissca Kersin
◁▷ Flauki Ubbeson
◁▷ Galek Ordalos


H O U S E of B O N H E U R
1. A Quiet Night in the Studio | chronicles
2. A Client of High Prestige
3. Best Suited for the Task
4. Dressed for the Occasion
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